If you read and watched the blog post 07/12/2020 of Ted the Terrible Turner you now know the Cabal’s/NWO’s plan to reduce the world’s population by 95%. Could the COVID, the testing for, and the vaccine’s for the COVID virus be part of the plan to reduce pop by 95%? This blog seems to indicate exactly the elimination of many people. After reading this blog ask yourself if you took the test or know of others who have taken the test if they experienced anything similar during and after their COVID virus test.
There is something very fishy about all relating to the supposed COVID virus, the testing for, and the vaccine of and for the COVID virus. When Hydroxychloroquine has been proven to be safe and effective but those involved in the anti-constitutional American movement want unknown not sufficiently tested vaccines to be used, you must ask yourself WTF is up. We hope you speak up with your thoughts/feelings pertaining to all we are bringing up; please leave your contributions to the Constitution Mobile by sending it to info@theconstitutionmobile.com.
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