America must have a new Capitol

We the people have been duped.

We are putting this on the Constitution Mobile for We the People of America must know the facts.

We the people have been duped since the building of Washington DC.

This video presents proof of the corruption by design of our federal government. We implore you to listen and watch this video in completion. We are sorry there are commercial interruptions but it is the only way we can capture this information.

You may say WTF repeatedly as you take this information in. But please do so and pray to our Father who art in heaven and Jesus Christ to protect us all. Present this to your pastors because the whole church needs to be enlightened so all of us, we the people can pray together for resolve.

We must move America’s Capitol outside of DC. God bless America.

Where is PETA?

Where is PETA? Where is the uproar about Fauci and our tax dollars funding the torture of dogs? Why hasn’t every congressperson demanded his removal from office and prosecute this man?


How convenient the “prop gun” that Alec Baldwin used just so happened to have a real bullet in it and it just so happened to be pointed at the very person who was about to reveal the Pedophile Ring in Hollywood through an upcoming documentary.

So was it an accident or murder or at least manslaughter? Was this a planned satanic ritual to sacrifice someone for their god and they chose someone who could damage their stronghold?

So many questions and yet the narrative is not even discussing the real news instead they are pushing an agenda. Open your eyes! Question everything the Media tells you. Once you know their games you will see it everywhere.

Are you surprised Pfizer lied?

Say what? Pfizer lied because they didn’t want the consumer to know that fetal tissue is involved in the making of the vaccine.

Oh, this is going to make the Planned Parenthood arm of the rogue government super happy because of all that income from their product. I’m sure it will bring in more forced money from the taxpayers right into the hands of the Supreme money launderers in Washington DC.

Here is another kicker. Is this buried in this vaccine as well? We know that a few years ago they have created a vaccine that can make the religious non-religious.


It takes courage to go up against a system all by yourself and to know that the result will affect not only yourself but your family also. #Standwithstu

The Pipe Hitter Foundation is incredibly proud to assist Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller, a Marine who had the courage to demand accountability from his leadership in the wake of a disastrous exit from Afghanistan that lead to the death of 13 of his fellow service members.

If you have not done so already, go to Pip Hitter Foundation and help this family out.

Australian Corruption Unvailed

We in the United States need to stand up, those in the government and in healthcare who have sold themselves to the Devil in the name of power, and control over we that people. God’s people. Watch this video. This is happening all over the globe.

Shine the light on and into the dark. Time to stand up for yourself, your family, and our republic for which it stands.

God Bless America.

Schools are Getting Money

In this video, this woman breaks it down. The school board is pocketing money to uphold all of these COVID mandates. She shows how to talk to them. The next step should be to file a complaint with your county sheriff to start an investigation so that these people can be held accountable.

Here is the form to put them on notice