The Constitution Mobile Knowledge is Power. Know Your Rights. Know Your Constitution. Fri, 07 Jan 2022 03:06:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Constitution Mobile 32 32 178685135 Let’s Go, Brandon Fri, 07 Jan 2022 03:05:04 +0000 Continue reading "Let’s Go, Brandon"]]> Attn: 1st Amendment Rights Lovers

NASCAR has officially banned the 2022 Camaro of Brandon Brown. His sponsor was LGBcoin. Apparently, NASCAR doesn’t know its constitutionally based audience.

Let’s Go, Brandon.

Has been banned by an organization who got its start by having its original drivers come from the moon shining industry. That’s right, drivers who drove very fast cars to deliver moonshine became the first drivers for NASCAR.

Last we knew Brandon Brown the targeted driver hasn’t ever run moonshine. It has been roomers that NASCAR allowed a BLM endorsement on a car. We will be researching that story.

The official story you will find by clicking this link

Here on Jan 6th one year after American Patriots were rounded up by the mob boss Joe Biden’s regime for misdemeanor offenses with these arrests led to Constitutional violations and isolation through solitary confinement and a variety of civil rights violations against the Jan 6th participants we find that what used to be part of Americana NASCAR is also in violation of the Constitution’s 1st amendment.

America, let us all take a moment to send a message to NASCAR and please include the cheer for NASCAR’s Brandon Brown by stating Let’s go, Brandon.

God Bless America.

BTW you can get your Let’s Go Brandon Tshirts both short sleeve and long sleeve by going to

Are you eating cloned meat? Wed, 08 Dec 2021 04:21:21 +0000 Doe-Nut talks about cloning.

Elites are using clones.

We are eating clones.

Some believe we are clones of aliens.

Do clones have a soul?

WTF USA owes Russia money Mon, 29 Nov 2021 07:46:18 +0000 Continue reading "WTF USA owes Russia money"]]> We hope all y’all had a great Thanksgiving weekend. It’s important that we are all thankful every day for God’s blessings. It is time we the people truly wake up and stand up because the federal government according to this article on the gold situation vs US fiat money has been hidden from us for far too long.

We are aware of Joe Biden having a relationship of impropriety with China (CCP). However sniffilus Joe is the only on hopefully most of you are aware of the USA owing China big big big dollars. They always say be careful of who you get a loan from like gangsters, drug lords, and the mafia but apparently, the federal government feels getting money from the communist is no big deal. Put on your seatbelts for this on. According to the article we just received around 2:15 am Monday 11/29/21. The government put we the people of Constitutional America in an even worse position by taking money from another group of communists called Russia. We suggest you take the time and read this article in its entity. The government has lied to us for so long they are pathological liars and want to convince us of the jab,the boosters and once again wearing a mask is safe and effective. They want us to believe Dr Fauci is more reliable than God even though Dr Fauci’s specialty is bio-warfare and has been dating back decades. Don’t surrender your sovereign self and your God cod to believing anything from the corrupt regime in DC. Read this and pass it along to those who are not complete nimrods. Stay thankful that we all have each other out here. Because the current and retired swamp members out of DC don’t care one iota about any of us including your children and grandchildren. Cause they want to jab at 5 yrs old and work their way toward the newborns. WTF. Start reading this article

First, the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) have launched what they call the New Development Bank with a $100 billion gold backing and another $100 billion in reserve. The Chinese, who hold $1.3 trillion of US debt of U.S. debt, second only to the Federal Reserve itself, have begun selling rather than buying U.S. Bonds. So has Russia. So, America is running out of lenders to borrow from. For the first time in 70 years, the Chinese and Russians have created over 40 deals, including oil purchases totaling close to $1 trillion, and they’re doing this in their own currencies and gold, no longer agreeing to U.S. dollar supremacy. For anyone who doesn’t know, in 1944 (the end of World War II) the Bretton Woods Conference was held where the IMF and the World Bank were created and then soon after, the dollar was declared the only international exchange currency — basically, a global economic system primarily under U.S. control. These new deals and others like them around the world are a very significant move. The Chinese have also launched the Shanghai gold exchange to try to bring integrity to international gold pricing after recent revelations of market-rigging by the West. The BRICS countries have also created a new rating agency, the UCRG (Universal Credit Rating Group) that will compete with the cabal’s services (Fitch, Moody’s, the S & P) whose corrupt bestowing of AAA ratings upon junk investments was exposed in the 2008 crash. The BRICS alliance is also working (understandably) on an alternate Internet to avoid the predations of the NSA. The BRICS countries have been patiently check-mating the corrupt cabal that has been destroying the global economy and the environment and now this BRICS group is creating (as far as we can tell) a more transparent, honest, inclusive, and sustainable alternative.

I want to tell you a real story that might sound like a fiction thriller, but which I’m saying publicly now because I believe the evidence is strong enough now to support its validity. In addition to these BRICS developments, there is an alliance of spiritual elders (often referred to as the “Dragon Families”). They represent China, Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, and Viet Nam, at least and they are stewards of the largest off-the-book gold troves in the world. It represents most of the wealth on the planet and is sometimes called “Yamas-hita’s Gold”. This is fully documented in a 2005 book called “The Gold Warriors”, which we highly recommend that you read. Gold has been the most trusted medium of exchange and storehouse of wealth throughout history and we’re being told that these families want to use the vast resource, collected over centuries, to support debt relief, humanitarian projects, and transformative innovations and inventions. They apparently would be willing to provide the gold to back the dollar and keep America in the game, but the Western banking cabal needs to end their scam of creating money out of nothing and bankrupting other countries and then move to an honest, asset-backed system. We’ve also been made aware that there are many individuals in the armed services and in the intelligence agencies who are horrified at the deceptive and destructive agenda of the Washington Consensus and the military industrial complex. And they are not only unwilling to support more U.S. imperialist agendas, but are working hard and at great risk to correct the situation. In addition to The Oathkeepers and Veterans Against War, there’s a committed group who call themselves the White Hats who apparently have been brokering a pending, peaceful resolution — a deal between the Asian Elders and the Banking Cabal — and there are a lot of reports that these new negotiations are now reaching completion, though success is obviously not guaranteed

WTF USA owes Russia money.

Known by their fruits Sat, 27 Nov 2021 20:06:00 +0000 Rooted in Fear

Disguised as health

Branches of control

Chokes out alternatives

Shadow of deceit

Leaves of Propaganda

Buds of varying crisis

Blossom of False Flags

Nectar of poison

Fruit of Luciferase

Seeds of slavery

Aroma of Communism

Welcome to the NWO Bouquet

Thanksgiving 2021 Fri, 26 Nov 2021 03:48:26 +0000 Continue reading "Thanksgiving 2021"]]> First, we at the Constitution Mobile want to wish all of you a blessed and happy Thanksgiving. We want you to know we are thankful for many things including all of you who come to this website and join us in standing up for our We the People-ism, the celebration of our Bill of Rights, and the fact with God we can protect ourselves and our country from being taken over by the radical Marxist, communist, democratic regime headed by a fake and lying presidential wanna be Joe Bid-ladin.

But not limited to Sniffilus Joe we must extend this out to all those Commies like Nancy Pelosi, Schumer, Adam Shifty Schiff, the whorish AOC. The disgusting hellbound swamp members don’t think we don’t recognize you Mick Romney, Obama, and your wife Michael. Let’s not leave out the Clintons. And the rest of your supporting cast of RINOs.

We are thankful on this Thanksgiving that through God We the People of the Republic America will overcome victoriously. That being said, it’s time for y’all to get back to eating leftovers, having a piece of pie, enjoying the beverage of your choice, and thanking those you love for being in your life. Remember, just say No to the jab no matter who this Thanksgiving day weekend tries to guilt you, shame you, or threaten you into getting it. Be thankful God gave you an immune system, a sovereign body, and the power of prayer.

Stand up America. Don’t go silently into the night.

Power to We the People of the real America.

God Bless America and God bless you all.

From all of us at

They never isolated the virus Sun, 14 Nov 2021 20:17:23 +0000 Vax was created from a genetic code sent to us by the Chinese and they never isolated the virus. Then how did they make a code? Biowarfare

America must have a new Capitol Sat, 13 Nov 2021 04:12:46 +0000 Continue reading "America must have a new Capitol"]]> We the people have been duped.

We are putting this on the Constitution Mobile for We the People of America must know the facts.

We the people have been duped since the building of Washington DC.

This video presents proof of the corruption by design of our federal government. We implore you to listen and watch this video in completion. We are sorry there are commercial interruptions but it is the only way we can capture this information.

You may say WTF repeatedly as you take this information in. But please do so and pray to our Father who art in heaven and Jesus Christ to protect us all. Present this to your pastors because the whole church needs to be enlightened so all of us, we the people can pray together for resolve.

We must move America’s Capitol outside of DC. God bless America.

Veteran’s Day 11/11/21 Fri, 12 Nov 2021 02:43:15 +0000 This is to thank you men and women who have stood up for the Constitutional Republic of America.

We Solute you!

Thank you!

Natural Immunity Superior and CDC refuses to accept Thu, 28 Oct 2021 04:55:15 +0000 Continue reading "Natural Immunity Superior and CDC refuses to accept"]]> The Obvious Wins Again: Natural Immunity Superior to Vaccine Immunity

The CDC is waging a war against its own credibility by refusing to accept natural immunity

Aaron SiriOct 2410330

Does a Covid-19 vaccine provide better immunity than prior infection?  While the pundits debated, the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) got to the bottom of this question.  It engaged in a formal exchange with the CDC on this precise question.  The unsurprising answer – natural immunity wins! 

The exchange, while long, is definitely worth the read.  In short – and this is going to be an understatement – the CDC fails to rebut the clear, consistent, and irrefutable science demonstrating the superiority of natural immunity compared to vaccine immunity.  In sum:

  • Who is more likely to get Covid-19 (the symptomatic disease)?  The answer is clear.  Natural immunity provides greater than 99% protection against Covid-19 while vaccine immunity is well below this level of protection even directly after vaccination and from there rapidly wanes.
  • Who is more likely to become infected with and transmit the virus (with or without symptoms)?  The answer is again crystal clear.  Vaccine immunity does not prevent infection and transmission, while natural immunity does.  As the Director of the CDC explained, the vaccinated need to wear masks because, “what [the COVID-19 vaccines] can’t do anymore is prevent transmission.”  (This point is also covered in a prior article.)
  • Worse, based on official government data from the UK and Israel, the known adverse events from Covid-19 vaccine exceed the known benefits of vaccinating the naturally immune.  See the exchange with the CDC linked above.

The lesson yet again is not that health authorities should never make mistakes.  They will.  It happens.  The lesson is that civil and individual rights should never be contingent upon a medical procedure.  Everyone, the naturally immune or otherwise, who wants to get vaccinated and boosted should be free to do so.  But nobody should be coerced by the government to partake in any medical procedure.  

Important postscript:  For those that don’t yet know about ICAN, you should.  Let me introduce ICAN this way: we all want safer consumer products, right?  Safer cars.  Safer planes.  Safer toys.  Safer drugs.  Well, what about safer vaccines?  You know, the consumer products that are literally injected into the body.  ICAN has, for over five years, been at the forefront of fighting for safer vaccines for everyone and my firm has been fortunate to be ICAN’s primary legal counsel in this ongoing battle. 

We are all fighting the same enemy Thu, 28 Oct 2021 04:53:02 +0000 Ireland has put their government on notice that its health mandates are unlawful. They have done so in a brilliant way, and we can build off of what they did to help our own people.

He references a couple of pages on his website. Here they are:
