Lorie Ladd does an excellent job explaining what we need to do to navigate what we are observing right now. We are to make sure we don’t fall prey to their fear and this is how it’s done.
Category: Uncategorized
Who is going to stand up for the truth?
“We are tired of the lies”
“Who is going to stand up for the truth?”
Don’t believe One Woman?
Would you believe two women who say don’t vax.
News Flash
:Russell-Jay: Gould is the subject of this video. :Robert-Leroy: Horton tells the story of the true history and facts of the Constitution. The new Constitution, the true Constitution is the same as the original Constitution but had to be re-written. Listen to all of the 1 hour 20 minutes of this video. It is so freaking important to you, your family and America. What has been done is wilder than any espionage movie. WTF that’s Whiskey Tango Foxtrot will jump out of your mouth. If you need to stop, pause, re-listen to what has been said again, that’s understandable. Guaranteed to make you say, “Mommy, Mommy, no one ever told me about this!” We look forward to your comments and questions. Don’t be shy about it.
For additional videos of :Russell-Jay: Gould’s testimony you can find it by clicking here there are several videos listed.
Inept CDC & States Mixing Up Covid-19 tests
If you wonder why there are many July 7th blogs today. Today is a big blog day. So much to share. Perhaps you have heard of through another blog on the fire.
Here is an article about the current Pandemic. The thing to notice here is that people are trusting these organizations to do the right thing, yet they are fudging the numbers for what? A political agenda to take away more rights.
The CDC and states were mixing up coronavirus test and antibody test data
Kathryn Krawczyk,The Week•May 21, 2020
The CDC and several states have been making a dangerous data mistake throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
There are two distinct tests key to solving the coronavirus crisis: Those that test for the actual virus, and those that test for COVID-19 antibodies and potential resistance to the virus. They have very different purposes, and yet the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and several states have been lumping the results from those tests into one data pile, with potentially disastrous results for patients’ safety reopening efforts, The Atlantic reports.
Local newspapers have reported in the past few days that their states have been blending the data together; the Richmond Times-Dispatch reported it in Virginia, prompting the state to start splitting its data last week, while the Texas Observer found it in Texas. Maine didn’t start splitting the viral and antibody test data until Wednesday, while officials in Vermont told the Vermont Digger they didn’t even know the blend was happening. And the problem goes all the way to the top, with the CDC confirming to The Atlantic that it has been incorrectly compiling test data.
“This is not merely a technical error,” The Atlantic notes. Widespread viral testing is key to preventing coronavirus spread, while antibody testing can help determine whether those who’ve recovered from COVID-19 — perhaps even without symptoms — have some form of immunity to it. And seeing as “states have set quantitative guidelines for reopening their economies based on these flawed data points,” blending the two together may have falsely inflated the number of viral tests and led some states to reopen too early. Read more at The Atlantic.
If you didn’t understand what we just posted here,
read it again, we know you aren’t that stupid.
Stand up America you are being duped and played by political criminals. Look at your kid. If you don’t care about yourself being duped how about these groups scaring the crap out of your kids?
Really STAND UP. Start barking. Raise some Cain. You gonna let people mess with your kid, really? Stand up. Get noisy.
Are you the kind that let people call your momma names?
Very Important
Date: June 26, 2020
Contact: R.E. Sutherland, M.Ed./sciences
Email: becworks@gmail.com
Copyrighted. Permission is granted to post or redistribute this article in its entirety without alteration or change. All rights reserved.
DISCLAIMER: Under Fair Use Act. The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; instead, it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only … the Reader is responsible for all thoughts and actions gained from introspection.
SUBJECT: Summary of U.S. Military Op and “Hostile Corporate Takeover” of Global Syndicate
By R.E. Sutherland, M.Ed./sciences
INTRODUCTION: This is HUGE NEWS. It is very GOOD NEWS for the World. This article is an attempt to give the “skinny version” of a very long fight by Patriots for freedom. Also, the largest covert U.S. Military Operation in history has just been won. This is not speculation. It is not a “belief”. It is FACTUAL. Regardless of color or creed… Americans must learn what happened. Let’s begin.
FIRST: President John F. Kennedy was assassinated November 22, 1963.
This reporter was in the fourth grade in Georgia, sitting in a public school classroom, and was told to watch the news on the new TV system. I am an eyewitness. My teachers were horrified. My parents were stunned. I was trying to understand what an “assassination” was. At that point in Time, Americans began to question the rhetoric on the television sets, because the original video clips did not match the facts told to Americans by anchor newsmen…Something was wrong.
SECOND: Beginning in 1963, Patriots studied hard and gathered the research about what was happening under the political and judicial tables in the USA. All of their documentation was stored in the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, OK.
THIRD: On April 19, 1995, the Murrah building was blown up in a False Flag. The files were destroyed.
The Patriots got the message from the Oklahoma Bombing: Don’t mess with Global Syndicate. They regrouped, planned again, and this time began researching GLOBAL FINANCIAL FRAUD. They also were learning that the Act of 1871 was actually a corporate takeover by the Vatican Banking system of the world, which used President Ulysses S. Grant after the Civil War to approve the takeover of the USA.
The U.S. Constitution of 1789 was replaced with a Corporate Constitution of 1871. Americans were not informed. Following the Oklahoma bombing incident, the Patriots created an office inside of the Pentagon, albeit the Black Pope Jesuit General also has his office in the Pentagon. Once again, the Patriots began archiving evidence. By that time in 1995 many politicians, judges, scientists, and other professionals were assassinated, because they dared to ask questions and talk about the global cartel. Things were very serious and deadly.
FOURTH: On November 2, 1999, the “Third and Final Bankruptcy’ of the United States Government was due. That meant the nation would be surrendered to the King of England and his London City international banking cartel, and the independent USA would be crushed.
Two American men were very alarmed about this looming event, and began researching the Global Financial System, which was derived from an ancient Masonic structure. Russell J. Gould and David Wind Miller went back in time to the very beginning of the Masonic Financial System.
They studied the terms and structures used to build the global financial empire that the King of England used to own most of the world in 1999. (Only 9 countries were not owned by the King, which included Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran, etc.)
Using ancient knowledge, Miller created a new financial construct called: NOW-TIME. Russell created the new Mathematical Interface (aka Math and Grammar) for the new financial system: 1+2=3 | 3-2=1.
During the 18 days, when the King had to vacate the Pennsylvania Post for the bankruptcy, starting on November 2, 1999, Russell snatched the American nation out of the hands of the New World Order. With the Navy’s assistance, Russel literally and legally CAPTURED THE AMERICAN TITLE 4 FLAG, substituted all of the corporate entities around the world with his new sovereign status, and became the Sovereign Holder of the position Master General of the Post in Pennsylvania. Russell also legally ended control by the entity called the “Four Star Trust,” which was created and operated by “Daddy” Bush for the intended purpose of surrendering the nation to the King.
For Russell’s Patriotic efforts, the Trust captured and beat Russell. They demanded that he surrender the Title 4 Flag. He REFUSED. They beat him a second time. All he could do was wait for the Patriots to do something with his new global financial system (Quantum Now-Time Grammatical Construct)… dubbed the “Quantum Grammar Construct”… which set up a new Quantum Global Banking System… outside of the ancient Masonic Financial System.
Source: WAR CASTLES Overview, Sargent Robert Horton, US Army Special Operations, 09May2020.
United States Army Special Operations
Special Operations Specialist from 1999 – 2012
Son of the American Revolution
LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29imNVWES7s
FIFTH: On September 11, 2001, a missile struck the Pentagon Building, and hit the office where the Patriot RICO documents were archived. The Financial Global center called the “Twin Towers” in New York City was also hit with two planes and the towers disintegrated. The events were very symbolic: The Globalists announced to the world their “ONE WORLD ORDER”. Once again, the Global Corporation attempted to stop the Patriot effort to expose the Financial Syndicate.
SIXTH: In 2009, a grizzly Vietnam Veteran with nuclear experience overheard a radio program telling people how to “exit the Federal Corporation”. Drake Bailey had already spent two years investigating the legal system, and he was alarmed with the incorrect information delivered on the radio show. He came out of his self-imposed retirement and called into the show. He taught the audience about the Nation/State Project, which is the correct Procedure to extract a nation from the Federal Corporation. By divine appointment, men in Pennsylvania were listening. They performed the Nation/State procedure for Pennsylvania, and restored the state’s international sovereign status in The Hague, thereby extracting it from the Federal Corporation.
Reference PDF 2-hour interview by David Wilcock with Drake Bayley in 2014
LINK to PDF: http://divinecosmos.com/mass_arrests.pdf
LINK to audio: http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/1043-massarrests
SEVENTH: This time the Patriots pulled themselves up by the boot straps. By this time, many other Americans were investigating the “911” event. In 2012, The Hague notified the Pentagon that Pennsylvania had pulled out of the USG, and restored its Sovereign status. The U.S. Military contacted the Pennsylvania patriots, and after they supplied the Certified-and-True copies as PROOF of what they had done, the US Government Corporation [USG] no longer controlled Pennsylvania. The U.S. Military informed elected officials of Pennsylvania that it had to protect the State. Other states were invited to do the same thing.
This researcher met a retired U.S. Military surgeon’s assistant, who participated in the South Carolina extraction from the USG. Per a request, he faxed copies of documentation, including South Carolina. The Nation/State Project was shipped to The Hague… in a “28 pound box”.
The copies included:
- A one-paged NOTICE with explanation about Nation/State Project
- Letter – Pennsylvania Notary for certified Copy
- Seal of Rhode Island on Apostille
- Certification with Notary Seal
- 4 pages – Shipper of the 28 pound box, Travel History, Receipt, and Label on box.
- Chain of Custody for the documents at The Hague
- Letter – shipper confirms DELIVERY.
FACT: In 2012, all of the original colony “states” were extracted from the Global Corporation. They LEGALLY restored their Sovereign status. (This reporter documented it in 2016.)
FACT: The U.S. Military role changed concerning the USG, which was officially NOTIFIED and NULLIFIED. Of course, its players refused to obey the Law.
EIGHTH: In 2012, President Obama gained a second term and was dismantling the free world.
Americans who were aware of the globalist intention were horrified. Nothing seemed to stop him. Three “white hat” Generals held a private meeting with the real estate tycoon Donald J. Trump. His background was thoroughly investigated and no criminal activity was found. They asked him to run for President in 2016, but he would have to fund his entire campaign. They would begin the greatest covert Military operation in history with this move. They had evidence that both big political parties were guilty of using blackmail and extortion to force Presidential candidate to obey the USG. Trump would bypass the USG. Trump agreed to run.
NINTH: In 2016, Donald J. Trump won the Presidential election with an unexpected landslide. The map went RED for Republicans, and the Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton lost the election.
FACT: All Hell broke loose in the nation. The Luciferin worshipping globalists were furious.
TENTH: Attempts to unseat a duly elected U.S. President started, which included:
- Fake News by the Mainstream “Op Mockingbirds” about everything the President did and said.
- A faked “Russian Dossier” introduced as evidence to frame the President.
- FALSE criminal charges against a 3-Star General Michael Flynn, who was selected to oversee the Homeland Security Department.
- An ILLEGAL impeachment proceeding by the U.S. House, led by Nancy Pelosi.
- Release of a Chinese bioweapon on the world with the INTENT to collapse the Global economy.
- Violent riots, paid for by billionaire Soros et al, throughout the world and in the USA.
ELEVENTH: The U.S. Military is now able to quietly inform the American public that the Patriot/Alliance and the U.S. President Trump administration, has COMPLETED a “Hostile Corporate Takeover” of the Globalist Banking Syndicate.
There were 22 nations working with the USA in the military operation. Two of the 3-tier sovereign city-states have been seized (aka Vatican and City of London). The U.S. Title 4 Flag waves over the nation of freedom once again. Because of the hostile COVID-19 attack, the Patriot/Alliance moved quickly, under the declared National Emergency and Defense Production Act, to:
- Take over anti-American corporations in the USA,
- Place the Federal Reserve under direct report to the President,
- Restructure the Supply Chain throughout the world,
- Bring down the global Pedophile rings,
- Rescue the children in the global Sex Trafficking arena,
- Remove hostile foreign nationals inside of the USA (aka drug cartel members, Chinese infiltrators, etc),
- Seal the border, and
- Arrest the traitors who set off the riots all over the United States.
- Other events in Europe and the world are yet to be revealed.
All of it was performed according to the Law.
Yesterday, the President began talking about the TREASON charges coming to Obama and Biden. The U.S. Senate has subpoenaed 50 people to testify under Oath about their role in the Coup. The Sealed Indictments are ready to be unsealed. On June 24, 2020, General Flynn was set free of Criminal charges that were derived from entrapment by FBI and CIA operatives under the direction of President Obama and Vice President Biden.
Today, Trump is restoring the U.S. Constitution of 1789, the Bill of Rights, as well as repairing the Sovereign nations all over the world. He literally owns the world via International Law, and is launching a new freedom-loving Banking system that is under construction…which Russell and David began in 1999.
Source: Flynn Dismissal Order Thoroughly Demolishes Dissenting Judge’s Opinion, by Tyler Durden, Thu, 06/25/2020 – 04:12
LINK: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/appeals-court-orders-flynn-judge-dismiss-case
Source: AWK… Winning! Huge [DS] exposure continues. Buckle UP! Jun 25, 2020
LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05Ofib15Y8U
Source: The Most Incredible Military Operation In History Under The Cover of Covid, A Recorded Interview!… Posted by DrCharlieWard.com, Wednesday, June 24, 2020 13:28, VIDEO: 47.23 minutes
LINK: /opinion-conservative/2020/06/an-extremely-good-insight-to-whats-really-happening-right-now-a-must-video-3529712.html
CONCLUSION: We have witnessed the greatest covert military operation in history. Things remain unpredictable, as the capture and conclusion of perpetrators in the Coup comes to an end. Stay alert. Keep up your faith. Much better days are coming. Know that good men led the fight and won the battles. All freedom lovers must be vigilant in their states and local levels. You have a role to play. There is VICTORY for Americans today. God wins. WWG1WGA.
Mark 4:22 – (KJV) 22For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was anything kept secret, but that it should come abroad.
R.E. Sutherland, M.Ed./sciences
Freelance Investigative Science Reporter since 1996
24 years – Virginia Licensed Science Teacher (biology, chemistry, physics)
9.3 years-Nuclear lab and Nuclear Radiological Protection Inspector
1992 – Certificate of Completion for “Teaching Nuclear Topics”
Author: American and Russian Alliance of 1858 (ISBN: 13: 9780595215010)
1998 – GOP Primary candidate for SC State Superintendent of Education
2000 – GOP Primary candidate for SC Governor
2004 – Libertarian candidate for US Senate
Web Archive in the Library of Congress:
To watch all the videos regarding this story go to theconstitutionmobile.com/gould
Original story from https://beforeitsnews.com/economics-and-politics/2020/06/summary-26jun2020-u-s-military-op-and-hostile-corporate-takeover-of-global-syndicate-2525316.html
Happy July 4th
Happy July 4th 2020!!
We have such great news for you all. What we are sharing with you in today’s blog will let you know several things. First, on May 20, 2020, the CDC released verified scientific data stating people have a greater chance of getting hit by lightning than we do dying of Covid-19.
Talk about blasphemous. Talk about disrespecting the people of America.
Stanford research pegged it April 17, 2020, then the CDC confirmed it May 20, 2020. Technology News and Trends report on July 2nd:
“The CDC now independently confirms recent research by Stanford University that COVID-19 has an extremely low death rate. This exposes the Technocrat hysteria as being man-made and not based on any real, verified data. ⁃ TN Editor
Most people are more likely to wind up six feet under because of almost anything else under the sun other than COVID-19.
The CDC just came out with a report that should be earth-shattering to the narrative of the political class, yet it will go into the thick pile of vital data and information about the virus that is not getting out to the public. For the first time, the CDC has attempted to offer a real estimate of the overall death rate for COVID-19, and under its most likely scenario, the number is 0.26%. Officials estimate a 0.4% fatality rate among those who are symptomatic and project a 35% rate of asymptomatic cases among those infected, which drops the overall infection fatality rate (IFR) to just 0.26% — almost exactly where Stanford researchers pegged it a month ago.

Until now, we have been ridiculed for thinking the death rate was that low, as opposed to the 3.4% estimate of the World Health Organization, which helped drive the panic and the lockdowns. Now the CDC is agreeing to the lower rate in plain ink.
Plus, ultimately we might find out that the IFR is even lower because numerous studies and hard counts of confined populations have shown a much higher percentage of asymptomatic cases. Simply adjusting for a 50% asymptomatic rate would drop their fatality rate to 0.2% – exactly the rate of fatality Dr. John Ionnidis of Stanford University projected.
More importantly, as I mentioned before, the overall death rate is meaningless because the numbers are so lopsided. Given that at least half of the deaths were in nursing homes, a back-of-the-envelope estimate would show that the infection fatality rate for non-nursing home residents would only be 0.1% or 1 in 1,000. And that includes people of all ages and all health statuses outside of nursing homes. Since nearly all of the deaths are those with comorbidities.
The CDC estimates the death rate from COVID-19 for those under 50 is 1 in 5,000 for those with symptoms, which would be 1 in 6,725 overall, but again, almost all those who die have specific comorbidities or underlying conditions. Those without them are more likely to die in a car accident. And schoolchildren, whose lives, mental health, and education we are destroying, are more likely to get struck by lightning.” Read the full story here.
This information was released on May 20, 20202. It’s July 4th. Has anyone heard any of this important factual information released May 20th from the news media?
NO WAY they want us to be scared. The media, the deep state, and the Marxist socialist agenda wants us all to be so fearful we do not see or watch them steal right out from under us America’s Constitution and our Bill of Rights.
Retrieved from theconstitutioncenter.org
- The U. S Constitution was written in the same Pennsylvania State House where the Declaration of Independence was signed and where George Washington received his commission as Commander of the Continental Army. Now called Independence Hall, the building still stands today on Independence Mall in Philadelphia, directly across from the National Constitution Center.
- Written in 1787, the Constitution was signed on September 17. But it wasn’t until 1788 that it was ratified by the necessary nine states.
- The U.S. Constitution was prepared in secret, behind locked doors that were guarded by sentries.
- Some of the original framers and many delegates in the state ratifying conventions were very troubled that the original Constitution lacked a description of individual rights. In 1791, Americans added a list of rights to the Constitution. The first ten amendments became known as The Bill of Rights.
- Of the 55 delegates attending the Constitutional Convention, 39 signed and 3 delegates dissented. Two of America’s Founding Fathers didn’t sign the Constitution. Thomas Jefferson was representing his country in France and John Adams was doing the same in Great Britain.
- Established on November 26, 1789, the first national “Thanksgiving Day” was originally created by George Washington as a way of “giving thanks” for the Constitution.
- Of the written national constitutions, the U.S. Constitution is the oldest and shortest.
- At 81, Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania was the oldest delegate at the Constitutional Convention, and at 26, Jonathon Dayton of New Jersey was the youngest.
- The original Constitution is on display at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, it was moved to Fort Knox for safekeeping.
- More than 11,000 amendments have been introduced in Congress. 33 have gone to the states to be ratified and 27 have received the necessary approval from the states to actually become amendments to the Constitution.
Does the holding back of information verified by the CDC make you a bit cranky yet? Do the non Constitutional politicians in Washington and varied state governments through the USA withholding this information from We the People infuriate you yet? Does the coupe to crash the American economy by the same anti-American movement scream out at you yet?
Are you feeling edgy that the same anti-constitutionalist, America haters who have shown they will do anything to hurt We the People of America? Do you realize they do not care whether you, your family and friends die or go broke by collapsing our economy with a fake virus data.
Whether you own a business or work for a business does it matter to you that they have used non-laws to keep you and yours dressed in masks which actually work to make you ill from things other than Covid.
They have had you and your family under house arrest as you watch your income slip from the black and into the red. They have done all of this and withheld beautifully verified information which shows the lies, the manipulation, and abuse of we the people.
Knowledge is power.
Read and learn the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Americans have been duped in more ways than one.
We at theConstitutionMobile.com do not believe bend over, we’ll drive is anywhere in the Constitution. Now stand up, pull your pants up, dust yourself off and don’t let those who want to take America down win.
Stand up for Constitutional America. Stand up for yourself and your family.
The American flower and is not the pansy. Stand Up. We are the People.
Look in the mirror who are you? You are not stupid. Do not let any form of the government bully you.
Do not let Constitutional America be taken away from you because you are afraid to stand up and do something about it.
Speaking of loud on this 4th of July 2020. We have a link that definitely will make you say WTF. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. If you still wonder whether you are a free person, not the slave you have unfortunately blindly been lead to become. Slavery cannot be considered systemic to any one demographic group no matter your color, your gender, or your preferences.
Any particular group claiming that their group is the only victimized group who have and still are suffering slavery-GET OVER IT.
Maybe those who do claim being the one and only group of victims has a severe mental disorder regarding the victim martyr disease. Again get over it. It’s We the People. That’s right. We the People have all been under attack by those who want to demolish, eliminate, take away, at least hide your constitutional rights.
We are all one humanity. We are all God’s children. The Bible says, in the beginning, there was the Word and the Word became flesh. Now we move to what we said would show you WORDS MATTER. Instead of giving you a rundown on what this link will deliver you great knowledge and power, we will just provide the link.
Ask yourself is your freedom worth an hour of your time watching, listening, and studying the information delivered in this video. (click on this link) Today is a great day. Tomorrow is also a great day to listen a second time. Don’t let an hour of your day get run over by insignificant life moments. Please go to this link and learn more about how you are freer than you could ever imagine; you are freer than you currently know.
Now We the People just have to claim our rights.
Stand Up America. Do not Cower. We are the People of America.
God Bless America. Happy 4th of July 2020 from all of us at theconstitutionmobile.com
The Beginning of a Movement
How time flies between July 1 and July 3rd. If you are asking where is July 2nd’s blog post just not enough hours in the day when you’re wearing your cape of Constitutionality.
So here we go, July 3rd. 1st I want to draw your attention to something new on the menu. We just had to step up and give you more than a free pocket sized book containing the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
America’s founders would have never thought that those in America could be so manipulated as to wear masks accept a 6-foot rule as they are told it is a law and be told to stay indoors “for their safety”; after all, have you ever heard of the home of the free, land of the brave?
What happened to brave? What happened to free?
Today July 3rd the Anti-Mask Movement was started. Go to the menu and take in what has been shared. After you learn all you can from TheConstitutionMobile.com website. It is our hope that you will no longer stand there crying asking what can we do, what can I do? Or to stand there throwing your arms up saying “there is nothing I can do”.
To continue today’s blog;

By wearing your mask it could be argued you are giving your consent to those who do not have your best interest, who do not care about your Constitutional Rights to make you wear a mask, make you stay 6 feet apart. Please note 6 feet apart isn’t for health reasons. Its for reasons tied to 5 G. If you stay in your home due to their lie that it keeps you “safe” it could be argued you are giving consent.

Remember a statute is not the law unless you give them permission by your actions.
Read the book you have been given. Know the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Knowledge is Power
It’s up to you. Don’t expect those who want to take your constitutional rights away from you to stand up for you and your family. Capish?
Happy July 3rd Americans.
From Seattle to Virginia
Good July 1st, 2020 to you all. We have one Constitution and one statement of our Bill of Rights here in America but America has become very confusing and under siege.
Today in Seattle’s Chop district the Seattle mayor who had resisted intervening and disbanding an illegal takeover in Seattle by a group of anarchists who definitely were not and are not peaceful protestors who rob, luted and set fire as they seized an area of the city not owned by them but taken over by them; the mayor ordered the police department to take it back as it was an out of control violent environment far from her “Festival of Love” she tried to promote.
The anarchist carried and used guns, set up barricades to control the area called Chop. What ensued were rapes, black on black shootings resulting in death, and the wounding of people in an area called the” love festival” by Seattle’s mayor.
The mayor asked the police department to intervene and disperse a “love fest” gone bad. The same police department who the mayor and city council members wanted to disband and defunded.
Mission accomplished in an early morning raid this morning.
On the other side of the country,
the state of Virginia’s governor made a move to take guns away from the people of Virginia. The same governor who does not respect Virginian’s second amendment rights.
The same governor who has made many questionable socially unacceptable decisions in his life did not allow Virginian’s to vote on amending the second amendment.
The governor just waved his magic wand, modified Virginia’s second amendment rights, and took many of the Virginian’s second amendment rights away from them.
New gun laws go into effect today in Virginia.
As of this morning, if you buy more than one handgun in a month, you could be headed to prison for a year, as Virginia has re-enacted their ‘One Gun a Month’ law.
As of this morning, if you give a gun to your adult grandson without first obtaining government permission, you could be headed to prison for a year, as Virginia has enacted ‘Universal Gun Registration.’
As of this morning, if you have children in your home and have a handgun near your bed for self-defense, you could be headed to prison for a year, thanks to Virginia’s new ‘Safe Storage’ laws.
As of this morning, cities across the Commonwealth can ban guns on all city property and at all city events, leaving you utterly defenseless against a madman who targets the venue knowing it’s a ‘Gun Free Zone.’
As of this morning, if a bitter ex-spouse or other personal enemy wants to make up a claim against you in a secret ex-parte court hearing, your guns could be seized before you have been charged or convicted of a crime because Virginia is now a ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ state.
Hard to believe Virginians lead this nation to Independence. A lot has changed since 1776.
It is up to us, the Americans to know the Constitution and our Bill of Rights.
We can not leave it up to the politicians to tell us what our Constitution and Bill of Rights are because they will not; unfortunately, there are those that do not care about us, our rights, or the Constitution of America.
It is up to us to stand up.
To speak up and take action
to protect our rights
and the Constitution of America.
Please over this 4th of July weekend do more than shrink as a wilting pansy shrinks and withers under the summer sun.
Do more than listen to the propaganda such as implied laws that you must wear a mask when those mask rules are delivered as laws by controlling politicians who also want to control you further by having you stay indoors so you will be “safe”.
Get out there, enjoy yourselves.
Be a Free American
not a controlled American who is told where to be, how to be, what to wear by politicians who do not care about you, or our Constitution.
They control you by making you fearful.
Don’t be a fearful sheep.
Stand up America.
God Bless America.
Humble Beginnings
When we set out on this quest to share the Constitution with as many people as possible it came at a time when the pandemic was taking away our freedoms left and right. We couldn’t believe how quickly everyone just took their crown of freedom and laid it at the feet of eager power-hungry politicians.
We at Rolling Promos, LLC felt that the problem resided in the fact that so many people do not know what America stands for anymore. With the huge influx of foreigners not assimilating and the colleges not teaching American history properly we felt the issue we could help with was education.
We set out to contact the college we knew loved the Constitution and taught it for free. Hillsdale College was quick to assist us in our quest. They put their printing press on the task right away and The Constitution Mobile project was launched.
We have already begun passing out the booklets throughout Arizona. Our goal is to go to one of the few 4th of July events open to Americans in Arizona to pass out pocket-sized books containing the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights to those in attendance.
We will be traveling the country passing out copies to as many Americans as possible to remind them of our duty as Americans to keep the politicians on the task to protect the Constitution.
Join us in this quest by sending in a gift or by volunteering. Contact us at info@theconstitutionmobile.com for more information.