In today’s cancel culture it is getting harder and harder to exercise your freedom of speech. It is the job of the government to protect our freedom of speech not to censor us and make businesses censor us. Yet today that is the very thing that is being done from the White House.
They are deciding what is misinformation and censoring it but then months later we find out the very people who were censored were actually right. The current administration is in violation of the 1st amendment through this pandemic.
First Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
We the People need to organize and hold the White House accountable for their actions. They need to uphold the constitution or resign.
The War on Consciousness has many different layers, with Transhumanism being a major component of it.
Elon Musk and others will try to sell this to people by claiming it will make them “super-human” when in reality it would make them ‘sub-human’ and inhuman.
The human mind and human body is naturally, organically capable of achieving what we call “superhuman” abilities.
Due to the disconnection to nature because of modern society, humanity’s true potential has been severely inhibited.
Cities and towns that are seas of Electromagnetic Frequencies, Glyphosate, Atrazine and other toxic chemicals in the food/water supply, pHARMaceuticals, hormone disruptors in plastics, fluoride in tap water and toothpaste, heavy metals sprayed in the sky, etc are all attacks on Humanity and human Consciousness.
If you have never taken action against these attacks on your body, mind, and soul, you will never understand that they are in fact inhibiting you in ways you could never even imagine without direct experience.
The powers that be do have the agenda to adhere to by 2030 and it seems they are on track. Prepare now for the food shortages coming your way in the fall.
Now we all know that the man at the top if he truly believed there was a deadly virus out there and that his vaccine truly worked he would be the first in line to test it out, but no, this CEO wants us to believe he doesn’t want to “cut the line”.
Biden: Sarah Silbiger/UPI/Bloomberg via Getty Images Psaki: Alex Wong/Getty Images
On Tuesday, President Biden and White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki both spoke of a “door-to-door” approach to convince Americans to get vaccinated in response to COVID-19, prompting an outburst of harsh criticism from social media.
Biden stated at his update on the COVID-19 response and vaccination effort, “In today’s briefing we discussed how our administration is going to devote the remainder of the summer to a special focus on five ways to make gains and getting those of you who are unvaccinated vaccinated. Because here’s the deal. We are continuing to wind down the mass vaccination sites that did so much in the spring to rapidly vaccinate those eager to get their first shot and their second shot for that matter if they needed a second. Now we need to go to community by community, neighborhood by neighborhood, and oftentimes door to door, literally knocking on doors to get help to the remaining people, protected from the virus.”
At her press briefing, Psaki stated, “By the end of the week, the United States will be nearing 160 million people fully vaccinated, which the President will touch on today as well, which is critically important, as fully vaccinated people are protected against the Delta variant. He will also stress how the administration will continue its efforts to work with governors, local leaders, and across the public and private sector to get more Americans vaccinated by making vaccines available in more healthcare settings and respond to hotspots.”
Psaki continued, “The President will outline five areas his team is focused on to get more Americans vaccinated. One: a targeted community by community door-to-door outreach to get remaining Americans vaccinated, by ensuring they have the information they need on how both safe and accessible the vaccine is.”
Rep. Dan Crenshaw fired, “How about don’t knock on my door. You’re not my parents. You’re the government. Make the vaccine available, and let people be free to choose. Why is that concept so hard for the left?”
Country star John Rich had a different plan: “FYI: To any of Biden’s missionaries who feel moved to knock on my door to push me to get the jab, I’ll kindly invite you in, tell you about Jesus and make you listen to Ronald Reagan speeches until dinner. If you’re still here, we’ll have a slow, full reading of the Constitution.”
Actor James Woods: “Will you be wearing armbands?”
Radio host Steve Deace: “Why do we need a ‘vaccine passport’ system if they’re able to go door-to-door to the unvaccinated? Doesn’t that mean they already know? Oh, and come to my door and I’ve got two words for you: Jehovah’s Witnesses.”
The Libertarian Party of Kentucky: “Insert reference to a historical event where something like this previously happened.”
Washington Free Beacon Executive Editor Brent Scher: “Yup, door to door government agents def will calm the nerves of vaccine skeptics.”
Former Acting Deputy Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Ken Cuccinelli: “Ummm… wait a minute… the federal government is keeping track of who is vaccinated and who is not (or will be via asking door to door)? I thought this was happening through healthcare facilities… you know, that keep medical history private? Very high creepy rating…”
Real Vax intel, not the propaganda crap they cram down our throats.
No matter who you are, no matter your income, no matter the house you live in, the car you drive, the boat or plane you own, not even generations of positive excellent genes you were born with Dr Sherry Tenpenny will explain to you in plain English WTF you did to yourself by accepting the COVID vax. We are not here to scare you, make you feel bad, or call you a second-class person.
Please, we want to compel you to listen from start to finish this interview with Dr. Tenpenny. You have allowed yourself to be a biowarfare guinea pig in the experimentation of biowarfare. In God’s name please, please, please, please listen to what we are sharing. Your life and those you love maybe even just like need you to share this information with them. If you are willing to accept the jab of an experimental gene-altering biowarfare drug then be brave enough, be loving enough to listen to Dr Tenpenny from start to finish. We at love you and your families. Our prayers go out to all y’all.