Search Engine Alert

This is search engine alert update. Google search still has us unavailable. We are a ghost. You can’t see us. You can’t find us on Google. Why could they hate our website so much that they would want to deny us and you of all our Constitutional Rights not to blocked or banned by Google. We learned is number one on all search engines except those you must pay to jocky your website into a better position near the top. We did not pay any search engines for anything. This website was launched on July 1 2020 and by 7/15/2020 we are number one on all the search engines feels good. Google and their friends are so into political correctness, they will break the law amendment number 1 free speech. They deny access to your website because it’s not PC enough according to Google search. Yet we are number 1 on all the other search engines. Thank you very much for showing us on your search engines. We thank all of you for making us number one on all search engines but Google search.

7/14/2020 Google search engine made it so we could not be seen on Google’s search engine anymore. Wow is it something we said? Is it something we shared? Good news 7/14/2020 search engine Duck Duck Go has us number one on the search engine. We really must have upset Google. Guess we have been sharing great things. Enter our website at the URL or enter on Duck Duck Go .

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Today’s series of blogs may not be PC yet they are PC. Perfectly Clear. We will pay honor to those who have a constitutional right to say and be as they are. Hopefully, those enjoying their constitutional rights will understand peaceful protests are cool and your constitutional right to do so. 1st amendment.

Robbing, looting, setting fire to people’s property whether a residence or a business is not peaceful protest. It is violence with intent. What is the intent. Why is it interpreted as PC? It is domestic terrorism. Randomly shooting people just because or in order to change a political agenda or to take over a country is not PC. It is terrorism.

America’s constitution states you can protect your family and property by using one’s second amendment rights. The founding fathers felt We the People should protect America from both foreign and domestic terrorist. For those very same terrorists who represent a NWO the UN or a group of politicians who want to change America at all costs who do not represent We the People. Those same terrorists who get paid are mercenaries at war with We the People of America. That is not PC.

Search engines who use their power to control us in any way shape or form is breaking our Constitutional Rights and are a total offense to the Constitution of America. That is not PC politically correct.

We are going to take a musical approach this evening. We would like to the the musicians and the creative geniuses who dared express their outlooks at life and life’s institutions.

Monte Python who definitely did not care about PC were very well known for their comedic satire and shared it with the world. Some people laughed. Some people had their minds opened to new thought patterns keeping the world and yes America open minded avoiding mind rust.

They made people laugh even if they wouldn’t do it, laugh that is, in front of certain people because it would have been un PC. Some people exercised their freedom to exercised to laugh out loud in front of anyone. Some people just smiled. Some people snickered as if it was a dirty little joke.

Monte Python’s style was from

Years active1969–1983, 1989, 1998–1999, 2002, 2013–2014

let us start by remembering all we are about to share with you relates to the constitution’s bill of rights.

Shall we talk sexual preference?

This song is called The Lumberjack Song this may not be PC to the alphabet people the LGBTQ dare we mention P? Herre goes.

Next let’s talk religion. So many religions. What is PC when it comes to religion? It depends on who is judging. Please remember according to the Bible we are not to judge. Somehow people who are trying to tear America down who say people are not sensitive or PC enough need to die. How judgemental of them. If you are a terrorist in any way whether you are in congress, a governor or a mayor who uses their power and their illegal practice of oversights, disrespect we the people with their criminal fraud, perjury and imagine this even trying to kill we the people with fake virus, tests and vaccines, not to mention future implants. That is terrorism. Not PC. Pleas enjoy this musical interlude about being Catholic.

This next song, Look on the Bright Side of Life is from Monte Python’s Life of Brian. Talk of un-PC but it still is protected under the first amendment. Enjoy the music.

For those who hate America, the Constitution protects We the People from our lives being completely taken over by judgemental people who do not have any of We the People in their hearts. For them it’s about total power, corruption, leading to wealth. Their wealth. As far as they are concerned, the rest of us can die. Afterall their agenda is to eliminate 95% of the world’s population.

It’s time to stand up America. (Even if you are a Lumberjack)

Protect yourself, your family. the true Constitution and America. God Bless America.

One thought on “Search Engine Alert”

  1. Weird and unfortunate…and only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the power-elite attacking
    Our constitutional rights these days…speech,guns and religion are all user attack “The big 3″
    And everyone is being diverted away by civil unrest.. (likely funded by the same poeople).
    On the other side of the coin is much of the world has been casting their eyes on China emerging as the #1 world power and the 1.7 billion possible consumers…
    2 things..if you haven’t yet read UN resolution 21..”agenda 21” READ IT
    If your reading what I wrote. DON’T belive it until you do your own real fact check…me..from more than one source….
    Also most people don’t know but Google and other social media..has a special rider given by Congress that makes them immune from liable for content on their platforms…and there is no one with much over site when it comes too who they block politically…they have only been used when going g to far and locking g down larger (mostly conservative ) sites..

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