The people who are out to kill you. Normally we might wanna introduce a subject in depth. If you don’t listen to this and take it seriously, your entire family should divorce you, God should strike you with a bolt of lightning, and you should undergo enhanced interrogation techniques. Done talking. Start listening. Pass this to everyone you know.
Just Call Me Sparky
This is one fired up pastor.
This fella has got a reason to be fired up. Next time somebody gives you crap about not wearing a mask, you will wish this boy was standing next to you.
We lit our cigars up off the fire from his message. Note this is not about the mask, you will just wish this guy was around when someone is giving you a grief for not being a member of the group Sheep of America.
God Bless America.
Meanwhile in Germany
Talk about an anti-mask movement. 1.5 Million cranky Germans who have had enough of the COVID lie. We could say alot about the picture below but a picture speaks a thousand words or in this case makes 1.5 Million Germans show up in mass.

Stand Up America.
What do you have to lose other than your health caused by wearing a mask that doesn’t work?
What else do you have to lose other than self pride as you act like sheep in total hysteria baaa baaing like sheep? What do you have to lose other than your country, America? America’s national flower is not the Pansy. Try not to be a pansy. Remember it’s home of the free and land of the brave; unless you are holed up in your safe room with your soft little teddy bear sucking on your binky. Don’t think you are bad to the bone if you wear a mask and follow blindly the fraudulent hysteria of COVID-19.
If you are still believing in the garbage that has been laid out to you grab your baseball bat, walk in front of your mirror and give yourself a good wack you pansy.
God Bless America.
History of Illuminati & America
This audio is from Circa 1960 or sometime in the 60s after JFK got bumped off. If you want to hear the roll of Illuminati and the names of those involved in the Illuminati, NWO (New World Order) game plan for world dominance going back forever and a day. Then being brought through time that will make you think it’s talking about today. It’s actually only through some time in the 60s.
Some of the names but not limited to these names include Adam Schiff’s granddaddy Jacob Schiff of Manhattan a total Illuminati and member of the NWO agenda; guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. We are talking about you, isn’t that right Adam Schifty Schiff?
When we at were listening to this audio we were totally blown away. It was hard to take in, but once you get done listening to the whole thing in its entirety you will have total clarity. You will think this is talking about today. You will also most likely say WTF repeatedly. If you don’t understand what is said, then play it again and get all distractions away from you cause this is way serious intel.
You wanna know what happened? We hope you have total clarity as to what happened. Take this seriously. In the name of you, your family, America, and our Father who art in heaven. Truly God Bless America. And you too John Boy… didn’t mean to leave Tiny Tim out. His life has been affected by the same group that has been affecting the lives of all of us.
Give me a God Bless America.
We couldn’t embed this video but you can find it here.
Who are you? WHO WHO WHO
Americans who do you want to decide how you will live and yes, how you will die? This is very enlightening when it comes to the WHO and for those that are still out to lunch that is World Health Organization.
If you are not up on the current intel, this will bring you up to speed. Who is running the WHO? How the WHO, China, and the friends of China are working with the UN to assist the NWO (New World Order) in taking over not just your life, not just your land, but what they are going to do with both when they seize control of America.
We at spend hours upon hours digging into the rabbit hole researching what we find and then what sorts out we post for you, your family and America.
Give your brain some more oxygen if you wear a mask.
Stop being afraid.
Get some oxygen into your system so you can think clearly. If you have been scared enough to wear a mask then this information outta scare the crap out of ya. If you are scared this will be a good exercise on how to stop being a pansy.
Remember we are supposed to be in the home of the free and the land of the brave.
I guess it’s time for you to look into the mirror and ask the person you see in the mirror who are you?
We Need Your Help
We at the Constitution Mobile need your help. We are not a non-profit organization. We had to get on it. The time it takes to do a non-profit status is far beyond the call of duty we have in helping you, your family, your community, and America not get swallowed up by the evil ones who want to take away Constitutional America by any means.
We are not gazillionaires. We are regular folks like most of America. We are trying to bring you an awakening. We go deep into the rabbit holes every day in order to find out the things you just read in today’s blog.
The base line of the Constitution Mobile is driving around in the Constitution Mobile giving away pocket sized books of the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Little did we know that book just scratches the surface of what is going on today in America. America is under siege. Politicians have kept you in the dark. You are their mushroom of choice and the fertilizer is not meant to help you grow. The fertilizer is meant to keep you down. They dupe you, lie to you, commit felony criminal actions to steal your life here in America.
If you actually believe they care and love you for your race, your beauty, your mind, or your goodness as fellow American throw some water on your face and get over it. They don’t care one iota.
The love they have for you ends without you knowing you mean nothing to them. We at are not paid by any political group. We are on a quest for the truth just like you.
Please help make our work mean something to all Americans. We need help with your gifts to make our tour across America which ends in 2021 after the State of the Union address. We take no government funding whatsoever.
It’s a fact, you can not write off the gifts you bless us with. We must pay taxes like everyone else even if they are sending our tax dollars to the UN or other countries outside of America. The same people who fund Planned Parenthood definitely will not fund us, nor do we want their dirty money.
We do need your help and are thankful when you gift us.
If you’d buy a friend a drink , pay for a round of golf, or buy breakfast, lunch or dinner for someone you know, you can’t write that off your taxes; just like not being able to write off the gifts we hope you would bless us with.
Click here to help our cause.

Some call it paying it forward. Some call it a thank you.
Please know we are very thankful for the gifts you would bestow upon us at the Constitution Mobile. Why support PBS who also gets money from those varmints in Washington and well-meaning people like yourself to deliver you propaganda supporting the overthrow of America?
The Constitution Mobile is here to bring you light on subjects that we have run into deep in the rabbit holes we dare explore.
Please gift us today.

From all of us at our warm hearted thank yous.
Paid to defund Police
Defund the police you say? Who really wants to provide the funds necessary to defund the police?
Everything we are writing about in today’s blogs is here to help you have the courage it takes to stand up for you, your family and America.
When you are at work or anywhere else who steps up to the ugly parts of life? Who steps up when your daughter is screaming for help from the back seat of a car and you are not there? Who is the clean up lady for all the living breathing garbage who doesn’t care if you live or die? Who are you gonna call when your kids don’t come home only to be found dead in a corn field or out in the desert? The police
Stand up America, those who are in Congress are unfortunately tied to the NWO (except for a few) are sending your tax dollars to US cities to defund the police. Get this, they are also sending the same kind of money overseas to defund their police. Do you believe these congresspeople really care about you, your family, or America?
Time to stand up as Americans and take this country back. Remember the squeaky wheel gets the oil. It’s time for you to be a squeaky wheel. Don’t let the criminal elements in politics grease your wheel or your palm to maintain your silence.
Read this report by Brass Balls Blg
Congress pays 125 cities to defund their police

Only 46 are in the U.S.
The rest are overseas.
The world police force of “Strong Cities” is run by the 25 persons pictured at the top of this story.
That is the fake news story.
Who is really running the World Military Police?
A “Strong City” is one like Seattle.
A city that has defunded the police.
Closed it down.
Stopped paying their police.
Replaced by a mob.
Then soldiers from the United Nations come in to run the city.
Paid for by the U.S.
NATO is the UN’s police force.
Known as the North American Treaty Organization.
Only three of the 25 Directors of the World Police Force are from the U.S.
They are from:
- Denver
- Minneapolis
- New York
Who are the rest?
National defense.
A counterterrorism operation.
Source is the State Department.
“Strong Cities” in the U.S. include:
- Atlanta
- Austin
- Brownsville, TX
- Camden, NJ
- Charlotte-Mecklenberg, NC
- Chattanooga, NC
- Chester, PA
- Cleveland
- Cincinnati
- Columbia, SC
- Columbus
- Dallas
- Denver
- Detroit
- Flint, MI
- Fresno, CA
- Gary, IN
- Hampton, VA
- Houston
- Indianapolis, IN
- Knoxville, TN
- Los Angeles, CA
- Los Angeles County, CA
- Las Vegas
- Louisville
- Macon, GA
- Memphis
- Minneapolis
- Montgomery County, MD
- New Orleans
- New York
- Newport News, VA
- Newark
- Oakland
- Philadelphia
- Phoenix
- Pittsburgh
- Richmond, CA
- Rockville, IL
- Rocky Mount, NC
- Rutland, VT
- San Diego
- St. Louis, MO
- Seattle
- Tampa
- Youngstown, OH
Giving away money.
Like it is growing on what part of a tree?
In exchange for what?
Defunding its police.
One of the first cities to give up local control of their police was Detroit.
In 2012.
When Dave Bing was Mayor.
Followed by Las Vegas.
Las Vegas surrendered control of its local police in 2015.
The Strong Cities Network was written into law by President Barack Obama on July 11th, 2011.
His Executive Order is linked here:
The money comes the:
- Pentagon
- Homeland Security
- Commerce Department (HUD), Economic Development
- State Department (Embassies)

The last name on this list is the U.S. State Department.
Also getting paid is Pakistan.
The Strong Cities Network started Sept. 25th, 2015.
Here is the press release from the Justice Department.

Here is the press conference at the UN in New York on Oct. 29th, 2015.

Who put in the first $80 million to start the Strong Cities Network?
President Barack Obama.

Three generals in the photo means the Strong Cities is a military operation. Like Operation Warp Speed. The President’s world vaccination program.
Abu Dhabi has its own server room.
Like Ukraine.
Where all FBI and NSA spy data is sent from Washington.
And sold at market rates.
To the highest bidders.
The Abu Dhabi server room started July 7th, 2015.

Other cities, countries, and non-profit organizations throughout the world support “Strong Cities”.
They include:
- Singapore
- Seattle.
- Red Cross
Another $100 billion to the United Nations packaged as something else.
Who wrote the bill?
“Strong Cities”.
Here is the link:
Related stories

Politicians, the Cabal, the Illuminati, maybe even your boss think they have the power. You want power, we will show you power.
Watch this. God holds the power. Wake up and stand up America.
Scum Bucket
George Herbert Walker Bush. What a scum bucket.
You may know him as a former President of the USA. Did you know he was the former head of the CIA? While at the CIA he ran enough coke and heroin through America to make the cartel look like kindergarteners. Georgie Boy Bush is not who we are talking about. We are talking about his daddy. Daddy was pretty busy. He was also into human trafficking and pedophilia. He was so deep in it the Cartel is again kindergarteners in this department.
Here is a quote from Daddy George “If the people were to ever find out what we have done, we would be chased down the streets and lynched.”
Let us repeat this quote so you don’t miss it.
“If the people were to ever find out what we have done, we would be chased down the streets and lynched.”
The best thing GHWB ever did was end up in a coffin. Of course we mean that with the utmost of respect.
How would you like this guy to be your father-in-law?
The Fleecing of America
137 municipalities received grants from Congress (using taxpayer money) to entice local politicians to sign a treaty with the UN. The cities must pay the UN money (taxpayer money) annually for 15 years. You will see the list of cities below. Additionally, as you read the whole scoop what it means including the surrender of community rights and constitutional rights.
They did this by having cities join a group called ICLEI. Now this group is a global network for Sustainability. If you know anything about Agenda 21 you know very well what Sustainability is and what that means. If you haven’t read agenda 21 you can download it here.
This includes but not limited to energy grids. Notice toward the end of the article the same group that is supposed to influence sustainability is now influencing what is considered a “public health crisis”. We hope this pisses you off.

STAND UP those of you who consider yourself to be Americans. Please, please read the information on this blog. If you don’t like to read have someone give you a knuckle sandwich. Don’t be a slacker, read this whole thing. Then start screaming at your Congress people… by the way, the FBI was involved in this debauchery. They rammed this through without any president’s knowledge. This was a total back door deal. Question, how is your back door feeling now? you have a right to feel abused.
Congress paid 137 cities to join UN post
These cities have separated themselves from the U.S.
By treaty.
NATO signed a treaty Tuesday binding the U.S. for 15 years
Matthew Warren signed a treaty Tuesday on behalf of the U.S. without consent of the President or U.S. Senate.
Through a United Nations (UN) organization called:
Local Governments for Sustainability.
Whatever that is.
Sustained with tax dollars spent by Congress.
Paid out through grants from these federal departments:
- Homeland Security
- State
- Justice
- Commerce
- Justice
- Executive Branch
- Defense (Pentagon)
- Health & Human Services (HHS)
Please enter these search words in your favorite internet search engine:
ICLEI and UN United Nations
One search resulted in this:
Cities now part of the UN are:
- Alameda, CA
- American Canyon, CA
- Antioch, CA
- Ashland, OR
- Atlanta, GA
- Auburn, WA
- Baltimore, MD
- Beacon, NY
- Bellingham, WA
- Benicia, CA
- Binghamton, NY
- Birmingham, AL
- Boise, ID
- Boulder, CO
- Brentwood, MO
- Broward County, FL
- Cambridge, MA
- Cazenovia, NY
- Cincinnati, OH
- College Park, MD
- Columbia, MO
- Columbus, IN
- Creve Coeur, MO
- Davis, CO
- De Moines, IO
- DeKalb, IL
- Delray Beach, FL
- Denton, TX
- Denver, CO
- Dewitt, NY
- District of Columbia
- Dover, NY
- Dublin, CA
- Dunedin, FL
- Durango, CO
- Eagle County, CO
- Eau Claire, WI
- Edgewater, CO
- Edinburg, TX
- Edmonds, WA
- Emeryville, CA
- Encinitas, CA
- Everett, WA
- Flagstaff, AZ
- Fort Collins, CO
- Ft. Lauderdale, FL
- Fremont, CA
- Glen Rock, NJ
- Grand Rapids, MI
- Greenville, SC
- Hattiesburg, MS
- Haverstraw, NY
- Hawaii County, HI
- Hayward, CA
- Holland, MI
- Humboldt County, CA
- Jefferson County, WA
- Jersey City, NJ
- Johnson County, IA
- Keene, NH
- Kennebunk, ME
- Kennebunkport, ME
- Kent, OH
- Key West, FL
- Kirkwood, MO
- La Grange Park, IL
- Lancaster, NY
- Lakewood, CO
- Larchmont, NY
- Lawrence, KS
- Leon Valley, TX
- Los Angeles County, CA
- Los Gatos, CA
- Martinez, CA
- Maui County, HI
- Metropolitan King County, WA
- Millbrae, CA
- Minneapolis, MN
- Monterey, CA
- Montgomery County, MD
- Montpelier, VT
- Nashville, TN
- Natick, MA
- New Castle, NY
- New Haven, CT
- New Orleans, LA
- New Paltz, NY
- New Rochelle, NY
- New York, NY
- Newburyport, MA
- Northfield, MN
- Oakland Park, FL
- Oberlin, OH
- Olympia, WA
- Orlando, FL
- Oshkosh, WI
- Oxford, OH
- Palo Alto, CA
- Park Forest, IL
- Phillipstown, NY
- Piedmont, CA
- Philadelphia, PA
- Pleasantville, NY
- Portsmouth, NH
- Princeton, NJ
- Riverside, CA
- Roanoke, VA
- Rockville, MD
- San Anselmo, CA
- Santa Ana, CA
- Santa Clara, CA
- Santa Cruz, CA
- Santa Fe County, NM
- Savannah, GA
- Santa Monica, CA
- Sedona, AZ
- Solana Beach, CA
- Solano County, CA
- South Bend, IN
- South Miami, FL
- South Portland, ME
- Summit County, UT
- Surfside, FL
- Tacoma, WA
- Thousand Oaks, CA
- Travis County, TX
- Union City, CA
- Ventura County, CA
- Washington, D.C.
- Waterloo, NY
- Wellesley, MA
- West Palm Beach, FL
- Whitefish, MT
- Wilton Manors, FL
- Windsor, CA
- Woodstock, GA
- Yountville, CA

On June 23rd, racism was proclaimed a “Public Health Crisis” by ICLEI. Climate change is also considered a permanent “Public Health Crisis”.

Ohio’s largest city, Columbus, is in Franklin County.