Defund the police you say? Who really wants to provide the funds necessary to defund the police?
Everything we are writing about in today’s blogs is here to help you have the courage it takes to stand up for you, your family and America.
When you are at work or anywhere else who steps up to the ugly parts of life? Who steps up when your daughter is screaming for help from the back seat of a car and you are not there? Who is the clean up lady for all the living breathing garbage who doesn’t care if you live or die? Who are you gonna call when your kids don’t come home only to be found dead in a corn field or out in the desert? The police
Stand up America, those who are in Congress are unfortunately tied to the NWO (except for a few) are sending your tax dollars to US cities to defund the police. Get this, they are also sending the same kind of money overseas to defund their police. Do you believe these congresspeople really care about you, your family, or America?
Time to stand up as Americans and take this country back. Remember the squeaky wheel gets the oil. It’s time for you to be a squeaky wheel. Don’t let the criminal elements in politics grease your wheel or your palm to maintain your silence.
You may know him as a former President of the USA. Did you know he was the former head of the CIA? While at the CIA he ran enough coke and heroin through America to make the cartel look like kindergarteners. Georgie Boy Bush is not who we are talking about. We are talking about his daddy. Daddy was pretty busy. He was also into human trafficking and pedophilia. He was so deep in it the Cartel is again kindergarteners in this department.
Here is a quote from Daddy George “If the people were to ever find out what we have done, we would be chased down the streets and lynched.”
Let us repeat this quote so you don’t miss it.
“If the people were to ever find out what we have done, we would be chased down the streets and lynched.”
The best thing GHWB ever did was end up in a coffin. Of course we mean that with the utmost of respect.
How would you like this guy to be your father-in-law?
137 municipalities received grants from Congress (using taxpayer money) to entice local politicians to sign a treaty with the UN. The cities must pay the UN money (taxpayer money) annually for 15 years. You will see the list of cities below. Additionally, as you read the whole scoop what it means including the surrender of community rights and constitutional rights.
They did this by having cities join a group called ICLEI. Now this group is a global network for Sustainability. If you know anything about Agenda 21 you know very well what Sustainability is and what that means. If you haven’t read agenda 21 you can download it here.
This includes but not limited to energy grids. Notice toward the end of the article the same group that is supposed to influence sustainability is now influencing what is considered a “public health crisis”. We hope this pisses you off.
STAND UP those of you who consider yourself to be Americans. Please, please read the information on this blog. If you don’t like to read have someone give you a knuckle sandwich. Don’t be a slacker, read this whole thing. Then start screaming at your Congress people… by the way, the FBI was involved in this debauchery. They rammed this through without any president’s knowledge. This was a total back door deal. Question, how is your back door feeling now? you have a right to feel abused.
The only “laws” or “regulations” you commonly find about the Stars and Stripes is in the Territorial United States Federal Code where they define the proportions of the flag that THEY will be using in Title IV. But those regulations in no way restrict the proportions of the Stars and Stripes that We, the People use.
The Stars and Stripes literally belongs to us. It is our property. It came about as one of the war flags used in the Revolutionary War — the other flag to come out of the Revolution as a “national” level flag, was the “rebellious flag” — so-called because of the vertical stripes— the United States Civil Flag.
In the world of international flags generally, the horizontal “bars” indicate resistance and forbidding of trespass, much as a gate bars a road or a dam blocks a stream. Thus the flag with horizontal bars symbolizes conditions of war, where we are resisting or fighting or otherwise restricting and controlling.
The vertical columns symbolize “free flow” — the gates are open, the columns of the government are solidly in place. Just think of an old-fashioned dam in a river — the floodgates can be closed, forcing the water to back up behind the dam (horizontal bars on a flag) or open, allowing the water to pass through (vertical bars).
So both flags have their genesis during the Revolution. Both are national level flags, meaning all the colonies used them to identify the American side of the conflict. But because of their symbolism, one came to be used in war and the other in peacetime. Prior to the Civil War, both flags were in common use with the Stars and Stripes being flown over military installations — forts, arsenals, training fields, etc., and the Civil Flag being flown over civilian installations — post offices, customs houses, departmental buildings, polling places, public hospitals, town halls, and so on.
If you think about this, this is merely common sense. There should be a clear distinction between the federal military service and the federal civilian service. So there are two flags, and that should not be any big surprise to anyone.
What should be cause for concern and alarm is that there has commonly been only one flag — the war flag — in evidence for many years, but because people don’t know that there should be two flags, they haven’t questioned the absence of the civil flag.
Both flags inhabit international jurisdiction. Because the Territorial United States continued to make war and “be” at war after the so-called Civil War ended, it continued to fly the Stars and Stripes and exercised our delegated powers in the international jurisdiction of the sea. Because the actual states were at peace after the conflict, they flew the United States Civil Flag instead, so for a time, from 1865 to 1907, both flags were — as before the “Civil War” — being used to distinguish between military and civilian functions.
Then, in 1907, the first Great Fraud occurred when the Territorial United States Congress bankrupted “The United States of America, Incorporated” and “took title to the land” that the Territorial States were holding in trust for us and used our land as security backing their bankruptcy. Because title to our land thus was transferred “for safekeeping” to foreign Third Parties (the Holy See) and basically impounded (like we impound a car) the international land jurisdiction that we are owed functionally disappeared and all that was left flying was the Stars and Stripes.
Out of habit and necessity and most of all to prevent public alarm, the perpetrators continued to operate federal services for the international land jurisdiction using the Territorial United States Government structure to do so.
Thus, we continued to have “Federal Marshals” policing the international land jurisdiction and “United States Marshals” policing the international sea jurisdiction just as it always was, even though there was now only one flag — the Stars and Stripes — being flown. Likewise, the Coast Guard continued to function as a “civilian maritime service” under the same conditions.
[Fast forward— In 1953, this first bankruptcy settled and all the land titles were released, both public and private. It would have been the correct moment for the Territorial Congress to return those titles to the states and people to whom they belong, but by then, 46 years had passed and many parcels of private land had changed hands and the various states had made allocations for parks and roads and electrical easements —- and besides, giving it all back would entail admitting that they stole it all in the first place, so inside of the Territorial Congress doing the right thing, they did the convenient thing. They threw up their hands, pretended that they didn’t know and couldn’t trace the actual owners of the land, so they declared it “abandoned” and rolled all the land titles into gigantic state and federal land trusts.]
Then, in 1933, the second Great Fraud hit, when the Municipal United States Congress bankrupted the “United States of America, Incorporated” and the perpetrators seized upon our private property — our copyrights, patents, trademarks — embodied as names, our physical bodies and our labor, our private property in sum total and also confiscated our privately held gold– as collateral to back their debts during their bankruptcy. Again, the Holy See held us in receivership.
This was Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s infamous “New Deal”. Thanks to this Gross Breach of Trust, the civilian side of the federal government was reduced to using the “National Colors” as a flag — the familiar flag with gold fringe around it, to give the appearance that the Stars and Stripes was still in use.
[Fast forward — In 1999, this second bankruptcy settled, and all the private property, including claim to our labor, was released. However, once again, 66 years had passed and the perpetrators — for all the same reasons as the first time around — claimed that they couldn’t possibly locate all the heirs of these estates. So, again, they declared all our “personal estates” to be “abandoned property” and cast them adrift as abandoned properties in the international jurisdiction of the sea. All of this, of course, is gainsaid by the fact that they continued to know where we were for tax purposes. In 1999- 2000 during the infamous Bush-Gore Presidential Election and the Florida Chads scandal, the perpetrators were obliged to abandon Washington, DC and leave it vacated for 40 days. During that time, Commander Russell-J:Gould stepped into the gap and reclaimed the Title IV flag so that no hostile foreign entity could gain control or use of it, he also re-opened and kept open the Postmaster and Post Master Offices, and took other actions to guarantee the continuance of the government as a whole. He also restructured the Territorial and Municipal Supreme Courts and conducted court martial proceedings for a period of many months. At the time, people laughed at him, but he preserved the entire public side of our government, except for that portion maintained by The United States of America (Unincorporated) which continued to exercise all the non-delegated powers.]
I trust that you can now see why the United States Civil Flag disappeared and why the Stars and Stripes was reduced to a mere “color banner” during our lifetimes.
When the perpetrators rolled everything and abandoned the American Trusts in 1999 we knew we had to take action, so those of us who had stayed awake formed up our Nation-States and gave Notice to the Hague and the Queen and the Pope and other parties of interest. We also began to evaluate the history and the legalities of all this to discern the mechanisms of the fraud and therefore, how to unravel it. This was a long and thankless and dangerous road to be on. Many thousands of us were mischaracterized and railroaded into federal and “State of State” prisons. Up to a million and a half peaceful American state nationals remain unlawfully and unjustly incarcerated in federal prisons and up to 15 million more in federal franchise State of State and County jails — simply to be used as slave labor and to generate profits for the federal perpetrators because they can charge our trust accounts for the “service” of keeping us in their jails. Many thousands of us were murdered, beaten, burned out, jeered at, our families threatened, our property seized, all while being subjected to unlawfully imposed taxes, fees, and levies to pay for the “services” of our abusers — our own employees, our own military.
Even now some members of the endlessly deceitful and often grossly incompetent Bar Associations are trying to promote and justify the idea that such fanciful and supposedly dangerous creatures as “sovereign citizens” exist and they are prosecuting these oxymorons in the courts as “subversives”. One doesn’t know these days whether to laugh or cry. Faced with these ridiculous claims, people need to observe that one cannot act in the capacity of a sovereign and a slave (citizen) at the same time. The same is true of their next offer, “private citizen”, because it is impossible to act in private capacity while acting in public capacity.
When Obama took office — a Muslim man born in Kenya — eligible to serve in Territorial and Municipal corporation offices, but not eligible to serve as our National President nor as an agency for the Head of State, it was a clear warning sign and the ax was not long in falling. He announced the impending bankruptcy of the Municipal United States in early 2015 and he set up the bowling pins to make sure that the Territorial United States would be forced to declare Chapter 11 bankruptcy by 2017.
This would have been the coup de grace, as it would vacate both the Municipal and Territorial Governments at the same time, and leave this entire continent at the mercy of bankruptcy trustees chosen by secondary creditors — the international banks.
That would have left all three federal Constitutions vacated from the federal side of the agreements. The National Constitution has purportedly been held “in abeyance” since 1861. The Territorial Constitution would cease to function upon declaration of the insolvency. And the Municipal Constitution would no longer be in effect thanks to the liquidation of the Municipal Corporation of the District of Columbia.
The banks and the scheming criminals behind them had planned the perfect Trifecta and fully intended to place a claim of abandonment against this entire country and its people, and then to come in here and use a commercial mercenary army operated under color of law “as” the familiar alphabet soup agencies — BATF, IRS, BLM, FEMA, FBI, and so on, to evict the peaceful American people and “resettle” them exactly as the profane British Government “resettled” the Irish population in the mid-1800’s.
Imagine their surprise when the American Head of State showed up and faced off the Queen of England? And when, moreover, our well-established Due Process and International Claims were brought forward? And we demonstrated beyond any doubt that we know who we are and that our actual sovereign (means “unincorporated”) government is still alive, kicking, and here to claim back every iota of the property owed to the American states and people as the Priority Creditors and Lawful Holders in Due Course?
When the “heirs to the Kingdom return from over the sea” — as we have– then the trusts all collapse and are indeed “factualized” and must vest in the institutions and the people and states that they rightfully belong to. Not only that, but upon their declaration of bankruptcy, all the powers that were delegated to these creatures revert back to us and to the government of the people, by the people and for the people —- so long as we are still organized and sentient enough to conduct our own business, which, Thank God, we are. So what does all this mean for our flags? It means that we are totally enabled to fly our flags any time and in any style we wish. We can unfurl our long moth-balled civil flag and send out our Federal Marshals to police the international jurisdiction of the land. We can return our Coast Guard to civilian service. We can fly the Stars and Stripes in any manner we wish, and thanks to Commander Russell- J:Gould even the Title IV flag was rescued and preserved intact and kept out of hostile hands.
It means that there won’t be any commercial mercenary armies disguised as “STATE OF STATE” police or as employees of “federal agencies” coming around causing any trouble on our shores. It means that instead of being paupers, Americans who have labored as slaves for these vermin for the past 150 years, will instead inherit all that they stored up for themselves and be able to forgive the debts and restore the national governments and bless the people of the entire Earth.
See this article and over 900 others on Anna’s website here:
Do you like Scotch? If you do pour a drink before you read this one. The information comes from Judge Anna Von Reitz.
Anna mentions in this Facebook post that a Scottish Commercial Corporation called itself “The United States of America, Incorporated” and started impersonating us. Check it out.
Does this make it apparent that we need to stand up, be involved to protect our true constitution and America. has read many of Anna Von Reitz opinions. She has a very interesting delivery of what appears to be great research. We have not met her nor spoke with her. There are those who say Anna Von Reitz was never a judge but rather involved with the CIA. We just don’t know.
What we do know is she brings an interesting bailiwick of information. We hope what we post on stimulates and motivates you all to look into the information shared.
We are very serious about this. We all must grow.
Think for yourself. Stand up and don’t let America’s Declaration of Independence, Constitution or Bill of Rights be taken lightly. We all need to stand up for the Constitution, ourselves, our families, include your kids and your parents because we Constitutional Americans have a very strong burning desire deep inside us to have all God’s blessings in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as well as the Declaration of Independence.
What great stuff to explore through with your entire family. Kids too. It’s better than any mystery novel. Embrace your Declaration of Independence, your Constitution, and your Bill of Rights.
Just ask yourself if you don’t like your mother and father telling you what to do, do you want the government and the NWO telling you what to do?
Ted Turner has been heard saying “95% of you are going to have to die”.
He is involved in a group of global elites that have a strong belief that there are too many of us here and in order for maintain proper balance with the earth then we need to reduce our population drastically.
Here is a video of the testimony of an eye witness of Ted’s shocking statement.
According to Wikipedia “In June 1979, a man using the pseudonym Robert C. Christian approached the Elberton Granite Finishing Company on behalf of “a small group of loyal Americans”, and commissioned the structure. Christian explained that the stones would function as a compass, calendar, and clock, and should be capable of withstanding catastrophic events. Joe Fendley of Elberton Granite assumed that Christian was “a nut” and attempted to discourage him by giving a quote several times higher than any project the company had taken, explaining that the Guidestones would require additional tools and consultants. Christian accepted the quote. When arranging payment, Christian explained that he represented a group which had been planning the Guidestones for 20 years, and which intended to remain anonymous”.
If the Georgia Guidestones are any indication of what the New World Order plans are for us, see what is inscribed.
The ten Guiding Thoughts are:
For the most part, it sounds good, but notice the very first commandment.
How many people are allowed on the earth? 500 Million.
How many people are on the earth right now? 7.8 Billion
That means 7.3 Billion people have to die.
Now who gets in this selection of elect that get to live?
How Constitutional is that? Is everyone allowed Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness or just a select few.
You may say, oh that’s just a conspiracy. Nobody is ever going to make the Georgia Guidestones a policy.
Listen to this:
Did you notice how easily he explains away the logic of the number of population? Think for yourself logically. Is he full of BS?
These are the plans they have for you.
And they have been working at their plan for years.
This story about 5 Guys restaurant in Daphne, AL. Its a shameful story. A story of disrespect and ignorance by 5 Guys minimum wage employees. What they really did was encourage would-be robbers to get their way and munch their burgers with cajun fries as they walk out the door counting the register money laughing.
There is a thin blue line between dead customers and employees and the evil shooters who love gun free zones and a lack of cops in the neighborhood.
Change the signs, try respect and love.
Daphne Police release statement on incident at Five Guys
DAPHNE, Ala. (WALA) — A law enforcement source confirmed to FOX10 News that Daphne police officers were refused service by several employees at the Five Guys restaurant at Jubilee Square shopping center late Tuesday night.
The officers said the employees turned their backs on them when they entered the restaurant.
The officers said one of the employees was overheard saying, “I’m not serving them.” The officers left and went to another restaurant. The officers claim six or seven employees acted together.
A sign on the door to the establishment states the restaurant is not open to dine-in service and that masks are required for entry. The sign states the establishment offers curbside, carryout and delivery service options.
Daphne Police released a statement about the alleged incident:
“The Daphne Police Department appreciates the outpouring of support from our community and from supporters of Law Enforcement across the country. We also want to thank Five Guys on a corporate and local level. We have been working through this situation and there has been total cooperation. The Daphne Police Department does not think that the actions of a few employees represents Five Guys as a whole. To clarify some misinformation that has been spread on social media, on July, 7th three officers of the Daphne Police Department entered the Five Guys restaurant in Daphne. The three officers became aware of the mask requirement. They returned to their vehicles to obtain masks. All three officers were wearing masks the entire time they were inside of the establishment. The events that occurred while the officers were in the restaurant were unfortunate. We will continue to work with Five Guys on this matter towards resolution once all the facts are known.”00:1402:33Daphne Police officers say fast food restaurant employees refused to serve them
A Five Guys corporate spokesperson released the follow statement:
“Five Guys and the Franchisee of the Daphne, AL location were made aware of reports that local Police Officers had been denied service by employees at that location.Five Guys and the franchisee are actively investigating the situation and are committed to getting to the bottom of it. However, no matter what the details are, we do not want these police officers, or any customer, to feel disrespected or slighted in anyway. We apologize to those officers and also want to make it clear that Five Guys and its franchisees are committed to fair, respectful, and equal treatment for all customers.” We will continue to investigate the matter.
Daphne Mayor Dane Haygood posted on Facebook Wednesday morning that his office is aware of the story reported by local media.
He wrote:
“We have … put the Daphne Police Department in touch with ownership of the establishment in order to understand what occurred and circumstances surrounding the event. We love our PD in the City of Daphne, Alabama – ‘The Jubilee City’ and certainly hope that our officers were not refused service. I am offering to buy these five officers their next meal. Who else wants to follow suit to show our support and appreciation for our men & women in blue?”
As we have been doing research for this website, the information we have found has been shocking. We find it hard to believe some of the sinister acts, beliefs, and measures to which the enemy has gone for so many years to deceive the People.
There are those that have been running the world for centuries. Even President George Washington wrote a letter to William Russell on Sept 28, 1798, about this nefarious organized occult. In this document, George Washington wrote a letter after he was sickened by the plans the Illuminati had back in 1776 when our original Constitution based on the Magna Carta was hijacked. But we will save that information for another time.
This group has been planning the events we are currently experiencing long before it crossed our border in 2020. They have a rule that they must tell us what they are going to do before they do it. They tell us in various ways, often they use movies, music, books, Olympic dance performances and they even have us participate in rituals without our knowing it. If we do not do anything about it, then they have permission to do it.
They are using this COVID-19 for more than just passing laws, installing 5G, and taking away our Constitutional Rights to freedom right underneath our noses “for our safety”. They are also using this time to initiate us into the New World Order that has been operating in the shadows and is now coming out into the light to openly, blatantly do what they had already been doing only this time with our consent.
They need to transform us from a position of power into a position of submission as we become accustomed to the “new normal”. During this ritual, they are masking the person you used to be. Your rights are now demoted and you have become the servant to all they tell you to do “for your protection”.
Psychologically you transform into this new identity that will bow down and do whatever is required of you. Every time you put on the mask you are letting them know you submit to their new requirements. You are giving them consent to be your ruler.
The following article below gives a fabulous explanation of what is happening to you as you perform this ritual. The ramifications of what this group is doing not only to the American people but to all the people of the world are devastating.
Now is the time to stop this ritual, to say no to participating in their lies, to claim your God-given inalienable rights, and stand up not only for you but also for the generations to come. Make sure you listen to the song at the bottom of the page. It is powerful and timely.
May God open the eyes of the people of the earth,
The Constitution Mobile
Occult Ritual Transformation and Coronavirus: How Mask Wearing, Hand Washing, “Social Separation” and Lockdowns Are Age-Old Occult Rituals Being Used to Initiate People Into a New Global Order
In previous Bible studies and commentaries, I’ve documented many times now that our global leaders today are largely occultists. (See here, here, here and here.)
So are the owners of many of our country’s largest businesses and sports franchises. (See here and here.)
Even celebrities push occultism constantly. (See here.)
And quite frankly, many Christian churches have been infiltrated by practitioners of Kabbalah, which is a book of Jewish mysticism, magick spells, enchantments, man-made numerology and other esoteric and occult practices that the orthodox rabbis use in the course of their daily lives, and now teach Christian leaders to use, as well. (See here.)
So, with so many of the world’s “top tier” leaders pushing occultism – including those enemies of Christ who run the four hidden dynasties of politics, education, economics and religion — it should come as no surprise to you that the entire global coronavirus crisis is replete with occult symbology and ritual occult initiation themes.
Indeed, as you’ll see throughout the rest of this commentary, the entire manufactured coronavirus crisis is one giant, occult ritual from start to finish, divided up into four mini-rituals, each with the distinct occult purpose of initiation and transformation of the world and its people into a new global order.
So, let’s start by examining the four distinct, but interrelated, occult rituals that make up this massive global occult ritual initiation ceremony:
Ritual Mask-Wearing
Ritual Hand-Washing
Ritual “Social Distancing”
Ritual Lockdowns
In the course of examining these four occult rituals, I’ll do my best to explain to you how each one is part of an elaborate stage play designed to symbolically initiate the people of this world into their new positions in a new global order – a new order that rejects Jesus Christ and Christianity, and puts the people of this world under the ultimate control of a global elite whose god is the devil himself.
The Ritual Wearing of the Mask
Have you ever wondered why, in Revelation 17:5, Babylon is called “Mystery, Babylon”?
You already know that the word “Babylon” means “confusion.” But what does the word “mystery” mean? Here’s what the Strong’s Concordance tells us:
G3466 Musterion — From a derivative of muo (to shut the mouth); a secret or “mystery” (through the idea of silence imposed by initiation into religious rites) — mystery.
Don’t overlook that. The word “mystery” in the Bible has to do with shutting the mouth as one undergoes a secret religious initiation. Again, it’s: “the idea of silence, imposed by initiationinto religious rites.”
Isn’t that interesting?
After all, at this point in time, 30 countries, including the United States, are now forcing their citizens to wear face masks over their mouths on a mandatory basis, ostensibly to help stop coronavirus infections.
This, even though numerous medical experts, including the Surgeon General of the United States, have openly stated that wearing masks has no beneficial effect whatsoever against coronavirus.
What’s more, numerous medical experts have attested to the fact that face masks can even be dangerous to one’s health in that they curtail clear thinking (and even consciousness) by trapping carbon dioxide in the chamber of the mask, forcing you to re-breathe it over and over, thus depleting your blood of fresh air and the life-giving oxygen component it contains.
So why are the powers-that-be, globally, forcing their citizens to wear these face masks, if the masks simply don’t work against coronavirus, and might very well be dangerous to your health? The answer might surprise you:
Masking has traditionally played a very important role in occult rituals.
Among other things, the wearing of the mask over one’s mouth is a token of submission…a gesture of your willingness to be subject to others who are not your usual Sovereign.
But there’s more. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, mask-wearing is:
“A form of disguise or concealment usually worn over or in front of the face to hide the identity of a person and by its own features to establish another being.”
In other words, the wearing of a mask represents an occult transformation — a human alchemy, if you will — from one role to another. From one manner of being, to another. Indeed, in this case, from individual sovereign under God to collective subject under the children of the devil.
You see, the masking ritual is specifically designed to reverse the order of hierarchy set in place by God Himself. In the hierarchy of your heavenly Father, you are a sovereign representative of His Word on this earth. And your job is to speak His Word, on His Sovereign behalf to others.
In other words, He’s the King, you’re a Prince of His kingdom, and your job is to carry His Word to others, so they too can get on board with it and return to the Father eternally, through Jesus Christ. As it’s written regarding our primary duty as Christians:
II Timothy 4:2 — Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.
In short, your job is to teach your Father’s Word. And you must be ready and willing to do so at all times (i.e., “be instant, in season and out of season”).
As such, you must always remain unmasked, because your job — in your earthly role as one of His faithful representatives — is to speak and explain His Word to others. And to do so, you must open your mouth. You cannot be muzzled. You cannot be masked.
Wearing the mask is a powerful occult symbol indicating your submission to another power other than the Creator God who gave you the directcommission to preach His Word to the world:
Matthew 28:18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
So, in God’s hierarchy, you’re a sovereign representative of His Word on this earth. And your job is to spread that Word to as many others as possible in the course of your adult lifetime. But in the hierarchy of the ritualists, it’s quite the reverse:
The entire point of occult ritual mask-wearing is to hammer home to your subconsciousness — until it becomes completely true in your daily life — the idea that things are no longer the same, and will never be the same again.
Masks hasten the suppression of ego to help facilitate the death of the old identity before the identification with, and the manifestation of, a new identity.
It’s an initiation into a new order. But it’s also a transformationof the self into a new position in that new order.
Under the sway of the occult ritualist, you, being mouth-masked, are no longer the person you used to be. You’re no longer a designated mouthpiece of God on this earth. You’re suddenly demoted and re-assigned to the position of obedient subject.
Symbolically, you become a serf in the new order. That’s your new role…your new identity… as represented by the wearing of mask.
The wearing of the mask is simply part of the initiation ritual used to visually and psychologically signal yourconsent to this new arrangement. Yes, by wearing the mask, you’re signaling your consent to accept a new and very different position in a new global order.
Instead of being a sovereign representative of the Most High God and His Word on this earth, in essence, you agree to become a willing subject — a slave — to the very enemies of God and His Christ. Masked, you’re now willingly serving the enemy’s purposes, and no longer God’s.
When you obediently put the mask over your mouth, you’re symbolically saying to the ritualists, “I admit my words no longer have any purpose or relevance in this life. My sole purpose now is obedience to your words and commands.”
And in raising themselves to the position of your new sovereign, and muzzling you like a dog in the process, they alchemically create a newyou in a newrole under new rulers. That’s the alchemical transformational change involved in the ritual.
They’re quite literally attempting to take the place of God in your life, and make you their willing subject. They’re becoming your instead-of-Christ. Your antichrist.
And by placing the mask on your face, you’re becoming their unwitting faithful servant. You’re being ritually initiated into the new order. You may not realize it. But in occult magic, the victim doesn’t have to be knowledgeable of the meaning behind what he or she is being told to do. The performance of the ritual itself – on demand — is all that matters.
So, who, exactly, is doing this to us?
1 John 2:18 — Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.
You didn’t think these “many antichrists” would sit around on their hands all day, doing nothing, in the final days of this flesh earth age while they’re waiting on the return of their father the devil in his role as the false messiah, did you?
Naturally, they’re softening things up for their god – Satan — before he gets here. They’re using ceremonial occult ritual magic, on a global scale, to capture the entire world in their dragnet.
By wearing the mask, you’re being symbolically and alchemically transformed — “reborn” — into their new global system, through occult ritual programming.
More from the Encyclopedia Britannica on ritual mask-wearing:
“The person who wears the mask is also considered to be in direct association with the mask’s spirit force and is consequently exposed to like personal danger of being affected by it.
…Upon donning the mask, the wearer sometimes undergoes a psychic change, and, as in a trance, assumes the spirit character depicted by the mask.”
Well, folks, the antichrist – the instead-of-Christ — is the “spirit force” of the mask we’re talking about. You get that, don’t you? He’s the spirit behind the powers-that-be who are working to pull off this global coup.
And it’s the powers-that-be who have masked, muzzled and demoted you to your new status of slave, on the behalf of their god, the devil himself.
The mask-wearing ritual is designed to possesyou with the spirit of subservience to your new overlords, who are the “many antichrists” of 1 John 2:18.
And it sets you up to do the same when the antichrist arrives and offers his actual “mark,” which we’ll examine at the end of this commentary.
If you don’t think wearing the mask quite literally changes people, as the Encyclopedia Britannica states in the quote above, think about all of the masked “Karens” you’ve seen online videos of, wildly chasing people who aren’t wearing masks down the road, publicly berating them for not wearing masks, and screaming at them that there’s “blood on their hands” for not masking up like good little boys and girls always should.
Here’s one, for example, in which the “Karens” are all big, burly, mask-wearing males, quite literally shoving an elderly gentleman out of a store for not wearing a mask:
Through the wearing of the mask, the occult ritualists have created an army of “Karens” – programmed automatons who take the ritual so seriously that they feel personally and physically threatened when you don’t. And they don’t mind telling you so. Often vigorously.
The Encyclopedia Britannica goes on to say about the masking ritual:
“Usually, however, the wearer skillfully becomes a ‘partner’ of the character he is impersonating, giving to the mask not only an important spark of vitality by the light flashing from his own eyes but also bringing it alive by his movements and poses.”
In other words, in the end, the mask becomes part of the very identity of those who wear it. The occult transition becomes complete. The “new you” is born from the ritual.
The Encyclopedia Britannica further states:
“But often the wearer [of the mask] seems to become psychologically one with the character he is helping to create. He seems to become an automaton, without his own will, which has become subservient to that of the personage of the mask.”
You might want to think about those dozens of online videos showing fully-masked hospital nurses and hospital workers participating in elaborately choreographed Tik-Tok dance videos, while simultaneously thousands of hapless coronavirus victims are supposedly dying cruel deaths and being stacked up like cord wood in those very same hospitals.
Yes, a veritable maskeddance of death, just like you see in the movies. And we all know who Mr. Death is, don’t we?
Revelation 6:8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.
What’s more, by adding dance to the mask-wearing, the new slaves show their willingness to entertain their captors – to become little more than flesh play-sports to them — just as the Babylonian soldiers of old tried to force the Israelite captives to entertain them with music. As it’s written:
Psalm 137:1 By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion.
Psalm 137:2 We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof.
Psalm 137:3 For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song; and they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying, Sing us one of the songs of Zion.
Psalm 137:4How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?
As you can see, the Israelites of old refused to entertain their captors…refused to provide the requested mirth…asking amongst themselves, “How can we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?”
But unlike the time of the Babylon captivity, today’s coup against God’s People, and today’s ongoing overthrow thereof, is, so far, being accomplished without conventional warfare.
So, the people, by-and-large, don’t even realize the depth and severity of the attempted coup against them, because it’s being accomplished almost solely through occult ritual deception. Which is why God’s Word warns us that there will be times we can’t even trust our own neighbors. As it’s written:
Jeremiah 9:4 Take ye heed every one of his neighbour, and trust ye not in any brother: for every brother will utterly supplant, and every neighbour will walk with slanders.
Jeremiah 9:5 And they will deceive every one his neighbour, and will not speak the truth: they have taught their tongue to speak lies, and weary themselves to commit iniquity.
Jeremiah 9:6 Thine habitation is in the midst of deceit; through deceit they refuse to know me, saith the Lord.
First, the powers-that-be deceive your neighbors into putting on the mask. Then your neighbors, thinking they’re doing right, work to push you into doing the same, using peer pressure and “virtue signaling.”
And if you refuse to be deceived, as they are, they’ll slander you, turn against you, and work to supplant you.
Does this sound at all familiar to you?
Tell me again, how many cities and states now have highly-publicized “snitch lines” in which your neighbors can call up and report you for not wearing a mask? One U.S. city alone is said to have registered an astonishing 200,000 “tip-off” calls on their snitch line in a single week.
Yes, it’s just an updated version of what the book of Jeremiah tells us has happened before. Neighbor being turned against neighbor. In this case, over their failure to perform a prescribed ritual.
Like the old movie, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, your own neighbors end up as mind-controlled “pod people” who want nothing more than to drag you into the interconnected pod hive with themselves and all of the other victims of mind-control, happily betraying you (and your God-given freedom and position) in the process.
But the mask-wearing has another occult meaning, as well, which we’ve only lightly touched on. As the website states about the wearing of the masks:
“To better understand the symbolism of wearing the mask, try typing the word ‘censorship’ into Google Images and see what kind of illustration predominantly comes up. Here’s a sampling of what you’ll find:
That’s also why our figurehead leaders are ostensibly refusing to “mask up”: We are the one’s being gagged, not them.
These unconscious associations are extremely strong. Gags are a symbol of subservience and domination; they are deeply humiliating (and indeed they are popular in BDSM sexual bondage practices).
That is why people resist them so much; that is also why they are currently being made mandatory the world over. There is little doubt the unproductive barbarians behind this circus are enjoying themselves; they believe they are being subtle.”
Ah, yes. Subtle like the serpent. continues by pointing out:
This also involves imposing their symbols on us. The esoteric interpretation of the mandatory gagging ties directly into the symbology of silence that is as old as occultism itself.”
The symbology of silence is as old as occultism itself.
And here’s one little thing in particular they’d love you to keep silent about:
Caption on box of standard face masks: “This product…will not provide any protection against COVID-19 (Coronavirus) or other viruses or contaminants” …
Yes, they even admit right on the box holding the face masks that they don’t work for coronavirus.
So why would they force you to wear them under penalty of law? Because, in the grand scheme of things, wearing the mask has nothing to do with coronavirus. It has to do with initiating you into the new global order, and your new place within it.
Finally, as the occult website,, states about the wearing of masks:
“… Ancient peoples understood well the power of the mask. Evidence of mask-wearing in prehistoric societies shows that masks may have been intended to transform the wearer magically.
“… The mask has been revered as a sacred object of power, a living thing that either has its own persona or represents the persona of another being. It enables the wearer magically to bring to life, and even become, the persona or spirit being represented by the mask.
“…The mask is a mediator between the ego and archetype, the mundane [i.e., worldly] and the supernatural,the sacred and the comic. It connects the present to the past, the individual to the entire collective of race, culture, country—and humanity.”
In other words, mask-wearing is symbolic of the silent acceptance of humanistic one-worldism under Satan. What might that eventually look like? How about this:
The precursor to Revelation 13:15? “And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.”
As you can now see, there’s much, much more to the wearing of masks than what we’ve been led to believe. Mask-wearing is a very occultic phenomena, and always has been. Literally for thousands of years.
Indeed, it’s a striking example of musterion – a secret religious initiation having to do with silence being imposed by shutting the mouth. Again, according to the Strong’s Concordance, the word “Mystery” from the title “Mystery, Babylon,” consists of “the idea of silence, imposed by initiationinto religious rites.”
Surely, by now, you understand that the mask-wearing has nothing to do with coronavirus, but instead, with the filthy pagan and occult beliefs of our present overlords who are seeking to make us their willing slaves through psychological programming, aka occult ritual programming.
Hey, don’t be surprised. This is what occultists do. Like the story of the lady who rescues the hapless snake, only to have it bite her later. But when she asks the snake “Why did you bite me?” the snake simply replies, “Because I’m a snake, lady. That’s what we do.”
In making you wear the mask, the powers-that-be are initiating you into their new order. They’re demoting you from your position as a sovereign representative on earth to the Most High God, to your new position as a dependent slave to their system, aka, their “Mystery, Babylon,” which could very simply be translated: silent confusion.
Can the power of this occult ritual be stopped? Yes, it can. And quite easily, for any Christian. As a Christian, you can simply opt-out of the ritual. Stop participating. Withdraw your consent!
Ritual Daily Hand Washings
We’ve now discovered that the global mask-wearing phenomena is part of an occult initiation ritual designed to usher the initiate into a new paradigm – a new position in a new global order. The mask itself signals one’s consent to the change, and symbolizes loss of one’s previous sovereign position as a faithful Christian carrying forth God’s Word.
So, what about the other rituals they’ve imposed upon us, such as the daily ritual washing of hands?
Perhaps you’ve dutifully washed your hands eight or 10 times a day now, for months on end, thinking it’s a way to keep “the virus” from infecting you. And yes, there’s indeed some truth to the idea of washing one’s hands to help prevent the spread of an infectious microorganism.
But… in reality, for the purposes of occult ritual initiation, the powers-that-be have you symbolically washing your hands of your duties to Christ Himself.
To the occultists, this forced occult ritual washing of the hands reverses Pilate’s public handwashing ritual, which, for the last 2,000 years, has put the onus for Christ’s death on the hands of the ritualists themselves, and absolved Christ (and the Romans) of all guilt:
Matthew 27:24 — When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it.
Pilate performed a ritual washing of his hands in front of all of the people of Israel as a means of placing the responsibility for the Lord’s death directly on the heads of those who made sure He would be crucified.
Now, the powers-that-be in this day-and-age – who are descendants of those very same earthly powers who slew Christ on that cross at Calvary — have you working each day, in occult symbolic ritual, to reverse the impact of Pilate’s original ritual hand-washing, as well as his pronouncement of Christ’s innocence.
“Wash your hands,” the powers-that-be tell you every single day on the nightly news. “Spend at least 30 seconds on each finger of your hands, and on your palms and the back of your hands. Do this repeatedly throughout the day if you want to live.”
So, your acceptance of the ritual mask-wearing alchemically begins creating the “new you” – the initiated servant moving from his old position into the new. And your ritual washing of hands has you symbolically (albeit unconsciously) washing away your old position – your old Master and his prescribed ways — in anticipation of your new master and his.
It’s that simple. Hand washing is the occult ritualistic symbol of rejection.
When you fall for the hand-washing ritual, you’re symbolically washing away your old life, under Christ, in willing acceptance of your new life under the new order of the enemy and his “many antichrists” who have been pulling off this coup from the start.
The “Social Distancing” Ritual
So if the masking ritual signal one’s consent to change, and symbolizes loss of one’s previous sovereign position as a faithful Christian carrying forth God’s Word, and the hand-washing ritual symbolizes the washing away of the old Christian order so the new order can be ushered in, what does the “social distancing” ritual signify?
This one’s almost too easy to spot: Right off the bat, the use of the magical number six – as in six feet apart — should set your Spidey senses on edge, meaning, of course, your God-given discernment.
After all, there’s no more widely used occult number in the world than the number “six.” As you know, the antichrist’s very number is “six hundred, three score and six,” or 6-6-6.
“Social distancing” as state-mandated humiliation…If restaurants carrying out the governors’ edicts can get you do participate in this “new normal,” it’s a clear message that the government can do anything to you without repercussion…
The powers-that-be assure us that if we’ll all walk six feet apart, we won’t catch coronavirus. Do you really need me to explain why that’s a bunch of hogwash?
Are you not aware that there are already MILLIONS of viruses in every breath of air you take? No matter where you walk, those viruses are there – somewhere between 1.6 million to 40 million viruses in every cubic meter of air we pass through as we walk.
So, no matter how far apart from others you walk, those viruses are there. You can’t escape them, except perhaps in a full-blown Hazmat suit with an air tank that you’d need to leave running 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
So, much like mask-wearing, social distancing is a lie. It cannot possibly work. Yet we’re being forced to participate in it. But why would they do so? And if it can’t really help against viruses, what’s it’s occult purpose? Well, try this on for size:
Each of us are individual, but integral, parts of the many-membered body of Christ. We don’t just walk with Christ. True Christians walk in Christ.
Colossians 2:6-7 Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.
But symbolically speaking, the ritual of “social distancing” — at the magical “six feet” apart – is the part of the initiation ritual that SEPARATES YOU from Christ.
Rather than walking in Him, as His personal representative on this earth, you’re now symbolically and ritualistically separated from Him. Like Kevin Bacon and his Six Degrees of Separation.
Six feet from the Father. Six feet from the Son. Six feet from the Holy Spirit. Yes, that’s 6-6-6.
The occult ramifications are undeniable.
But that’s not all: Each individual Christian must remain six feet away from all other Christians. Do you understand what the powers-that-be are doing, ritualistically and symbolically?
Let me explain it: As a member of the Body of Christ, you’re supposed to be an integral part of the “whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth…” As it’s written:
Ephesians 4:16 From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.
The term “fitly joined together” in the above verse means “joined, joint-to-joint” or “close-jointed.” The word “compacted” in the above verse means “united.”
In other words, Christians are supposed to come together, sinew-to-sinew and joint-to-joint, tightly united in the Body of Christ. And through preaching His Word, we’re to help bring others into the tightly-knit body to help the body grow.
But the occult ritual initiation rule of six feet of separation symbolically neutralizes this command. (Remember, this is a form of occult magic. Symbols are everything in occult magic.)
It puts arbitrary man-made distance between those who are supposed to have no distance at all between them. It rips the metaphorical body of Christ apart at the seams, symbolically speaking. It separates the “joints and sinews” that are supposed to be so tightly knit together.
But as a well-studied and faithful Christian, you know there’s absolutely nothing on this earth that can separate you from the love of Christ (Romans 8:35-39). And that especially includes some stupid occult ritual.
Nevertheless, ritual occult magic is what the powers-that-be do. They glory in it. Their Kabbalah is full of it. It’s what they’ve done for thousands of years. In other words, it’s what they sincerely believe in. And… it’s what they want us to buy into without critical thought.
Centuries ago, they brought their occult ritual Kabalistic magic all of the way back from Babylon. Now they’ve opened the ancient books. And they’re unleashing the rituals in the final days of this flesh earth age.
And the worst part is this: It’s actually working. People are falling for it because of the sheer depth and breadth of the deception. And all of this over a virus with a 98.5% survival rate! Talk about putting people into a global trance!
In the end, the ritual of forced “social distancing” is designed to symbolically negate or neutralize God’s Word in a multitude of ways:
By eliminating fellowship between believers…
By stopping church services worldwide…
By causing faithful church pastors to be cited or even arrested for holding church services…
By causing faithful congregants to be cited or even arrested for attending church services…
By symbolically tearing apart the mystical and metaphorical Body of Christ, which is supposed to be “fitly joined together and compacted.”
In Amos 3:3, the prophet asks a very simple question:
Amos 3:3 Can two walk together, except they be agreed?
Well, two Christians can’t “walk together” if the powers-that-be can force them to walk six feet apart. We’re building a many-membered body, folks. A living temple of Christ, with each brick pressed up against the next like the sinews running through your physical body. As it’s written:
1 Peter 2:5 Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.
But you can’t put together a many-membered body – a living temple of God on earth — if you can’t press the bricks up close to each other in the building process. You know what happens when there are gaps in the seams between the bricks: It gives the “rats” an easy way to get into the temple.
The bottom line is that the “social distancing” ritual is symbolically designed to physically and spiritually limit the impact of Christianity on this earth, and put a halt to the growth of the many-membered Body of Christ in the final days of this flesh earth age. It’s a very clever ritual.
But here’s one thing the powers-that-be have overlooked: “What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder” (Matthew 19:6).
God has been putting together His many-membered body in Christ for some 2,000 years now. And we’ve all worked hard to help build it further.
So that’s our command for these times: “What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.”
And we follow that command by exposing the occult rituals of the powers-that-be. We stop participating in the global rituals and their components. And we resume our work for the Lord. We walk together, in Christ, tightly knit. Never six feet apart, physically or spiritually.
And whatever you do, don’t let the “Karens” of this world get your goat on “social distancing,” either.
It’s not their business where, or how, you walk your walk in the Lord. But always know that these thoroughly addled, out-of-work hall monitors are out there, and they despise you for your choice of not consenting to the new order:
The Ritual of Lockdowns and “Social Isolation”
“Stay home. Stay safe. Save lives.”
That’s what we’re being told, anyway. Yet a recent study of NY area hospitals demonstrates that a whopping 66% of all coronavirus hospitalizations have been among people who wore masks, washed their hands, practiced six feet of separation, and stayed home.
In other words, the vast majority of the hospitalizations were among people who followed the rules, prompting the Daily Mail to ask in a headline news article, “Does lockdown even work?”
Draconian “lockdowns” for pandemic flus were rejected as ineffective and destructive, in a seminal 2006 paper, on infectious disease & socioeconomic grounds, by serious, experienced epidemiologists, led by D.A. Henderson, former Dean of Johns Hopkins School of Public Health — the man who eradicated smallpox. (See
And if lockdowns don’t work, then why on God’s green earth are our global overlords making us “stay at home”? From an occult point-of-view, there’s an answer:
Lockdowns are little more than social isolation rituals, performed for the purpose of “purifying” the initiate so he can enter the new order unimpeded by things of the past no longer considered, by the powers-that-be, to be beneficial to the initiate.
There are basically four stages to an isolation ritual:
Stage 1: Isolation for purification (you’re cut off from the normal, and thrust into a “new normal” that’s completely different than your past life)
Stage 2: Surrender to the “new normal.” This often involves being given a token gift (think “stimulus check”) leading the initiate believe he’s being well-taken care of by his new overlords, so there’s no need to rebel against the new order one is being initiated into.
Stage 3: Sacrifice. No gift can be given without something being taken. In this case, your dignity…your sovereign independence…your voice…your individual power on this earth as a representative of the Word of the Most High God – all of these things, and more, are being taken from you in exchange for the cold “comfort” of a new way in a new world.
Stage 4: Submission. Think: Mandatory vaccines. Social tracing. The willing acceptance of new rules for a new order.
Once again, the idea is that the “new person” being initiated into the “new order” needs to be psychologically, if not physically, purged of the old way, before gradually being initiated into the new way.
At the website, an article on initiation rituals states:
“The isolation stage of the ritual is for purification. In this stage, the initiate is separated from the mundane. Did you know that mundane literally means “of the world?”
The initiate is largely removed from the otherwise familiar persons, places and things that they’re used to, in order to be “cleared” of them.
An initiate is forced to become detached and insulated, purged and “purified.”
An essential element of this separation from one’s typical environment is the suspension of the normal rules of living that one is used to; the normal way is no more.
Most of the initiate’s senses will become commanded and regulated at this time. In other words, the majority of what the initiate sees, hears, smells, touches and tastes, is deliberately controlled.
… With nowhere else to go except the places that we’re “allowed,” the insulated, isolated, initiated may be forced to confront his or her own reflection and inner shadows that have been ignored or buried somewhere deep beneath the average day-to-day.
…Just as they involve surrender, initiation rituals also involve sacrifice; both the tangible that can be held in the hand, and the intangible, such as behaviors, must be given up by requirement.
After all, for something to be “given,” something must also be taken; a token of submission, an ounce of blood; a pound of clay to be remolded.
Whether dramatically overt or deceitfully subtle, the ritual reinterprets reality; a new definition of reality is given. Training in the form of new behaviors and knowledge, including myths and codes are introduced.
Things necessary for new members to function properly in the new version of society they’re being inducted into are all imbued during this time. Repetition is typical, as it’s use helps hammer home the spell on the initiates.”
Just think about it: What they’re describing is the implementation of the “new normal.”
But you have to lose the “old normal” first, in order to be initiated into the “new normal.” Hence the lockdowns…loss of work…travel restrictions…business restrictions…food shortages…and much, much more.
In the end, the “new normal” becomes the norm, and the old ways are gradually forgotten. New mythologies are created for the new world, by our new masters.
And the “new you” – the transformed you – is birthed from the isolation.
In Summary
So, there you have it. The world today is undergoing a four-part occult ritual initiation and transformation ceremony – largely conducted through symbology, as virtually all occult rituals are – and designed to bring everyone, willingly and subserviently, into the new global order.
The global occult ritual of mask-wearing signals your consent to your new, subservient position, under your new masters, and the loss of your position as a vocal representative of, or mouthpiece for, the Word of God on this earth.
The global occult ritual of handwashing represents the washing away of the old order (i.e., the Christian Order you once belonged to), so a new order can be ushered in and firmly established.
The global occult ritual of six feet of “social distancing” symbolizes the breaking apart of the Body of Christ on earth, so it no longer functions as a stable and cohesive unit.
The global occult ritual of lockdowns symbolize isolation from everything normal so you can be “purified” from your old ways…surrender your former status to the new order…sacrifice your very self to the new order…and finally, willingly submit to the new order through obedience to it. And this will go on until the “new you” evolves like a Phoenix from the drama and trauma, straight into the waiting arms of Satan himself, ultimately. (Do you see now why our heavenly Father reduced the tribulation from seven years to five months, “for the elect’s sake”?)
All told, it’s an astonishing sight to behold.
The whole thing is being accomplished through a massive, global, theater-like stage play replete with occult rituals that virtually everyone, with the exception of God’s elect, are willingly participating in, ignorant of their true meaning and ultimate purpose.
The Mark of the Beast
All told, these ongoing occult initiation rituals – the wearing of masks…the washing of hands…the six feet of separation…the lockdowns — are the direct precursor, if you will, to accepting the Mark of the Beast.
Now, the Bible tells us that the Mark of the Beast is placed in the forehead and on the right hand (Revelation 13:16-17) of those who willingly take it.
I’ve often asked myself how so many people – the entire world, actually, with the exception of God’s elect — could possibly take the Mark of the Beast, willingly, since it’s quite literally the most well-known occultic “mark” the world has ever known.
After all, far more people know about the Mark of the Beast, than, say, other “marks” such as the Scarlet Letter (a letter “A” branded in red on the flesh of an adulteress), or the Yellow Star the Jews were forced to wear on their clothing in Nazi Germany.
But what if the infamous Mark of the Beast is not a visible mark, at all? Not a vaccine. Not a tattoo. Not a “quantum dot.” Not a scarred brand on seared human flesh. But instead, an invisible, spiritualmark?
Indeed, what if the Mark of the Beast is so seemingly innocuous in nature, one can quite easily be deceived into taking it, through occult ritual magick initiation and transformation, like we’re seeing take place today on a global basis?
The “mark” in the forehead simply means one mentally buys into the new system they’re being initiated into. And the “mark” in the right hand simply means one begins working for the new system…becoming a full and willing participant in it.
In other words, what if the Mark of the Beast on the right hand and in the forehead simply means the people buy into the new system, hand-and-mind?
Symbolically speaking, first the initiate willingly believes the deceptive story being promulgated by the powers-that-be (i.e., keep in mind that belief is a function of the mind/forehead), and then the initiate willingly and earnestly participates in the occult initiation and programming (i.e., begins wearing masks…washing hands…social distancing…locking down).
Voila! You now belong to the powers-that-be, hand-and-mind. They’ve captured you with a lie, and you don’t even realize it. In this case, it’s the coronavirus lie.
They’ve got you dancing to their tune. And that’s precisely what the Mark of the Beast accomplishes, when Satan gets here: Mental and emotional acceptance of the Satanic “Mystery, Babylon” system by the people of the world. And willingness – even eagerness – to work within that Satanic system, to its benefit. That’s your “mark.” As it’s written:
Revelation 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
The only difference at this point is that Satan is not yet physically here to deceive people with his miracles into joining his global beast system and installing him as its god.
But his henchmen are here, and they’re softening up the world with these global occult ritual initiations, in preparation for the time when their father the devil finally arrives in his splendorous role as the false messiah, and offers the “mark” in much the same way its precursor is being offered to us today.
That’s why I say this occult global ritual initiation/transformation is nothing less than a sneak peak at the Mark of the Beast — a global dress rehearsal for it, if you will.
The beast commanded the ritual initiation of the people of this earth, and literally billions of people worldwide fell into stride and unwittingly (yet quite willingly) participated,hand-and-mind, in their ritual.
Think about it. Virtually the entire world – with the exception of God’s elect — rallied around a singular global banner that was emblazoned everywhere. And that banner read:
Folks, when Satan finally arrives in his role as the false messiah, that’s exactly what the Mark of the Beast is going to be like: The whole world coming together as one, and then going to work for the system, under its new leader.
The story you’ll be asked to believe – the lie they’ll be promulgating — is this: “Jesus is here.” But as the Scripture warns:
Mark 13:21 And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, he is there; believe him not:
Mark 13:22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.
Mark 13:23 But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things.
If, at that time, you believe the blatant lie that Christ is here, when the Scripture tells you the exact opposite, you’ve taken (rather, you’ve been taken-inby) the first part of the Mark of the Beast, i.e., the mark in your forehead, which represents your belief.
You’ve believed the lie with your mind, just as people today have been completely taken in by the coronavirus lie – the lie that a virus with a 98.5% survival rate constitutes a “global pandemic” through which we must give up all of our liberties and freedoms.
As it’s written of that soon-coming time when Satan is on this earth in his role as the false messiah:
2 Thessalonians 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
2 Thessalonians 2:12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Then, when you begin working fervently for the new system, implementing the changes in your life that will be required by its global leader in his role as the god of this earth, you’ve taken the second part of the Mark, i.e., the mark in your right hand, which, Biblically-speaking, is your hand of power and the hand through which you strike an agreement with others.
You’ve embraced the new system with a hand-clasp, just as literally billions of folks around the globe, today, are enthusiastically (yet unwittingly) embracing the ritual occult mask-wearing, hand-washing, six feet of separation, and lockdowns imposed on them by their new global masters.
In short, it’s my belief that what we’re seeing today is a global dry run for when Satan finally gets here, and deceives the world into accepting the true Mark of the Beast.
In Conclusion
The short, 12-minute video below, titled “The Characteristics of an Initiation Ritual,” synopsizes some of the most pertinent points I’ve tried to explain in this commentary. It’s well worth the listen:
The bottom line is this: You can choose to become another brick in the wall of this fledgling global order they’re trying so desperately to usher in (and which, I believe, will ultimately fail, based on Daniel 11:14).
Or, you can choose to remain a living stone in the Temple of the Most High God (I Peter 2:5), and stand firm in your purpose as a vessel through which His Word is transmitted to others. That is your eternal destiny, IF you’re not talked out of it through deception.
Choose very wisely.
Army of the Lord by Accapella
Are we walking into the enemy’s camp, laying our weapons down shedding our armor as we go, leaving it on the ground? We’ve gotta be strong in the power of his might and prove to the enemy We are the army of the Lord and we’ve won the victory.
All around us a war’s going on between the wrong and the right We’ve gotta choose which side we’re on-the darkness or the light Some of the soldiers of the Lord just don’t realize that the captain of the army of darkness has come to blind their eyes
Repeat Chorus
Can’t you see that we’re in a battle and there’s no place to hide? The shields of faith are full of darts and their shooting from every side Just shake out the darts and run right at em’ and remember who you’re fighting for Don’t fall asleep cuz’ if they catch ya’ they’ll take you prisoner of war
Repeat Chorus (x2) We are the army of the Lord and we’ve won the victory!
Why is it when I hear these three letters CDC I just wanna take a shower? It’s not because I fear the Corona Virus, it’s just because I smell the decomposing souls of the folks at the CDC and those they hang out with. Take this in. It ties to the previous blog. Anybody have a towel? I need a towel.
SAN DIEGO (KUSI) – As coronavirus cases continue to increase across the United States, health officials and Democrat politicians seem to be using that statistic to fear monger and justify closure orders.
Dr. Scott Atlas of the Hoover Institute, discussed why we don’t need to be scared of the increase spread of coronavirus on Good Morning San Diego with KUSI’s Paul Rudy.
Atlas said that he has done more than a superficial analysis of the numbers, and after analyzing them, he doesn’t get scared.
Explaining, “When you look all over at the states who are seeing a lot of new cases, you have to look at who is getting infected because we should know by now, that the goal is not to eliminate all cases, that’s not rational, it’s not necessary, if we just protect the people who are going to have serious complications. We look at the cases, yes there’s a lot more cases, by the way they do not correlate in a time sense to any kind of reopening of states. If you look at the timing, that’s just a misstatement, a false narrative. The reality is they may correlate to the new protests and massive demonstrations, but it’s safe to say the majority of new cases are among younger, healthier people.”
Furthermore, Dr. Atlas emphasized the fact that the death rates are not going up, despite the increase in cases. “And that’s what really counts, are we getting people who are really sick and dying, and we’re not, and when we look at the hospitalizations, yes, hospitals are more crowded, but that’s mainly due to the re-installation of medical care for non COVID-19 patients.”
Dr. Atlas used Texas of an example saying, “90+% of ICU beds are occupied, but only 15% are COVID patients. 85% of the occupied beds are not COVID patients. I think we have to look at the data and be aware that it doesn’t matter if younger, healthier people get infected, I don’t know how often that has to be said, they have nearly zero risk of a problem from this. The only thing that counts are the older, more vulnerable people getting infected. And there’s no evidence that they really are.”
Dr. Atlas then pointed out the hospitalization length of stay is about half of what it once was.
Whether you strongly believe in the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit or not Cali Gov Newsom hates singing particularly if you do it in church. Instead of no soup for you, it’s no singing in churches. It is rumored that the hater Gov has just been thrown off too many Karaoke stages. Rumor is, women have left him when he tried to awkwardly dance, romance and sing his way into their hearts.
How blatant a Constitutional violation does it take for this Governor to kick your crotch inside out about your Constitutional Rights? When it comes to your religious freedom and your pursuit of happiness as you harmonize in praise, worship, prayer and melodious vocalizations to the creator the Governor with a one-way ticket to hell spits on everyone.
If the Governor took an oath upon entering office it should’ve included standing up for and protecting the Constitution. He has obviously not therefore he committed perjury.
STAND UP y’all.
Enforce your rights to authorize citizens’ arrest of this piece of trash called the Governor of California. This is easier than you think.
Stand Up
Be Brave
If not for you. Be brave for your children. Be brave for your family. Be brave for America. If you never liked your momma and daddy telling you what to do, why ever are you letting a criminal named Governor Newsom tread on you? Check this out. Stand up and Step up. Try and make your momma proud. -Yeesh
California bans singing in churches amid coronavirus pandemic
Church leaders are speaking out agaist a new ban on singing and chanting in California houses of worship. Center for Disease Control and Prevention officials point to singing as a proven way to spread a virus. The ban order the discontinution singing and chanting activities and limit indoor attendance to 25 percent of building capacity or a maximum of 100 attendees.
Faith leaders are speaking out after California Gov. Gavin Newsom banned singing and chanting in houses of worship last week due to a surge in coronavirus cases following weeks of protests.
“Places of worship must, therefore, discontinue singing and chanting activities and limit indoor attendance to 25 percent of building capacity or a maximum of 100 attendees, whichever is lower,” the new guidelines read as state health officials recommend churches have members sing online from their homes.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention officials point to singing as a proven way to spread a virus as the Golden State recorded more than 11,700 new COVID-19 cases Sunday, the highest single-day count of any state. With over 271,000 confirmed cases and at least 6,366 deaths, California now has the second-highest number of cases behind New York.
Family members hold hands as they pray at the first English Mass with faithful present at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in downtown Los Angeles, Sunday, June 7, 2020. Catholic parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Los Angeles suspended public Mass in March amid the coronavirus outbreak. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)
Sean Feucht, a worship leader at Bethel Church who also leads several non-profits in Northern California, called the order an “unprecedented attack” on the freedom of worship and said he is defying the Democrat governor’s ban.
“For the last several weeks, tens of thousands of people have been gathering outdoors in cities all across California and they have been screaming and chanting and protesting, and all the while state officials are encouraging them as they do this,” Feucht said.
“And then now, as the church wants to gather just like we’ve been doing for thousands of years to simply worship God, they bring the hammer down against us,” he added. “It’s just, can you see the hypocrisy and how insane this is? … It really is time that we take a stand and that we fight back.”
The 36-year-old father of four started a “Let Us Worship” petition signed by at least 5,000 on his website. He compared Newsom to Pharoah in the biblical story, reading a verse from Exodus, “This is what the Lord says, ‘Let my people go, so that they may worship me.'”
In a post on his Instagram, he shared a post showing images of him leading “illegal worship” in Iraq in 2016, in North Korea in 2010, and in California on Friday night.
“We’ve spent the last 20 years mobilizing worship in places where it is illegal. Never in my life would I believe that it would be California in 2020,” he wrote.
The Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, who is a member of the National COVID-19 Recovery Commission, called Newsom’s order “completely discriminatory.”
“How can you permit, not for one day, but for many days, tens of thousands to march in protest without wearing masks and then demand that 100 worshipers refrain from singing?” Rodriguez, the president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, wrote in a post on Instagram.
Pastor Les Simmons of South Sacramento Christian Center said his church will do all they can to protect the flock but notes that singing is a cornerstone of services.
“In particular, the black culture, singing in churches goes all the way back from 400 years ago during slavery up until now,” Simmons told KCRA. “Singing was our thing that got us through.”
Mendocino County first banned singing for worship services on Good Friday ahead of Easter, limiting houses of worship to four individuals for recording online services and other restrictions. The order was swiftly condemned by a prominent leader in the Southern Baptist Convention, the largest Protestant denomination in the United States, who said it violated the “integrity of Christian worship.”
After President Trump declared houses of worship “essential” in May, Newsom announced guidelines for reopening with approval from county health officials and limiting attendance to 25 percent of capacity or 100 people, whichever is less.
Wait a minute…
We have a sure fire way for Governor Newsom and his Constitutional law breaking associates to make sure they don’t get the C Virus