Confessions of a White Woman

I used to envy the beautiful caramel skin color of other races. I spent time in the sun, spending hundreds of dollars on chemicals to alter my skin color, or spent time in the tanning booth just to alter my God-given skin to be what I so coveted.

That’s all changed now, thanks to the education of the critical race theory people ramming white shame down everyone’s throats (as if white people didn’t have it already. Have you seen the amount of money white people spend trying to get a beautiful golden brown color? geesh!).

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I have never been so proud of my God-given creamy beige polka-dotted skin as I am now. Thank you, white shammers! You have taught me to love the color of my skin more than I ever had in the past. I appreciate your efforts because upon inward reflection I find that well, I didn’t appreciate all the colors of the races because I already was ashamed of my own. I have repented of my sin of not appreciating how God had designed me to be and I finally feel more secure in my skin.

Oh, I know that’s not the result you wanted but I am not one to conform when forced to do anything. However, God uses everything to bring about the highest good.