Where is PETA? Where is the uproar about Fauci and our tax dollars funding the torture of dogs? Why hasn’t every congressperson demanded his removal from office and prosecute this man?

Knowledge is Power. Know Your Rights. Know Your Constitution.
Where is PETA? Where is the uproar about Fauci and our tax dollars funding the torture of dogs? Why hasn’t every congressperson demanded his removal from office and prosecute this man?
How convenient the “prop gun” that Alec Baldwin used just so happened to have a real bullet in it and it just so happened to be pointed at the very person who was about to reveal the Pedophile Ring in Hollywood through an upcoming documentary.
So was it an accident or murder or at least manslaughter? Was this a planned satanic ritual to sacrifice someone for their god and they chose someone who could damage their stronghold?
So many questions and yet the narrative is not even discussing the real news instead they are pushing an agenda. Open your eyes! Question everything the Media tells you. Once you know their games you will see it everywhere.
Today Christy Hutchinson of WFFA.win has asked that everyone begin to do everything we can do to secure our country. Her message is one that some of us have felt brewing for a while now.
Make sure you visit her website WFFA.win
text FIGHT to 91776
Retired vets please email her at vetcontact@protonmail.com
Nov 14th join her in Rock Wall Texas if you can
October 31st get your flags out and sit in the streets letting everyone know that our borders need to be closed and secure our nation.
This person shares a beautiful message about freedom and why it’s important. We have a moral obligation to preserve the freedom for everyone because we are on a slippery slope toward slavery for all future generations. The time to act is now.
Say what? Pfizer lied because they didn’t want the consumer to know that fetal tissue is involved in the making of the vaccine.
Oh, this is going to make the Planned Parenthood arm of the rogue government super happy because of all that income from their product. I’m sure it will bring in more forced money from the taxpayers right into the hands of the Supreme money launderers in Washington DC.
Here is another kicker. Is this buried in this vaccine as well? We know that a few years ago they have created a vaccine that can make the religious non-religious.
Wow, Can you believe this was done in 1957?
It takes courage to go up against a system all by yourself and to know that the result will affect not only yourself but your family also. #Standwithstu
The Pipe Hitter Foundation is incredibly proud to assist Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller, a Marine who had the courage to demand accountability from his leadership in the wake of a disastrous exit from Afghanistan that lead to the death of 13 of his fellow service members.
If you have not done so already, go to Pip Hitter Foundation and help this family out. https://pipehitterfoundation.org/who-we-support/lt-col-scheller/
During the health and freedom conference, one of the speakers revealed that the jab contains Luciferase.
Luciferase according to Wikipedia
Luciferase is a generic term for the class of oxidative enzymes that produce bioluminescence, and is usually distinguished from a photoprotein. The name was first used by Raphaël Dubois who invented the words luciferin and luciferase, for the substrate and enzyme, respectively.[1] Both words are derived from the Latin word lucifer, meaning “lightbearer”, which in turn is derived from the Latin words for “light” (lux) and “to bring or carry” (ferre).[2]
Luciferases are widely used in biotechnology, for microscopy and as reporter genes, for many of the same applications as fluorescent proteins. However, unlike fluorescent proteins, luciferases do not require an external light source, but do require addition of luciferin, the consumable substrate.
Wikipedia 10/3/21
From a metaphysical standpoint what the scientists and politicians are doing is creating a false light to inject into the body. This false light tricks the body into thinking it is “safe”. Unlike the light of God we were all born with, this false light required the “addition of luciferin as a consumable substrate”. Thus the reason for “booster” shots.
This false “light” gives a sense of security, but instead, it shuts down God’s security measures within the body. The previous healing within the body begins to reverse as people have diseases that were in remission start coming back.
Everything is vibration.
Vibration follows universal laws.
Vibrations seek its own level.
To find the level of vibration just set that vibration and it will be found.
By universal law the vibration you set to find will come and you will go there.
There is a vibration of health and a vibration of disease.
All vibration flows in harmony as one flow.
The way of flow depends on the object of dependence.
Luciferase makes the receiver of the jab dependent upon Luciferin and no longer upon their God-given immune system. Thus their body vibrates at a vibration of disease.
This stands to reason that a person should choose the object of their dependence. They should have the right to choose God or the distributor of Luciferin when it comes to their health.
To trick, neglect to inform, coerce, mandate with persecution, or force anyone to take a substance that is false in nature, gives a false sense of security, and destroys the God-given security we have, is considered an act of war, unconstitutional, and a violation of the Nuremberg Code.
Now is the time more than ever to
Get your No Trespassing T shirt at Born to Live and Laugh
As the mainstream media, big tech, and government bend the minds of the American people to believe that being a patriot is something to be ashamed of, hated, ridiculed, and even emprisoned, it is time that we let them know that Patriots lives matter too. You can get these shirts at Born to Live and Laugh.
To those who get offended over the thought of suggesting any life matters other than those that are black will just have to expand their consciousness to learn from your experience of oppression and not allow that to happen to anyone else, no matter what their race or nationality. Otherwise, you move from being oppressed to being the oppressor and the cycle continues.
Instead of being offended we challenge you to join your fellow Americans to let the political bullies know that people with other viewpoints matter too.
We in the United States need to stand up, those in the government and in healthcare who have sold themselves to the Devil in the name of power, and control over we that people. God’s people. Watch this video. This is happening all over the globe.
Shine the light on and into the dark. Time to stand up for yourself, your family, and our republic for which it stands.
God Bless America.