Is Your County Constitutional?

It’s time we all take a look at our counties to make sure they are functioning Constitutionally. Our country’s political arena has run amuck and has quickly stomped all over our Constitutional Rights.

We spoke with Sheriff Richard Mack in Arizona the other day and he said making sure your county is Constitutional is vitally important. You can go to his website

In the information tab, you can find how to vet your sheriff. If they have not already done so, have them fill the form out and get it to Sheriff Mack. He is organizing and training sheriff’s in a way to uphold our Constitutional Rights.

The county Sheriff is the most important position in this fight against tyranny. They are our greatest ally in the battle to maintain our freedom.

In a News Review called Contact, The Phoenix Educator: Phase II, One Single Solution to all of the problems Volume 53, Number 6 published Aug 12,2009, page 14 the article brings up sheriffs.

I would expect that the ‘average sheriff’ has never heard that he is supposed to operate in a corporate environment, even if every Judge on every Bench is well versed in his position vis a vis the ‘Constitution’. They are all sent to a very secret school for that purpose but they are also taught to never reveal the source of their ability to ignore the rights of the citizens as provided by the Constitution. The secrecy and Masonic-type commitment to secrecy is no less a characteristic of the Judges than it is of the non-Jewish Rabbis and I say this to remind you that you must know your adversary.

Contact The Phoenix Educator: Phase II, One Single Solution to all of the problems, Volume 53, Number 6, Page 14

“KNOW YOUR ADVERSARY” Do we know the adversary that has been controlling us for so many years and now are in their end game to lock this planet down to a prison planet as the New World Order?

The article is very interesting as it addresses methods to break free from their grasp. Here is another quote

…so there are really no serious problems to stop this from working once we recognize the root cause and act to stop feeding it. Not one more cent to Washington DC will be the single solution. The return of control of the States will kill the flu; to recognize and assure yourselves of that truth all you need to do is re-read the foregoing articles with that in mind. The bottom line there is called: “County Sheriff”.

Contact, The Phoenix Educator: Phase II, One Single Solution to all of the problems, Volume 53, Number 6, Page 15

Sheriff Mack is going to the on The Pete Santilli Show Wednesday, 9/22/21 evening. The show starts at 6 pm EST. Listen in to hear Pete Santilli do a live interview of Sheriff Mack.

Face The Evil With No Fear

It doesn’t take long perusing the News channels that you are faced with the evil that has grown within the borders of America. By simply listening to the news it creates depression, anger, fear and loss of hope.

With all the talk of the possibility of civil war the day after election, it makes you wonder why is it here in the first place? Is there any way that we can slay this evil? We can no longer deny the evil. We can no longer ignore it. We must face this evil and we must do so without fear.

There is a process where we can set evil aside and it will never return but we must understand that evil is here for a reason. It is here to stay unless we are willing to learn from the lessons that it brings. We must acquire a right understanding of its nature. We must understand ignorance is how it got here in the first place. All evil is rooted in ignorance.

Yes, the American people have been ignorant and lazy. We have put our trust in a government to govern us instead of applying wisdom by self-governing. Evil is an experience of the heart. When the heart is corrected of its ignorance, then the evil will dissolve because it no longer has a purpose.

Evil must be understood. Why is it there? What is the lesson it is bringing? When evil is rightly understood then it becomes merely a passing phase of human existence. Evil then becomes only a teacher for those who will learn from it. When you are willing to learn from it, you will be lead to higher wisdom and then evil will vanish.

Evil is a shadow. It is where humanity is blocking out the rays of good in the world around it. This shadow is created by ignorance. That ignorance gives birth to evil which is here to teach humanity that it is not allowing the rays of goodness to shine through. Once you learn from the lessons that evil brings then ignorance dies and wisdom is born.

Whatever we harbor in our hearts is what will shape our outer world. Sooner or later whatever is hidden within the heart will be reflected in our outer world. It is the law of reaction. Our inner thoughts, feelings, emotions, imagination become a mold for the outer world. The creative substance of God is poured into the mold that we have in our hearts then it comes to being in our outer reality.

The American people have been harboring thoughts, feelings, emotions, imaginations of socialism, marxism, communism and war within our hearts. We have allowed others to govern what we see, feel, learn, and how we are entertained. We have allowed the governing forces to plant seeds of socialism, marxism, communism and war and we have cultivated those thoughts. Our collective human imaginations have brought forth what is now coming to pass within our American boarders.

It is the collective thoughts of the American people that will make or break our country. It is by the power of thought that our circumstances will be shaped. If we continue to allow others through media, education, and mob rule to direct our thoughts and imagination America will be destroyed. It is from within that is destroyed. The soul of America has become impure. It gravitates toward misfortune and catstrophe.

However once the soul of America begins to focus back toward freedom and prosperity, understand that We are the People that we must self govern, then we will once again gravitate back to freedom and prosperity.

The inner thought life of the American people is a complex combination of experiences. It is our inner thoughts that are the real America. What we see on the outer world is our collective thoughts playing out; teaching us what our collective inner thoughts possess. It is instant feedback we can use to face the evil without fear.

Circumstances can only affect us if we allow it. If we allow circumstances to sway us, it is because we are ignorant of the nature and the power of our inner thoughts.

Americans have been cultivated to believe that governmental forces have power over us. By allowing these governmental forces to have power over us, we have submitted and become slaves to the very powers we set up to govern our country. We have allowed them to become our masters. We have given them powers over us that they do not possess unless we give it to them. We have succombed our reality within our minds which have our government controling our very thoughts, feelings, emotions and imagination which they manipulate through sensorship of what we are taught, view, and read.

They control what we fear or in which we have hope. They control what we believe will bless us or harm us. They create circumstances for us. Circumstances alone do not have the power to bless or harm. Depending on our inner thoughts as to how those circumstances affect us. Two people can be given the exact same circumstance, one will fail and the other will profit.

It is the mind of the person in the circumstance that controls the outcome. The governmental forces trying to take over our country have created and set the stage for full blown implosion and take over. There are those excited about it, cheering it on, they are attracting to them individuals with similar mindset as well as those who love this country and want to restore it to what it is meant to be are gravitating toward each other as well.

The stage of opposites have been set. The cultivating of thoughts, feelings, emotions, and imagination are prepped for war. We can allow this manipulation to continue and follow through or we can self govern.

Do you wish for freedom? Then allow freedom in your heart for all people.

Do you wish for tansparancy in government? Then become transparant, honest, and straight foward within your own heart and toward others.

The American world is a reflection of our inner world. We must possess freedom within our hearts. What the essence of the message of Black Lives Matter revealed is that there isn’t freedom for all within the hearts of all people. Unfortunately some of those within these organizations fail to realize that so much of their viewpoint stims from within their own hearts. Their outer world is reflecting their inner thoughts of being lesser than someone else, being cheated, hated, and hunted.

Freedom is a state within our own hearts. We must seek it within, find it, acknowledge it, possess it, and claim it. We must believe in freedom in the mind where it is unshadowed in doubt. The problem with the mindset of socialism, communism, and marxism affects the mind. It affects how we see ourselves, it removes the freedom from within our own minds, we feel defeated, and hopeless.

A realization must occur in the potency of our self-governance. The whole point of the Constitution was to ensure the American People could self govern. Our founding fathers did not want what is occurring now in our country. When we apply the wisdom of our forefathers we self govern. Self-governance works like magic to heal the outer world around us. As the American people begin to self govern once again then the evil will begin to dissolve. The shadow is no longer there blocking out the goodness. The American people are no longer ignorant so evil dissipate.

Self-governance is the cure of this evil. This is why the work of the Constitution Mobile and organizations like Hillsdale College, Anna Von Reitz with The American States Assembly, Sherriff Mack with the Constitutional Sherriffs, the Three Percenters, Qanon, Glen Beck, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Dan Bongino, Shawn Hannity and others are so very important. They bring awareness to the ignorance. They help remove the ignorance, shedding light on the truth which will allow us to face the evil without fear, teaching us how to self govern and thus curing the evil from within.

And let us not forget it is God who is using these circumstances the enemy means for evil. God is using them to teach us, mold us, and bring us into greater higher wisdom. It is God who wants the molds within the hearts of the American people to be pure, to be the light and example to the rest of the world.

Let Freedom Ring.

Restore our Lawful Government

Each State of the Union is being assembled for the first time in 150 years. Only those Americans who have chosen to return home to the land and soil jurisdiction of their country are eligible to operate and conduct business for their State, so please consider joining your State Assembly.

Here is a website that trains you on how to be a part of the solution.

Connect with Constitutional Lawyers

Constitutional Sheriff training