Thanksgiving 2021

First, we at the Constitution Mobile want to wish all of you a blessed and happy Thanksgiving. We want you to know we are thankful for many things including all of you who come to this website and join us in standing up for our We the People-ism, the celebration of our Bill of Rights, and the fact with God we can protect ourselves and our country from being taken over by the radical Marxist, communist, democratic regime headed by a fake and lying presidential wanna be Joe Bid-ladin.

But not limited to Sniffilus Joe we must extend this out to all those Commies like Nancy Pelosi, Schumer, Adam Shifty Schiff, the whorish AOC. The disgusting hellbound swamp members don’t think we don’t recognize you Mick Romney, Obama, and your wife Michael. Let’s not leave out the Clintons. And the rest of your supporting cast of RINOs.

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We are thankful on this Thanksgiving that through God We the People of the Republic America will overcome victoriously. That being said, it’s time for y’all to get back to eating leftovers, having a piece of pie, enjoying the beverage of your choice, and thanking those you love for being in your life. Remember, just say No to the jab no matter who this Thanksgiving day weekend tries to guilt you, shame you, or threaten you into getting it. Be thankful God gave you an immune system, a sovereign body, and the power of prayer.

Stand up America. Don’t go silently into the night.

Power to We the People of the real America.

God Bless America and God bless you all.

From all of us at