This video stood out because he mentioned a Democratic Reset and restoration to the Constitution is necessary.
Category: Politics
Stick That In Your Country Song
Stick That In Your Country Song by Eric Church.
America the great. What are you doing to keep it great? Are you fighting to make your vote count, no matter what state you are in? Are you gonna let the enemies of our Constitutional Republic lie, cheat, steal, defraud you and the rest of us out of our country America? Listen to this song, is this what you want our country to be? Listen and when you get it down, sing it. No matter what part of the government tells you can’t sing. They say you can’t sing in church, your kids can’t sing in the front yard, you can’t hear the joy in your wife’s voice as she sings in the shower because the same cheats and thieves that want to steal our country and falsify voting records. Time to stick that in your country song. Learn this song and sing it. If you still have a pair sing it without a mask. Stand up.
Take me on up to Detroit city
Jails are full, the factories empty
Momma’s crying, young boys dying
Under that red, white, and blue still flying
Drop me off in Baltimore
Where every other window’s got a plywood board
Where dreams become drugs and guns
The only way out is to shoot or run
Stick that in your country song, yeah
Take that one to number one, yeah
And get the whole world singing along, yeah
Stick that in your country song, yeahOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Sing about the man coming back from war
23 going on 54
He lost a friend, his sight, his hands
Baby girl he’ll never see again
Stick that in your country song, yeah
Take that one to number one, yeah
And get the whole world singing along, man
Stick that in your country song, yeah
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohI light the arrow, pull the bow
Shoot that fire right through my soul
Hit my pride, fist up high
I wanna feel the rush, I wanna feel alive
C’mon, I wanna pound the dash
Stomp the gas, drive too fast
Rock me hard, stop my heart
And blow the speakers right out of this car
Stick that in your country song, yeah
Take that one to number one, yeah (number one)
And get the whole world singing along, man
Stick that in your country song, yeah
Stick that in your country song
Take that one to number one
I could sing this all night long, yeah
Stick that in your country song, yeah
Gimme one about the teacher who’s
Tryin’ to change a life or two
She’ll be rocking out all night with you
Tomorrow she’ll back in a red brick school
Where kids are climbing off the walls
It’s scary walking down the halls
She’s underpaid, she’s overworked
Come on man, shout one out to her
Stick that in your country song, c’mon
Take that one to number one, yeah
And get the whole world singing along
Stick that in your country song
Stick that in your country song
Take that one to number one
And get the whole world singing along, man
Stick that in your country song, yeah
Yeah (oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh)
Stick that in your country song, yeah
(Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh)
And get the whole world singing along (singing along)
(Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh)
Stick that in a country song
(Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh)
Georgia Counterfeit Ballots Went to Biden
50 Years Ago Mercy Mercy Me
Fifty years ago you could sing anywhere you wanted to without getting permission from the Government to be able to sing. You could even sing in church. You could even sing in a bar without a mask. You could sing on a street. You could sing to your children. Your children could sing while playing.
Now the government tells you where,when, and how you can sing if at all. Oh mercy, mercy me a 1971 song by Marvin Gaye. Politicians wanna step on our Constitutional Rights because they say they know what they are doing. 50 Years ago Mercy Mercy Me showed politicians just as today don’t know what they are doing. But the game is the same. To dumb you down, make you think they know better than anyone. Yet they still haven’t fixed what was wrong 50 years ago.
Oh Mercy, mercy me. We do have people who have been trying for the last 4 years to stop the corrupt oppressors from owning you, yours, We the People and the country we love, Constitutional America. They say we are just too dumb and lazy to take care of ourselves and our country. Join us, sing this song oh mercy mercy me. Stand up for America, for God, for yourselves. Help people who are trying to help you like our President Donald J Trump.
Listen to this song from 50 years ago by Marvin Gaye Mercy, Mercy Me. Please feel free to sing the song. Take your mask off, feel the freedom. It’s up to you to be free from oppression. Sing it now and rock he house. Mercy, Mercy Me.
Whoa, ah, mercy mercy me
Oh things ain’t what they used to be, no no
Where did all the blue skies go?
Poison is the wind that blows from the north and south and east
Whoa mercy, mercy me,
Oh things ain’t what they used to be, no no
Oil wasted on the oceans and upon our seas, fish full of mercury
Ah, oh mercy, mercy me
Ah things ain’t what they used to be, no no
Radiation under ground and in the sky
Animals and birds who live nearby are dying
Oh mercy, mercy me
Oh things ain’t what they used to be
What about this overcrowded land
How much more abuse from man can she stand?
Oh, no no, na, na na, na
My sweet Lord, na, na, na
My Lord, my sweet Lord
The Plot Thickens
Plot thickens…
You cant make this stuff up people.
In response to an earlier post about Quantas airlines and their protocols for mandatory vaccination in order to fly.
Upon doing some research, here is some very interesting information. Surprise, surprise. Oh how the plot thickens. Follow along now boys and girls 😁
Quantas airlines was privatized in March 1993
British airways buys a majority stake of Quantas airways, 25% at the time worth 665 million.
British airways is owned by International Airlines group
International Airlines Group is one of the largest in the world, it has 598 air craft and carries 118 million people anually
Qatar Airways owns International Airlines Group
After purchasing an additional $600 million in shares, in February 2020, ( coincidence🤔🤔🤔 I think not) the Qatari Government is now 50% share holder of Qatar Airways.
Qatar is off the coast of Saudi Arabia and is the richest nation in the world, or it was
Qatar is governed by the Emir
The Emir are the ruling class, long family histories of leaderships and extreme wealth.
The government is a de facto ” Absolute Monarchy”
Absolute Monarchy – holds a supreme autocratic authority over its people. They are not restricted or bound by conventional authority. They are not bound by written law, legislation or customs. They pretty much do what ever they want and they have the money to do it. Their wealth originates from oil production and sales
Qatar Investment Authority, takes stake in Vaccine manufacturer Cure Vac. CureVac is making a covid vaccine
Cure vac is designing the mrna covid 19 vaccine that will change our genetic make up turning us all into genetically modified organisms. Aka GMO BEINGS, no longer human beings.
Bill Gates is primary stake holder and investor in CureVac.😮😮😮
Gates is Freinds with Tamin Bin Hamad Al Thani, the Emir of Qatar.
Its amazing what a little resesrch will reveal.
Now going full circle do you see and understand why Quantis will require vaccines??? There is a much larger picture. You must ask questions. You must ask why things are the way they are. You can not just blindly follow along.
Gates and CureVac (biomed vaccine)
IAG owns British airways (and others):
Qatar Air, shareholder in IAG
Qatar Airways owned by Gov’t
Qatar takes stake in CureVac and Gates vaccine
Airline now requiring Covid vaccine to travel: (
CureVac Collaboration
This post came from a telegram from the Galactic Federation.
No Need For Vaccine
The following article explains why a mandatory vaccine in unnecessary.
Former Pfizer VP: ‘No need for vaccines,’ ‘the pandemic is effectively over’
Dr. Mike Yeadon, Pfizer’s former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory, states that the drive for a universal vaccine has ‘the whiff of evil’ which he ‘will oppose … vigorously.’Mon Nov 23, 2020 – 11:09 am EST
November 23, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – While Pfizer pharmaceutical made headlines announcing the imminent release of their COVID-19 vaccine, to much fanfare, a former Vice President and Chief Scientist for the company has flatly rejected the need for any vaccines to bring the COVID-19 pandemic to an end.
In a recent article, Dr. Michael Yeadon, who “spent over 30 years leading new [allergy and respiratory] medicines research in some of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies,” and retired from Pfizer with “the most senior research position in this field,” wrote:
There is absolutely no need for vaccines to extinguish the pandemic. I’ve never heard such nonsense talked about vaccines. You do not vaccinate people who aren’t at risk from a disease. You also don’t set about planning to vaccinate millions of fit and healthy people with a vaccine that hasn’t been extensively tested on human subjects.
The British national’s comments come at the end of a comprehensive criticism of the Scientific Advisor Group for Emergencies (SAGE), a government agency of the U.K. tasked with advising the central government in emergencies. SAGE has played a predominant role in determining public lockdown policies in the U.K., including those recently implemented, as a response to the COVID-19 virus.
After pointing out that SAGE lacked essential expertise in the field they are addressing, with “no clinical immunologists” as members, Yeadon highlights two fundamental errors they have made in their presuppositions which cause their overall conclusions to go radically awry leading to the “torturing [of] the population for the last seven months or so.”
First Fundamental Error: “Ridiculous” presumption of 100% susceptibility
The first erroneous assumption SAGE makes is that “100% of the population was susceptible to the virus and that no pre-existing immunity existed.”
Yeadon states this notion is “ridiculous because while SARS-CoV-2 is indeed novel, coronaviruses are not. There’s no such thing as an ‘ancestor-less virus’.” Indeed, he points out, there are at least “four, endemic, common-cold inducing coronaviruses … [which] circulate freely in UK and elsewhere.” Those who have been infected by “one or more of these endemic, common-cold producing coronaviruses in the past, have a long-lived and robust [T-cell] immunity, not only to those viruses, but to closely related viruses. SARS-CoV-2 is one such closely-related virus.”
Striking once again at the competence of SAGE, Dr. Yeadon states, “To not expect such cross-over is … to demonstrate the lack of the requisite understanding to build a model reliable enough to use.”
Further, he states, that the common PCR test which is used for detecting COVID-19 “cases,” may come out positive when someone is infected with one of these common cold coronaviruses rendering this test that much less reliable. Of course, based on the final results of these tests, many thousands of individuals have been ordered to disrupt their lives and “self-quarantine” for up to 14 days.
Finally, drawing from the scientific data, Dr. Yeadon concludes that due to previous exposure to common-cold coronaviruses, “a significant proportion (30%) of the population went into 2020 armed with T-cells capable of defending them against SARS-CoV-2, even though they had never seen the virus… SAGE was naively wrong to assume ‘everyone was susceptible’.”
Second Fundamental Error: An “amateur underestimate” of the infection rate
SAGE’s second erroneous assumption is “The belief that the percentage of the population that has been infected can be determined by surveying what fraction of the population has antibodies” developed due to infection with COVID-19.
Because of this assumption, “SAGE believes that less than 10% of the population have so far been infected by SARS-CoV-2.”
However, Yeadon clarifies that it’s “well understood that not every person, infected by a respiratory virus, goes on to produce antibodies. And many people, having prior immunity, never get properly infected anyway.”
While almost all of those with significant symptoms, who were admitted to a hospital, produce antibodies, those with “milder responses to the virus” do not “all produce antibodies.” Nevertheless, all of those infected have been shown to have “T-cells in their blood, capable of responding to SARS-CoV-2,” and thus they still develop immunity.
Drawing from two independent methods, which arrive at the same general conclusion, Yeadon demonstrates that the real infection rate is “in the mid-20s to low-30’s per cent,” and thus SAGE’s estimate of 7% “is a gross and amateur underestimate.”
Why it matters…“the pandemic is effectively over”
With a false presumption that 100% of the population is susceptible to the virus, along with only 7% having been infected, it is the view of SAGE, that “the pandemic has only just begun.” Yeadon clarifies, however, that this is “palpable nonsense.”
Since it is demonstrable that “around 30% of the population had prior immunity,” and if one includes some young children who are “resistant,” 40%, and while considering that the infection rate is “somewhere [in] the mid-20s to low-30s per cent,” this means that around 65 to 72% of the population currently has immunity to COVID-19.
And considering the reality of herd immunity, when susceptibility to a virus falls this low, at around 28 to 35%, “that population can no longer support an expanding outbreak of disease,” and thus the virus “wanes and disappears.”
Therefore, Yeadon concludes, “the pandemic is effectively over and can easily be handled by a properly functioning NHS (National Health Service). Accordingly, the country should immediately be permitted to get back to normal life.”
He further stipulates that he is “incandescent with rage at the damage” SAGE has “inflicted” on the U.K., charging that they have “either been irredeemably incompetent” or “dishonest,” and thus “they should be disbanded immediately and reconstituted,” as “they haven’t a grasp of even the basics required to build a model and because their models are often frighteningly useless.”
Concerns with Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine: Severe complications
Despite an estimated 65 to 72% of the population now having immunity to COVID-19, a percentage which indicates a critical level of herd immunity, Operation Warp Speed in the United States appears intent to follow the globalist campaign advanced by Bill Gates and vaccinate all 328 million people in the nation with the Pfizerproduct or others emerging for approved distribution in the coming months.
Notwithstanding the fact that no vaccine has ever been successfully developed for any coronavirus, and such an endeavor would normally take years to safely and adequately complete, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has permitted the fast-tracking of this process skipping the standard stage of testing on animals to directly test these vaccines on humans.
Immediate results from some of these trials have included “severe” complications, involving headaches, fever, body aches and symptoms similar to a “severe hangover.” Further, as the New York Times emphasized, Pfizer’s initial claim that their vaccine was “more than 90 percent effective,” was “delivered in a news release, not a peer-reviewed medical journal. It is not conclusive evidence that the vaccine is safe and effective.”
Expected ‘high volume’ of adverse reactions
And given the enormous scale of the stated goal, of administering these chemicals to hundreds of millions of people, when there is normally some rate of severe complications to the use of vaccines, the negative results may be significant. For example, one study of influenza vaccines administered to adults over 65 years of age, found a rate of approximately 1% which experienced severe side effects. If a COVID-19 vaccine is merely similar for individuals in the same age bracket (54M in population), that would equate to 540,000 individuals in this age bracket alone who may need medical care in a hospital system which provides less than 925,000 total beds.
Curiously, there is evidence that at least the United Kingdom is preparing for a high number of adverse effects due to the COVID-19 vaccinations. That government’s Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), posted a bid request stating that “For reasons of extreme urgency,” they seek “an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software tool to process the expected high volume of Covid-19 vaccine Adverse Drug Reaction (ADRs).” It goes on to explain that “it is not possible to retrofit the MHRA’s legacy systems to handle the volume of ADRs that will be generated by a Covid-19 vaccine,” and that this “represents a direct threat to patient life and public health.”
New ‘unproven’ mRNA technology: 20% ‘serious injury rate’
Other concerns about the Pfizer vaccine is that it would be the first to use “an as-yet-unproven technology platform that relies on something called messenger RNA, usually shortened to mRNA.” Moderna, another corporation striving to develop a COVID-19 vaccine, is also venturing to utilize this mRNA platform. In May, Children’s Health Defense reported that clinical trials for Moderna’s vaccine had a 20% “serious injury rate” in its high-dose group.
Debi Vinnedge, executive director at Children of God for Life, a pro-life organization which specializes in the moral evaluation of vaccines, told LifeSiteNews, “[I]f Moderna and Pfizer are the ones supplying the first rounds of vaccines and they mandate it, that could be a disaster. They are both using brand new technology with the mRNA that has never been used in a vaccine before and they are pushing this through in a matter of months of testing, rather than the typical 4-6 years of testing.”
Mandates and Public Distrust
With a push for vaccine mandates on the rise, and resistance for such invasive measures emerging in response, a recent study indicates a growing discomfort among Americans with vaccines overall.
A report from Civic Science (CS) indicates “a steady decline in the percentage of U.S. adults who say they’re ‘very’ comfortable with vaccines overall.” In fact, CS states, “the monthly percentage of those highly comfortable with vaccinations at large fell more than twenty percentage points since the start of 2020 (69% in January compared to October’s 47%).”
In addition, “only 22% percent of those surveyed say they would get the vaccine right away,” and CS concludes, “it’s clear that hesitancy to receive a future vaccine … is running rampant across the country” and this “sheds light on just how difficult it is for many to trust a future vaccine right now.”
Manipulation of the Public
Serving to counteract this trend, Yale University, in collaboration with the U.S. government, sponsored a study to determine the most effective means of persuading Americans to take the COVID-19 vaccine.
The study tests a variety of approaches, such as appeals to “Personal freedom,” “Economic benefit,” “Self-interest,” fears of “Guilt,” “Embarrassment,” and actually being a coward.
While several of the appeals are straightforward arguments, others hint at a willingness to use public shaming to elicit compliance.
One, for instance, “asks the participant to imagine the guilt they will feel if they don’t get vaccinated and spread the disease,” with variants exchanging guilt with anger or embarrassment. Another suggests someone who refuses vaccination “doesn’t understand how infections are spread or who ignores science.” Another declares that “those who choose not to get vaccinated against COVID-19 are not brave.”
The findings of this study will likely influence the messaging of state officials and academic institutions who have discussed mandating vaccination, as well as advertising campaigns surrounding a vaccine once it is completed.
Coercion of Black Communities and Children
Other strategies of coercion being developed include the “bundling” of vaccine mandates “with other safety net services,” for the poor, including “food security, rent assistance, and free clinic services” for “vulnerable populations,” with “Black and minority communities” receiving special mention.
And the District of Columbia (DC) is advancing a bill which circumvents parental consent when it comes to their minor children being given a vaccine. The “Minor Consent for Vaccinations Amendment Act of 2019,” states, “this bill permits a minor of any age to consent to receive a vaccine where the vaccination is recommended by the United States Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. It also establishes that if a minor is able to comprehend the need for, the nature of, and any significant risks inherent in the medical care then informed consent is established.”
According to The Vaccine Reaction, “The bill would not only permit children aged 11 years and older to give consent for doctors and other vaccine administrators to give them vaccines without their parents’ knowledge or consent, but would also require insurance companies, vaccine administrators and schools to conceal from parents that the child has been vaccinated.”
The report clarifies, “If this bill passes, it is clear that minor children will be at risk of being pressured and coerced into getting a COVID-19 vaccine behind their parents’ back.”
Pfizer a “convicted serial felon”
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., nephew of former U.S. president John F. Kennedy, environmental attorney, author, and founder of Children’s Health Defense, has been raising awareness about vaccines injuring children for decades. In addition to the organization’s firm opposition to the DC bill above, Kennedy has singled out Pfizer as one of several vaccine producers with a record of incurring criminal penalties for their products.
In a July debate, Kennedy emphasized that Pfizer, and three other leading developers of coronavirus vaccines, Glaxo, Sanofi, Merck, are “convicted serial felon[s].”
“In the past 10 years, just in the last decade, those companies have paid 35 billion dollars in criminal penalties, damages, fines, for lying to doctors, for defrauding science, for falsifying science, for killing hundreds of thousands of Americans knowingly,” Kennedy said during the debate.
“It requires a cognitive dissonance for people who understand the criminal corporate cultures of these four companies to believe that they’re doing this in every other product that they have, but they’re not doing it with vaccines.”
Following the announcement of Pfizer’s “90 percent effective” coronavirus vaccine, with the anticipation of imminent release, the firm’s stock price rose “15 per cent from $36.40 … to $41.94 per share,” at which point the company’s CEO and Chairman, Albert Bourla, sold 61.8 per cent of his shares in the company “for almost $5.6 million.” The Independent reports that in response to inquiries Pfizer replied that this transaction was an “automated process, set up earlier this year” where “shares are sold provided they go above a pre-agreed price.”
Yeadon: Vaccine proposals have ‘the whiff of evil’
While a government, media and corporate campaign prepares to “inoculate 300 million Americans by spring of 2021,” the voice of Michael Yeadon, along with those of tens of thousands of other medical scientists and practitioners remain suppressed and unheeded.
“Any such proposals” of universal inoculation, Yeadon writes, “are not only completely unnecessary but if done using any kind of coercion at all, illegal.”
“I would completely understand and would consider accepting early use of a vaccine only if done with fully informed consent and, even then, only if offered to the most vulnerable in our community. Other proposals have, to me, the whiff of evil about them and I will oppose them as vigorously as I have followed the pandemic so far,” he concluded.
Georgia Guidestones
Since Biden is the proclaimed “President-Elect” it is apparent by their campaign promises his administration has completely sold their souls to the indoctrination of the NWO. One of the tools the upcoming world government intends to use is the Georgia Guidestones as the guide for all humanity.

Omar CaliFunk March 27, 2014
1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.
10.Be not a cancer on the earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.
What is the true significance of the American Stonehenge, and why is its covert message important? Because it confirms the fact that there was a covert group intent on
(1) Dramatically reducing the population of the world.
(2) Promoting environmentalism.
(3) Establishing a world government.
(4) Promoting a new spirituality.
Certainly, the group that commissioned the Georgia Guidestones is one of many similar groups working together toward a New World Order, a new world economic system, and new world spirituality. Behind those groups, however, are dark spiritual forces. Without understanding the nature of those dark forces it is impossible to understand the unfolding of world events. The fact that most Americans have never heard of the Georgia Guidestones or their message to humanity reflects the degree of control that exists today over what the American people think. We ignore that message at our peril. — with Bill Hern.
Elvis Nguyen syntaxed the Georgia Guidestones in Parse-Syntax Grammar as seen above.
This is the language that is the only language for contracts in the Now Space. The good news is the Georgia Guidestones were not written in correct grammar and therefore it is a void or no-contract no matter what the illusion is that they will try to give the world.

[My syntax of georgia rock thing. Authorization runs backwards.
~0=CONJUNCTION=AND/OR=If the word following a conjunction is the last word in the sentence/thought-stream, such as being followed by a period, semi-colon, or comma, the word is syntaxed exactly like the word preceding the conjunction.
~1=ADVERB=Connects with pronouns preceding it and modifying verbs, adverbs, and adjectives following it. These are prepositions with no articles, articles with no prepositions, and words that have always been adverbs. Suffix “-ly” modifies words into adverbs.
~2=VERB=A word following an adverb but Not preceding an adjective or pronoun. Verbs do not exist by themselves.
~3=ADJECTIVE=A pronoun preceding an adjective or another pronoun becomes and adjective.
~4=PRONOUN=Words that aren’t conjunctions or adverbs. Can be words that are natively nouns or verbs.
~.8=PAST-TENSE=Word is in the past-time-jurisdiction.
~.9=FUTURE-TENSE=Word is in the future-time-jurisdiction.
~NC=AILING-CONTRACT=Poison-Prefixes OR a word that starts with a vowel followed by two consonants OR a word that starts with a vowel that performs as its own syllable.
~DP=DANGLING-PARTICIPLE=Anything that isn’t a pronoun at the end of a sentence. ]
[ Read it normally except every word that has NC, replace the word with “no-contract.” Words cannot be a negative condition of itself ]
Thank You Elvis Nguyen for doing the work. This is comforting news.
Discharge of Debt
There has been a lot of chatter on the internet about what is shared in the article below. Many are under the belief that Trump will still win this election through the courts so what is shared below could still be very possible. Is it possible? Time will tell.
Discharge of debt -NESARA
When President Trump wins this election and fully restores our lawful government, (the Republic), most of Congress will be arrested and/or forced to retire. Additionally, most Governors and Mayors will also be arrested and sent to Guantanamo Bay for selling out our states and cities to Communist China.
The current judicial system, a very wicked institution, will also be dismantled and/or reformed. All lawyers and judges (administrators) will be retrained in Constitutional Law, if they intend to continue to “practice.”
Now that the Queen is no longer in power, they must truly work for #wethepeople. The entire system must be revamped, because the real Constitution for the United States, Republic, will be reinstated. Currently, we are not operating under the lawful constitution and neither are we operating under constitutional law. Currently, we are operating under admiralty law and under the United States, Inc (corporation), which had usurped or taken over our Republic. Their constitution is the Constitution OF the United States, Inc. Our lawful Constitution is the Constitution FOR the United States, Republic. All of this will be rectified, within the next few years.
The Socialists/Communists, formerly known as the Democratic Party, does not want any of this to happen. They had been overtaken by very evil forces. Unfortunately, there are evil people in both parties. All evil entities will be judged.
Furthermore, Hollywood will completely cease to exist, because it is nothing but a creation of the CIA, formed to control the minds of the people. Their actors, athletes, media moguls, musicians, personalities, news reporters and entertainers were PEDOPHILES and adrenochrome harvesters, meaning that they had SEX with, raped, murdered, tortured, sacrificed, and drank the blood of children. #SaveOurBabies.
Under the Trump administration, millions of children have been rescued from pedophilia rings and from Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.S.) where these children were bred, raped and tortured. #SaveOurChildren.
This is why the “Deepstate,” entities, including FBI, CIA, Hollywood, et al have fought vehemently against President Trump. They didn’t want their secret to be exposed. Child sex trafficking is the crime of the elite. Children were their currency. These wicked perpetrators know that their time has come to an end. They too, will be arrested. Most are on house arrest, right now. Others are already at Guantanamo Bay.
Donald Trump was recruited to take them down; to totally dismantle the deepstate. He is leading the world in the deepstate take-down. Unbeknownst to most people, 209 countries had secretly agreed. They also agreed to world peace and to return to the gold-standard. The masses did not understand this, because they had been victims of mind-control and manipulation of the media and MK Ultra hypnotic tactics.
Soon after the elections, mass arrests and public confessions will be televised so that the masses can witness just how wicked these people had been. Following, will come the announcement that we have returned to the gold standard. Under a gold standard, Fiat currency, or money backed by nothing, will cease to exist. Instead, we will use gold and silver as money, which is lawful money, under our Constitution. Some well-trusted economists assert that we will have a choice between three forms of “money;” gold and silver, asset-backed cryptocurrencies, and our new rainbow dollars, which are backed by gold and silver. All three are constitutional, because all are backed by gold.
A gold standard increases our buying power, such that a house that is now $100,000 under this current monetary system, would cost significantly lower under a gold standard; some say as low as $10,000. Additionally, a gold standard transfers power from governments and banks, and puts it into the hands of people.
This announcement will include the NESARA announcement.
NESARA is the National Economic Security and Reformation Act. The Global rendition is the Global Economic Security and Reformation Act. We soon will experience NESARA and a Global Currency Reset, which is not to be confused with the NWO’s “Great Reset.” A Global Currency Reset (GCR) makes gold the standard currency of the world, whereas a great reset was the NWO’s idea of a One World Government. The latter has been cancelled and will not be permitted.
Under NESARA-GESARA, we will have a debt jubilee. This means that the entire globe, including governments and individuals all over the globe, will experience a COMPLETE DISCHARGE of DEBTS. All bank, credit card, mortgage, student loan and automobile debts will be totally “forgiven” or zeroed out This is to compensate humanity for being under the control of a nefarious system that had employed evil, unlawful practices.
Furthermore, under NESARA-GESARA, there will be trillions of dollars of global humanitarian funds released to help heal humanity and the planet, as well as a release of suppressed technologies. Also, millions of asset-backed dollars will be distributed to each and every person on Earth, in order to compensate us for the suffering that we had endured under the control and enslavement of Draconian entities.
You can find more information on NESARA-GESARA here:
Be encouraged! The planet is being liberated!
Retrieved from
Letter to Trump from Archbishop

Election Day Nov 3, 2020
Wow, here it is Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020. How quickly it got here even though it felt like forever getting here. Probably the hardest part of getting to today has been trying to stay neutral as we have done at
For us, as we stated on our home page it isn’t a democratic thing or a republican thing; rather a Constitution thing and an American thing. It has been very hard to keep it that way. Every day morning, afternoon and evening 7 days a week we have been in the public passing out free pocket sized books of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Every day we have fought to keep it a Constitution thing and an American thing.
Now we are at election day. We must speak up. Today when you vote, vote for the Constitution. Vote for America. Vote for the person or persons you believe with every fiber of your being will stand up for Constitutional America.
Vote for the person(s) you believe care about you, your family, your friends, your community, and our country called America. If any of you who received the books we have passed out every day since July 1, 2020, explaining your bill of rights, you must decide, do you want to lose your rights, the bill of rights? Do you want to lose our country called America to the NWO, the Cabal, the Illuminati knowing full well they are using the Democratic party and creepy sleepy Joe Biden who has made more public statements including his belief in 8 yr olds being able to change their gender without their parent’s knowledge, permission and using taxpayer money to do so? If you can stomach the idea of creepy Joe sniffing your child’s hair or your grandchild’s hair then you are approving pedophilia and human trafficking.
Joe Biden has sold his soul for over 47 years in order to take advantage of the benefits the deep state politicians have enjoyed for far too long in Washington DC.
Today we stand up as hopefully hundreds of millions of people will turn out to vote. Hopefully, those voting want to save Constitutional America from the Satanic culture the Democratic party works for, embraces, and is funded by.
Joe Biden wants to be president long enough to have number 46 next to his name as president of America.
Today we at the are urging all of you to re-elect by voting for President Donald J Trump as president. Trump is for our Constitution, the people of America, and our blessed country called America by not throwing in the towel to the NWO’s satanic culture.
Get out there and VOTE. Do not let anyone threaten you, intimidate you, or bully you while shoving misinformation and lies down your throat. While you are voting to re-elect Donald J Trump we hope you will vote for people who stand and support him, his efforts, and we Americans who believe in their Constitution and our great country America. Please get your vote in today.
Thank you from all of us at
STAND UP AMERICA people died protecting your rights, protecting America from the likes of the Deep State, the NWO, divisive Marxist, and the devil’s agents who call themselves Democrats. We at can no longer be silent. If you need or would like a copy of the pocket-sized book containing the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, please email us at The fight for Constitutional America does not end today November 3rd, 2020. We must all stand together, be strong, and be heard. Don’t forget the power of prayer and grow a pair. Stand up for America.
God Bless America. Now go vote.