“I’m tired”, the woman said. “I’m just a robot.”
The New World Order is trying to make us all tired. Just hearing the word COVID makes people tired and cranky. Signs demanding we wear a mask to make us tired with its repetition all day and night long.
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Turn on the Teli, the radio or just listen to some panic induced “Karen” tapping her foot with crossed arms making you very glad she has a mask on.
Wearing a mask makes you tired due to the minimum 19.5% oxygen level dropping quickly past 17% squeezing the dead brain cells out of your oxygen-depleted body and soul. sucking the humanity right out of you.
Each day picking out the pants you wear, the shoes you will wear that day, but what really makes you tired is trying to figure out your mask/face covering of the day.
People need to stand up now. Their goal is to break you down, make you a robot, just do as told regardless of forced face coverings being against your constitutional rights and totally illegal.
Some years ago if a man picked his date up, handed her a paper bag instructing her to put it over her face before they went out the door, she’d say, “no way, Jose, adeus a hole”.
Now instead of flowers, you give the gift of a face covering. If he says, now that’s better, you never looked so beautiful. Upon returning home from the short evening out because all the businesses are closed down, a goodnight kiss just isn’t gonna happen. Afterall, and N95 mask just doesn’t work well with a cloth mask made from underwear.
Who wants to share a mask full of sweat and bacteria? Is it a sign of true love when one of them says ” oh, just shut up and kiss me”?
Dump the face mask. Reclaim your life. Don’t be a robot. Your free spirit will re-energize you.
Enjoy the song from Mary Chapin Carpenter song Shut Up and Kiss Me

We really need more Constitutional Fortitude . Thank you Constitution Mobile for inspiring us to have some good American spunk and spirit ! 🇺🇸