International Doctor Begs We the People Not to Believe the Vax Lie

Unfortunately we couldn’t post the video here in the blog you will have to click on the link.

The Doctor tells a very compelling explanation of what happens in the body once the vax is administered.

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We were brought to tears at the information and now hope the medical field is making provisions for keeping the blood of vaccinated as a separate category because we do not want to have any tainted blood transfusions going into healthy people.

Listen to the dire warnings of Dr Sacharit Bahkadi$/embed/Sucharit-Bhakdi/3014f8628dde385b9f27b775f53a253400a906a5?r=C3c1g7CAEDjiSez1NV3dMyySwweaLH4K

Remember its your body, your choice.

Just say “NO”