
Welcome to The Constitution Mobile

TheConstitutionMobile.com distributes directly from the Constitution Mobile pocket-sized books containing the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

50 States of Freedom

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We at theconstitutionmobile.com would like to thank Lee Greenwood the writer and musical artist of an American love song called “God Bless the U.S.A” for sharing his God-given musical talents with America and the world. He is a very special person who is not afraid to tell people to Stand Up, love America and honor those who sacrificed even died to keep America free. Thank you Lee Greenwood, an American Patriot.

“We either believe in liberty in times of crisis, or we don’t believe in liberty at all.”

Cliff Maloney

In this wild, crazy, confusing time here in America, with so many special interest groups pulling at us from every direction and trying to take our Constitutional Rights away from us, We The People of America,

Need not feel like powerless victims

Picture retrieved from https://mynorthwest.com/1761142/ross-coronavirus-hiding-boredom/?

We need to realize the power in

each one of us.

George Washington said, “The power under the Constitution will always be in the people. It is entrusted for certain defined purposes, and for a certain limited period, to representatives of their own choosing; and whenever it is executed contrary to their interest, or not agreeable to their wishes, their servants can and undoubtedly will, be recalled.”

Our hope is to make a positive impact on America by distributing from The Constitution Mobile these free pocket-sized books about the foundation of America, the Constitution of our country.

Knowledge, true knowledge is power.

Be a person of power. Know your Constitution and your Rights as an American

There are those in the government and outside forces wanting to quietly or not so quietly strip us of our Constitutional Rights. We feel very strongly if people knew the Constitution and their Rights, never, ever, would a true American want their Rights taken away.

The Constitution and your Rights described in the Constitution make up the fabric of the way we can all remain free.

“Freedom gives evil people with evil ideologies the freedom to destroy freedom.”

Mark Levin

Truth be told, through the years our politicians have been passing laws widdling away at our Constitutional Rights. Russell Means explains this very well in this video.

Stand and live with the power of

knowing your Constitutional Rights.

Picture retrieved from https://ar.pinterest.com/pin/535576580667130040/

How can we ever guard our Rights if we don’t know our Rights?

Why would so many entities want you, your friends and family to not know their rights?

Why would those same entities and people want you not to use your Constitutional Rights?

Why would those same entities and people want to own your life, to make you a victim, to make you powerless and have to rely on them?

Benjamin Franklin said, “Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain temporary security will deserve neither and will lose both.” We are already seeing that played out during this pandemic.

Picture retrieved from https://www.aresriskmanagement.com/data-rights-the-new-human-rights/ben-franklin-liberty-quote-and-ben-franklin-on-liberty-security-quotes-and-scriptures/

Remember the American Constitution

is power.

Again, knowledge is power. Know your Constitutional Rights.

This is not a Republican thing.

This is not a Democrat thing.

Picture retrieved from https://i0.wp.com/animalinstances.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/dem-rep3.jpg

This is a Constitution thing.

This is a your Rights thing.

This is an American thing;

Like us on Facebook

Join our Facebook Group and get in on the action with other like minded individuals who are passionate about the Constitution and getting into action for our country.

The Constitution Mobile will be traveling throughout the country passing out the free pocket-sized books containing the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights from The Constitution Mobile. When we pass out the booklets we will not be discussing political issues, any parties, or any other subjects which are up for debate. It is strictly a quest to get the Constitution into the hands of the people so they can think for themselves when they go to vote and or living.

We will strictly be passing out free pocket-sized books containing the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

Please know we are not a non-profit organization.

We are not looking for the government to give us a handout or a pass on doing what you have to do, pay taxes.

We are not some kazillionaires that have nothing better to do with our time than to run around the country passing out free books.

We are people, Americans, who do not want to lose our Constitutional Rights given to us by wise individuals called America’s Founding Fathers.

Picture retrieved from http://www.sjassociates.com/blogs/infomatters/what-did-we-declare

It is our hope you will tell others about the Constitution Mobile and our website theconstitutionmobile.com because we need your help.

Our goal is to pass out as many millions of pocket-sized books as possible, to as many Americans who wish to have a copy and become empowered through the knowledge of their Constitutional Rights.

This does require money to do so. Your monetary gifts of any size are needed and more than welcome. Please know we are very thankful for your generosity.

Everywhere we travel we will be needing volunteers to help staff the Constitution Mobile. If you are interested in volunteering, please let us know by emailing us at info@theconstitutionmobile.com

Financial gifts can be sent to us. Payments are processed through Rolling Promos, LLC. TheConstitutionMobile.com is a project of Rolling Promos, LLC.

As far as voting in elections, we cannot tell you who to vote for, we do hope after you study the Constitution and take the time to learn your Rights, your Inalienable Rights you will have an easier time choosing who you want to have in office. We don’t want you to be one of those who says, “Oh, I wish I had known about all these Rights, my Rights, and voted a different way”.

Picture retrieved from https://www.sachamber.org/news/2019/06/07/tomorrow-last-chance-vote-city-runoff-election/

For America’s sake, for you and your family’s sake, please take the time to learn your Rights. Learn your Constitution. Learn of your power found in America’s Constitution.

With love and not hate enjoy America, enjoy being an American. God Bless America.

From all of us at the Constitution Mobile, we thank you for your gifts, generosity, and your love for America.

God Bless America

Picture retrieved from https://www.sachamber.org/news/2019/06/07/tomorrow-last-chance-vote-city-runoff-election/