Scottland Scams USA

Do you like Scotch? If you do pour a drink before you read this one. The information comes from Judge Anna Von Reitz.

Anna mentions in this Facebook post that a Scottish Commercial Corporation called itself “The United States of America, Incorporated” and started impersonating us. Check it out.

Does this make it apparent that we need to stand up, be involved to protect our true constitution and America. has read many of Anna Von Reitz opinions. She has a very interesting delivery of what appears to be great research. We have not met her nor spoke with her. There are those who say Anna Von Reitz was never a judge but rather involved with the CIA. We just don’t know.

What we do know is she brings an interesting bailiwick of information. We hope what we post on stimulates and motivates you all to look into the information shared.

We are very serious about this. We all must grow.

Think for yourself. Stand up and don’t let America’s Declaration of Independence, Constitution or Bill of Rights be taken lightly. We all need to stand up for the Constitution, ourselves, our families, include your kids and your parents because we Constitutional Americans have a very strong burning desire deep inside us to have all God’s blessings in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as well as the Declaration of Independence.

What great stuff to explore through with your entire family. Kids too. It’s better than any mystery novel. Embrace your Declaration of Independence, your Constitution, and your Bill of Rights.

Just ask yourself if you don’t like your mother and father telling you what to do, do you want the government and the NWO telling you what to do?

God Bless America

Where Do We Want To Live

In the original Broadway production, “Somewhere” was sung by Reri Grist who played the role of Consuelo. At the end of the show, when Tony is shot, Maria sings the first few lines of the song as he dies in her arms. In late 1957, this recording was released on the album West Side Story

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir sings the song.

Stand Up America, protect the Constitution and our Bill of Rights with the power and the elevated vibrational frequencies of love and commitment to a better Constitutional America. Thank you to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir for sharing your love.

Don’t let anyone tell you that you are not allowed to sing. They are trying to quiet you. They are trying to quiet America’s voice. Hope you re-play this song and sing along with it. Please share this blog and our website with your friends.

Vibration of Freedom

Science has proven that the universe is energy and it operates on vibration. America as a country was vibrating at the speed of freedom for many years. We started out as a group of individuals escaping an oppressive king. We had much drive and momentum to vibrate freedom and keep it that way. Many people lost their lives fighting to set us free.

Through the years America has provided a fabulous opportunity for many to come out of oppression and rise above through capitalism and those brave enough to walk the path with faith as an entrepreneur.

Those attempting to build a country through capitalism as with those walking the path of an entrepreneur are risk-takers. Life is a risk. Ask any insurance company. In the game of baseball to be in the Hall of Fame, you need a 300 batting average that’s 3 out of 10 times in the batter’s box, and you are considered great. That also means you struck out 7 times. Vince Lombardi, Hall of Fame Green Bay Packers coach said,

Not everyone has that kind of drive and persistence to be qualified as a Hall of Famer or an entrepreneur. It’s rough.

For those people, there are other ways that fit their personalities to become successful in their own right. To be the best car detailer, to be the best teacher, to be the best police officer, to be the best mother and or father. We all have our gifts. We need to do so many different things to be the best at whatever moves our spirit in a positive God-filled Constitutional fashion.

Those people who have embraced the American dream to use freedom to their advantage have vibrated at a higher vibration. However not everyone in America gets to experience this high vibration because they have been taught to run at a low vibration.

Over the course of the years, we have made large strides to correct our wrongs and improve the quality of life for as many as we could. Regardless of our efforts, our country has been an illusion of freedom. Since the beginning, it has meant freedom for some but not all. America’s freedom was infected with a sickness that affected equality for the minority.

America has been on a very long trip toward freedom with the illusion that we already had it. A paradigm shift has brought to surface many of the infections within our society; poor healthcare, race, gender, poverty, corruption, etc.

A woman who worked for over 40 years at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota was asked what’s the one thing she’s noticed by being at the Mayo Clinic for over 40 years. Her reply was, ” People spend their health to get wealth. Then they spend their wealth to get health.” The vibrations that we live in and with vary over one’s lifetime. Remember as Vince Lombardi says,

“It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.” 

Vince Lombardi, Hall of Fame Green Bay Packers Coach

The victor runs at a high vibration. The victim runs at a low vibration. People can learn to run at a high vibration. However, if they stay at a low vibration it negatively affects a person’s immune system and overall quality of life.

The article “Frequency Vibrations to Combat CORONAVIRUS” By Swaagatika Sahoo Posted on March 30, 2020 said, ” We all know that we vibrate energetically at a particular frequency. The lower the frequency, the denser your energy, and the heavier your problems seem.”

Some of America was not vibrating at the high vibration of freedom. The lower vibrational frequencies of some in America made America vulnerable then along comes a virus. The Coronavirus that restricts the airflow and the blood flow of a victim.

This virus has not only restricted our health but also our freedom. True liberty, freedom, requires us to believe in freedom during a crisis and not drop our vibrational frequencies by ill thinking.

This virus stopped America in its tracks, altered the citizen’s lifestyles, and put all of us on the same playing field some with high vibrational output versus those with a low vibrational frequency. Like a coach who pulls the players in together to encourage us to up our game which really means play at a higher vibrational frequency, the article mentions mentioned those who have low vibrations have a higher chance of getting affected by the virus. Your body will be vibrating in low vibrations in the following situations pain, fear, resentment, irritation, fury, anger, pride, abandonment, superiority all lower the vibrational level of your life. They all restrict your freedoms and your immune system.

It is best to get yourself into higher vibrational frequencies in order to avoid the virus known as COVID. When your energy is at this higher level you will feel lighter “in your physical, emotional, and mental bodies. You can experience greater personal power, clarity, peace, love, joy, etc. You feel little discomfort or pain in your physical body where your emotions can be easily dealt with. Your energy is literally full of light. Your life flows with synchronicity. Ultimately, you manifest what you desire with ease and your life takes on a positive quality.”

This higher vibration is exactly what freedom feels like. We know what this freedom feels like in America, but not all Americans feel this vibration. It is time to raise the vibration of all Americans to this higher level of vibration so the virus that is attacking America can be destroyed.

We will either deal with this virus in our country and correct it or we will lose the life we once had. The vibrational energy of the illusion of freedom is a low vibration. The vibrational energy of true freedom is a higher vibration. It will take an effort of those in America to rise above the illusion and form the more perfect union the forefathers dreamed about.

Vibrationally love with your higher heart, live in your higher mind. We all need to learn to find our own Hall of Fame.

Better Get It Straight

It’s music time. Yipie I love music class. Hope you do too. This 1968 release from Eric Burdon and the Animals is called White Houses. The chorus line is Better get it straight. After today’s blogs the song should have special meaning to you.

Protect your kids. Protect yourself. Protect your parents. Protect your family. Protect the Constitution and protect America. God bless America.

Enjoy the music.

Who’s Your Daddy?

Does P stand for Poppa?

Has wearing a mask turned your brain to mush? Is your brain foggy? Are you on the verge of being brain dead? Stand up America. Letters in the alphabet have new meaning. Take the alphabet people for instance. By now most of you know what LGBTQ stands for. But what they are slowly leaking out is that they have added a new letter to the lineup… P. Now it’s LGBTQP. The P stands for pedophile. Yep that’s right. So if you think about all the hyper sensitivity toward so many thing like Black Lives Matter, Xenophobe, Homophobe well wake up.

Not talking woke up. Wake up and stand up.!! Homophobe? If a couple of guys want to jump on each other cause they think it’s a salad bar hopefully it is between two consenting adults. If two girls wanna be scissor sisters and they are consenting adults well, let’s move on and get back to this homophobe alphabet person thing. They are making a move on your children by introducing the letter P to their alphabet symbolic nature. LGBTQ and P pedophile.

At a recent Ted Talks, they come out of the closet about the P word. Be careful if they want you to leave your kids alone at school without you, volunteers, or the police being allowed in the school.

Take your mask/face covering off and get some oxygen. There is a P word floating around and you better pay attention. Hopefully, you won’t be someone who says, “Who’s your daddy?”

Could this be one of the reasons to defund the police department?

Stand up America your kid’s ass is on the line.

L G B T Q & P

Stand up America.

Ted Talks is not your friend.

Read The Label On This Box

Repeatedly read the label on this box.

Feeling duped yet?

Feeling lied to yet?

Does it smell like the stable needs cleaned out yet?

Do we need to refer you back to the blog 07/12/2020 regarding Ted the terrible Turner and the plan to decrease the population by 95%?

Is the 1776 Constitution and your Bill of Rights getting more important to you yet?

Do you still want to do what the criminals in Washington DC, the UN, and the NWO wants you to do?

Look at your kids. If you don’t love yourself, do you love your kids?

Do you love either of your parents?

Read the warning label on the box. Don’t do what these criminals are trying to get you to do.

Along time ago you used to have a functioning brain. Shake the cobwebs out of you brain. Read what is on the box again.

Stand up America. You don’t have to let our country run down hill to your grave.

Do You Really Want To Be Tested?

If you read and watched the blog post 07/12/2020 of Ted the Terrible Turner you now know the Cabal’s/NWO’s plan to reduce the world’s population by 95%. Could the COVID, the testing for, and the vaccine’s for the COVID virus be part of the plan to reduce pop by 95%? This blog seems to indicate exactly the elimination of many people. After reading this blog ask yourself if you took the test or know of others who have taken the test if they experienced anything similar during and after their COVID virus test.

There is something very fishy about all relating to the supposed COVID virus, the testing for, and the vaccine of and for the COVID virus. When Hydroxychloroquine has been proven to be safe and effective but those involved in the anti-constitutional American movement want unknown not sufficiently tested vaccines to be used, you must ask yourself WTF is up. We hope you speak up with your thoughts/feelings pertaining to all we are bringing up; please leave your contributions to the Constitution Mobile by sending it to

We are serious. This is serious. We hope you are too.

Ted the Terrible Turner

Why i s Ted Turner so terrible, you ask?

Ted Turner has been heard saying “95% of you are going to have to die”.

He is involved in a group of global elites that have a strong belief that there are too many of us here and in order for maintain proper balance with the earth then we need to reduce our population drastically.

Here is a video of the testimony of an eye witness of Ted’s shocking statement.

According to Wikipedia “In June 1979, a man using the pseudonym Robert C. Christian approached the Elberton Granite Finishing Company on behalf of “a small group of loyal Americans”, and commissioned the structure. Christian explained that the stones would function as a compass, calendar, and clock, and should be capable of withstanding catastrophic events. Joe Fendley of Elberton Granite assumed that Christian was “a nut” and attempted to discourage him by giving a quote several times higher than any project the company had taken, explaining that the Guidestones would require additional tools and consultants. Christian accepted the quote. When arranging payment, Christian explained that he represented a group which had been planning the Guidestones for 20 years, and which intended to remain anonymous”.

If the Georgia Guidestones are any indication of what the New World Order plans are for us, see what is inscribed.

 The ten Guiding Thoughts are:











For the most part, it sounds good, but notice the very first commandment.

How many people are allowed on the earth? 500 Million.

How many people are on the earth right now? 7.8 Billion

That means 7.3 Billion people have to die.

Now who gets in this selection of elect that get to live?

How Constitutional is that? Is everyone allowed Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness or just a select few.

You may say, oh that’s just a conspiracy. Nobody is ever going to make the Georgia Guidestones a policy.

Listen to this:

Did you notice how easily he explains away the logic of the number of population? Think for yourself logically. Is he full of BS?

These are the plans they have for you.

And they have been working at their plan for years.

Garbage Education

You ask, what is garbage education? Here is an example. Read on.

If You Love Anti-American Riots, Thank Our Universities

Rioters who hate America are not an accident; they are the fruition of decades of ideological indoctrination at our universities. While Marxism was increasingly repudiated around the world by countries that had suffered and failed under communist rule, professors in Western universities enthusiastically took up the destructive system, breathing life into its rotting corpse.

Many professors arriving in universities in the 1970s and 1980s grew up in or inherited the counterculture of the 1960s. Those who got high, dropped out, and then failed at subsistence farming dropped back into academia and decided never to leave. But their revolutionary fervor would not be lost; rather, it would reshape academia into its own image. Two of my colleagues—yes, I could name names—in the small anthropology department in which I taught for fifty years declared proudly that they were communists. Two others preferred to call themselves Marxists. One colleague in political science was a rabid enthusiast for communist Albania, until it fell, and then became the champion of communist North Korea. Later, most social scientists and humanities teachers adopted “postcolonial theory,” a Marxist-Leninist view that all of the evil in the world, from the days of Adam and Eve up to today, was entirely the result of Western colonialism.

Marxists, communists, and their fellow travelers never could sell the bourgeois vs. proletariat class conflict to Americans or Canadians, all of whom preferred to think of themselves as middle-class. But when the socialists added identity politics to class conflict, they hit pay-dirt, pure gold! The conflict was no longer between economic classes, but between gender classes, racial classes, and sexuality classes. The Marxist class conflict model proved perfect for feminists, racial activists, and sexuality activists to claim victimhood status and to denounce their alleged opponents as ruthless oppressors. And so was born the “patriarchy” crushing innocent females, “white supremacists” murdering harmless people of color, and “heteronormal” dictators forcing gays, lesbians, and transgenders into locked closets.

These new identity Marxists were quickly indulged within departments of women’s studies and feminist & gender studies; departments of black studies, Hispanic studies, and ethnic studies; and departments of queer studies and transgender studies. The mandate of these departments was propaganda and indoctrination on behalf of the favored sex, race, or sexuality. Aided by nihilistic, postmodern epistemology, the belief in truth and the academic search for truth were thrown out and replaced with identity-based “knowledge,” because “each person has her own truth.” Alleged experience and emotion now trump research, evidence, and logic.

A series of identity Marxist lies became the center of teaching and publication in the social sciences and humanities. Let us begin with the fourth-wave feminist lie that North Americans live in a “rape culture.” Feminists in anthropology and other fields taught their students that they live in a rape culture, and the students absorbed it as if it were mother’s milk. You might have thought that anthropologists have some idea what a culture is, but apparently feministanthropologists, which means just about all anthropologists, seem to have fallen into ideologically induced amnesia. Let us remind ourselves what culture is: culture is a set of conventional beliefs, values, and practices. To say that we have a “rape culture” would mean that we believe rape to be a good thing, that we teach our children to rape, and we reward rape, just as we regard reading as a good thing, teach our children to read, and reward success at reading (or at least used to). But we do not regard rape as a good thing, do not teach our children to rape, and do not reward rape, but rather punish it. So this feminist assertion is an outright lie. This is not rocket science, but feminist professors ignored our cultural reality in order to scare impressionable young women, who were becoming lax now that most feminist goals had been achieved, back into the security of the feminist camp.

The black studies lie, publicized with great effect by Black Lives Matter, is that black men are murdered every day by police, and that no black boy on the way to school or black man driving to work is safe from being murdered. If one is even slightly interested in facts and evidence, then it is clear that there is no empirical basis to this statement. There are around forty million African Americans, of which around twenty million are male. There are around fifty million contacts between police annually. In 2019, 1,004 individuals were killed by police using lethal force. Of those killed, 158 were black. Of those 158, all but ten were armed, but of those ten, six attacked the police. But even if we count the unarmed counterfactually as non-threatening, the percentage of unarmed male blacks killed is .00005% of all black males.

Sadly, many blacks were murdered, but not by police: in 2018, 2,925 African Americans were murdered; 2,600, or 89%, were murdered by other African Americans. By comparison to deaths in encounters with police, in 2006, 2,704 blacks were killed in auto accidents. In 2018, 6,088 African Americans died of opioid overdoses. The facts could not be clearer: the miniscule risk of death that African Americans face from police was far exceeded by the much greater dangers of being murdered by other African Americans, by being killed in a car accident, or by drug overdose. This does not excuse any unjust police killing, and citizens of any race must be treated fairly by police. Any policeman who unjustly kills a citizen must be held accountable. But the racist exaggeration of the threat to African Americans by police is dishonest and destructive. In the latest survey about public safety, 67% of African Americans said that they were afraid that the criticism of police would lead to a shortage of law enforcement and reduce public safety in their community.

Just as feminists have claimed that gender has nothing to do with biology and everything to do with socialization to societal norms, so too LGB, and especially T (transgenders), claim that they are victims of oppressive, “heterosexist” norms, that they have a right to be whatever they say they are, and that other people must obey instructions about their identity. These folks might not like it, but biology is inherent to their lives, and they cannot escape it. Across all cultures, women’s brains, skills, and preferences are different from men’s. Males have been built with XY genes, and females with XX. While men can take on whatever identity they desire, and may demand chemical and surgical adjustments, they will always be XY and can never be women; women can dress and act like men, but they will always be XX and can never be men. It is a lie to claim that identity can trump biological reality. Much pressure has been put on the public, often by governments and other organizations, to validate the fantasies of individual identity, a highly coercive and counter-rational demand.

The upshot of these Marxist identity-conflict campaigns is the cancelation of academic values in favor of “social justice,” which is operationally defined as special preferences and benefits to preferred categories of people. The rationale for “social justice” is also counterfactual: it claims that any difference in outcome of members of various census categories is the result of discrimination. For example, if females are “underrepresented” in the sciences, it is alleged that they are victims of discrimination; if African Americans have weak College Board scores, it is alleged that they’ve suffered the same. The possibilities are endless.

The supposed discrimination is taken as proven by unequal outcomes, when in fact most of the differences in outcome are explained by other factors, such as choice, given that females in droves avoid “hard” sciences in favor of social sciences and humanities, and that family structure and culture, for example, one parent families, differs from group to group. So too with the alleged “income gap” between males and females, which is mostly explained by the fact that men work more hours, days, and years than women. A particularly ugly consequence of the discrimination assumption is that the prominence of East Asian Americans in medical professions and fields can then be attributed to (imaginary) discrimination in their favor, just as the Nobel Prizes for Jews can be discounted as (imaginary) discrimination on their behalf. The reality is that for decades there has been official systemic discrimination, called “affirmative action,” in favor of females, African Americans, Hispanics, and LGBTs, with alleged oppressors sidelined for belonging to the wrong categories.

But it goes far beyond this. America and the West generally are identified as collective oppressors of these gender, racial, and sexuality “victims,” and are thus vilified as evil and requiring complete destruction, to be replaced by LGBT, feminist, indigenous, Muslim governance, priorities, and rules, including literature, art, and science by members of victim categories. Our university professors teach, and our students learn, that America, Canada, and the West are hateful, with a hateful oppressive history, and only oppression as their legacy. What they teach and learn is that only a revolution that totally transforms America and the West can redeem them. And our university graduates have taken to the streets to riot in favor of this “social justice” revolution.

No one has done a survey yet of the educational attainment of street rioters during this spring of discontent. Perhaps the looters and burners were less ideological than college graduates, although the two who threw Molotov cocktails at police were law school graduates. But of those attacking police and pulling down every historical statue in America—the Confederates and the abolitionists, the generals and the presidents, the explorers, the feminists, and the soldiers—I would wager that a large majority are university graduates, doing what they have been taught to do. We can thank our universities for that.