This is a cool video about what American’s did last year in LA when they were told they couldn’t do fireworks. The beautiful rebellious American spirit that wouldn’t let a totalitarian state stop them from shining their patriotism is such a beautiful sight to see.
Wow another woman getting loud about the covid vax.
Here is the problem she is right. Stand up America.
It’s We the People not We the Lab Rats.
Do you like the people who are supposed to protect us be trying to kill us? Really?
Get Loud. Protect your bodies.
We warned every body about the Marxist Democratic party in conjunction with the Cabal and the Illuminati working to kill 95 percent of the world’s population. Their agenda is spelled out in a book we posted called Agenda 2030. You can download the pdf for free.
Constitutionalist Americans start getting noisy. When you are dead you can’t say squat.
Stand up for America, We the People, Humanity, and the Earth. Afterall, you might want somebody to stand up for you. Enjoy the video.
It is important that We the People remember the whole reason for the Constitution is that Americans Self Govern. If you are not self governing then you are giving your power over to someone else to govern it for you.
The UNITED STATES, Inc has decided if you don’t say and do anything to stop them then they have full reign to govern you even if they decided something against your will.
Therefore you need to know your Constitutional Rights. Read your Constitution often to memorize your rights.
Below was is an email that we received from The Healthy American We thought it was worthy enough to share with you to remind you to self-govern.
You have authority over your own body My in-box was flooded with messages from parents frantic over hearing that colleges and universities would be requiring the Covid vaccine in the fall. Friends, why are you relying on the headlines? The mainstream media is there to stir you up into a frenzy. You need to dig deeper. Or, watch the videos where I dig deeper.
Remember: Covid vaccines are not approved by the FDA. Covid vaccines have an “emergency use authorization” (EUA). That means the covid vaccines are medical experiments. Masks and covid tests are also medical experiments. No one can force you or your child to participate in a medical experiment. You have the right to refuse consent. Medical and religious exemptions to covid vaccines, masks, and tests must be accommodated by law.
WATCH the NEW VIDEO below to see why and how to be exempt from covid vaccines
This article from Fox News informs we the people of Joe Biden and his dog VP are making a serious move to confiscate your guns. Read on and remember Stand up get noisy. Save America.
Biden on the Second Amendment: ‘No amendment is absolute’
Biden says nothing he is recommending ‘impinges on the Second Amendment’
On April 8, 2021 Brooke Singman of Fox News writes.
President Biden on Thursday, in rolling out a set of executive orders on gun control, said “no amendment is absolute,” while maintaining that “nothing” he is recommending “impinges” on the Second Amendment.
“Today we’re taking steps to confront not just the gun crisis, but what is actually a public health crisis,” Biden said from the White House Thursday.
“Nothing, nothing I am about to recommend in any way impinges on the Second Amendment,” the president said, calling arguments suggesting that those constitutional rights are at stake “phony.”
“No amendment, no amendment to the Constitution is absolute,” he said. “You can’t yell ‘fire’ in a crowded movie theater — recall a freedom of speech. From the very beginning, you couldn’t own any weapon you wanted to own. From the very beginning that the Second Amendment existed, certain people weren’t allowed to have weapons.”
He added: “So the idea is just bizarre, to suggest that some of the things we’re recommending are contrary to the Constitution.”
The president went on to call gun violence in the United States “an epidemic.”
“Let me say it again, gun violence in this country is an epidemic,” Biden said. “And it’s an international embarrassment.”
Biden announced a set of executive actions and legislative proposals on gun control Thursday.
Biden is asking that the Justice Department, within a month, propose a rule to stop “ghost guns,” which are “kits” people can buy legally then fully assemble to create a functioning firearm that does not have a serial number.
Biden is also asking the DOJ within 60 days to propose a rule on braces used for handguns, which make them more accurate; proposing action on “community violence intervention”; asking the DOJ to publish suggestions for “red flag” legislation; and having his administration issue a report on gun trafficking.
Biden also formally announced David Chipman as the director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).
A senior administration official Wednesday said that Chipman will respect the Second Amendment while he enforces gun laws.
“I’ve seen with my own two lives what a bullet can do to the human body … and I’ve fought my entire career to fight this violence and to pass reasonable gun safety” measures,” Vice President Harris said as she introduced Biden.
“What are we waiting for? Cause we aren’t waiting or a tragedy… We’ve had more tragedy than we can bear,” she said. “The solutions exist… people on both sides of the aisle want action, real people … so all that is left is the will and the courage to act.”
The Biden administration is also expected to throw its weight behind gun control proposals in Congress.
Republicans, meanwhile, have expressed their suspicion of Biden’s agenda, which goes much further than the actions he is announcing Thursday. The president has said he supports an assault weapons ban, voluntary buybacks of assault weapons, wants to repeal a law that prevents gun manufacturers from being sued for crimes people commit with guns, and much more.
“By appointing the anti-gun Merrick Garland as attorney general and nominating David Chipman — formerly a senior staffer at the leading gun control lobby — to head ATF, Biden has made clear his sights are set on restricting the rights of law-abiding gun owners while ignoring criminals and foregoing substantive measures that will actually keep Americans safe,” the National Rifle Association (NRA) said in a statement.
“Further, the proposals Biden announced tonight could require law-abiding citizens to surrender lawful property and enable states to expand gun confiscation orders. The NRA will fight this nomination and ill-conceived executive actions,” the NRA also said.
Fox News’ Tyler Olson, Brittany De Lea, Sally Persons and Kristina Biddle contributed to this report.
(End of article)
We the people need to stand up protect constitutional America and be sure to let Joe Biden and his Communist Regime know our feelings. Phuck You Joe Biden.
Your Constitutional Right under 2A is now under attack by Joe Biden and his Leftist regime. Today they made hard moves to take your 2A Rights away. Why do they really want your guns? Consider this:
Adolf Hitler confiscated guns before killing over 13 Million people.
Joseph Stalin confiscated guns before killing over 20 Million people.
Mao Zedong confiscated guns before killing over 45 Million people.
Pol Pot confiscated guns before killing over 2 Million people.
Julian Assange
America don’t give up your guns; not ever!
Any questions? Any questions????
STAND UP America get loud. Defend Constitutional America.
Who cares about your rights, your Constitutional Rights?
Long shot photograph of an Old Guard soldier placing American flags on headstones during the annual Flags In memorial ceremony, Section 38, Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia, May 24, 2018. Image courtesy Elizabeth Fraser/Arlington National Cemetery. (Photo by Smith Collection/Gado/Getty Images) picture retrieved from
All these graves are people who cared about your Constitutional Rights. Now ask yourself do you have it in yourself to stand up for America’s Constitution?
Do you have it within yourself to speak up, to stand up, get noisy in order to protect your own Bill of Rights. You don’t have to die like those in the picture to stand up for Constitutional America.
After November 3rd 2020, the rhetoric from those who want to eliminate the Constitution and your Bill of Rights coupled with what many consider illegal voting activities along with their outcomes in various states blew us away. After spending every day from July 1st into December 2020 hoping to awaken and encourage Americans to stand up to those who want to take We the People’s Constitutional Rights away getting into office. We needed a vacation. Our vacations included having a heart attack and hanging out in a hospital for 30 days. Another member of the Constitution Mobile ended up having a vacation in a hotel while the other one was in the hospital. We were just worn out and needed some time away from the lunicy in our current government.
We now have a president who has fenced himself inside his ruling domain to protect him and his cronies from an incredible number of people who know America was ripped off November 3rd.
Picture retrieved from
They put a fence up, added large numbers of armed National Guard Members to protect all the politicos who want to over throw Constitutional America; yet they are allowing thousands upon thousands of illegal aliens to cross into America’s boarders.
picture retrieved from
We the People of America have been prohibited from crossing many state lines due to COVID. We the People have been arrested for exercising our Constitutional Rights not to wear a mask, not to stand 6 feet away from somebody who is with us, or anyone else for that matter.
These same politicians with their armed military force want to take the 2A away from us while they let illegal aliens of which approximately 25 percent tested positive for COVID stay in our country. Who do we believe John Hopkins Hospital who stated on March 16th, 2021
According to testing data from Johns Hopkins University, the percent positivity of COVID-19 tests in the border states Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas on March 16th were respectively 2.7%, 1.9%, 2.1% and 7.2%.
One percent crossing a state border made states refuse people from other states to enter their state. But 2.7%, 1.9%, 2.1% and 7.2%. crossing America’s border is ok because they fit a purpose of the anti-constitutionalist who have taken over government positions throughout America.
These same anti-constitutional politicians take away your inalienable rights found in the Constitution to be moved to the wayside while they are letting illegals into our country.
America is under siege due to the policies of leftist, Marxist, criminals called politicians in Washington take over America; We the People are not meant to be owned by our government but rather they work for us, WE THE PEOPLE.
They want you to be scared of the American government. They want to own you, your family, and your friends who make up We the People.
Stand up. Call it out. Be noisy.
To use Hillary Clinton’s leftist regime’s slogan “Resist”. They thought they were the Resistance. We the People, the Constitutional Americans need to remember those politicos in Washington, those in your state government, and local governments work for YOU.
Picture retrieved from
If it isn’t within the Constitution RESIST. This is about Constitutional America, the Republic for which it stands. So STAND UP. Get loud.
If you need a copy of the Constitution, let us know email us at
America the great. What are you doing to keep it great? Are you fighting to make your vote count, no matter what state you are in? Are you gonna let the enemies of our Constitutional Republic lie, cheat, steal, defraud you and the rest of us out of our country America? Listen to this song, is this what you want our country to be? Listen and when you get it down, sing it. No matter what part of the government tells you can’t sing. They say you can’t sing in church, your kids can’t sing in the front yard, you can’t hear the joy in your wife’s voice as she sings in the shower because the same cheats and thieves that want to steal our country and falsify voting records. Time to stick that in your country song. Learn this song and sing it. If you still have a pair sing it without a mask. Stand up.
Take me on up to Detroit city Jails are full, the factories empty Momma’s crying, young boys dying Under that red, white, and blue still flying
Drop me off in Baltimore Where every other window’s got a plywood board Where dreams become drugs and guns The only way out is to shoot or run
Stick that in your country song, yeah Take that one to number one, yeah And get the whole world singing along, yeah Stick that in your country song, yeahOh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Sing about the man coming back from war 23 going on 54 He lost a friend, his sight, his hands Baby girl he’ll never see again
Stick that in your country song, yeah Take that one to number one, yeah And get the whole world singing along, man Stick that in your country song, yeah
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohI light the arrow, pull the bow Shoot that fire right through my soul Hit my pride, fist up high I wanna feel the rush, I wanna feel alive
C’mon, I wanna pound the dash Stomp the gas, drive too fast Rock me hard, stop my heart And blow the speakers right out of this car
Stick that in your country song, yeah Take that one to number one, yeah (number one) And get the whole world singing along, man Stick that in your country song, yeah
Stick that in your country song Take that one to number one I could sing this all night long, yeah Stick that in your country song, yeah
Gimme one about the teacher who’s Tryin’ to change a life or two She’ll be rocking out all night with you Tomorrow she’ll back in a red brick school
Where kids are climbing off the walls It’s scary walking down the halls She’s underpaid, she’s overworked Come on man, shout one out to her
Stick that in your country song, c’mon Take that one to number one, yeah And get the whole world singing along Stick that in your country song
Stick that in your country song Take that one to number one And get the whole world singing along, man Stick that in your country song, yeah
Yeah (oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh) Stick that in your country song, yeah (Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh) And get the whole world singing along (singing along) (Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh) Stick that in a country song (Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh)