Dr. Pam Popper is one of the founders of makeamericansfreeagain.com .
Their organization is working to organize voters to communicate with politicians and legislatures what our rights are regarding vaccines and other health related issues.
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They also have resources for homeschooling your children. Check out their website and get registered. Let’s take our country back.
The New Normal: Citizens in Charge!
During the contrived COVID-19 debacle, the liberties and freedoms of Americans have been taken away with breathtaking speed, and are still limited, even in states that claim to be reopening their economies.
We have seen significant evidence showing that the “end game” is mandatory testing, contact tracing, and vaccines with technology allowing law enforcement to determine who is and is not permitted to leave the house, shop, work, or go to school.
It’s time to unite – the tens of millions of Americans who are fed up with this
insanity can gather together and we can declare our independence from tyranny.
The Plan: A Simple Platform!
We form a huge group of Americans around a very simple, easily understandable platform:
“I want the freedom to accept or reject vaccination for myself and my minor
children. The state or federal government cannot force me or my minor
children to be vaccinated without my express permission.”
We are one-issue voters. We agree to vote for politicians who are for our platform and we vote out those who are not. We make this choice regardless of party affiliation and without any consideration for other political issues, understanding that there is no issue more important than the basic freedom from unwanted and potentially dangerous medical intervention.
We stop wasting our time educating and negotiating. We remind politicians –
You only have jobs because we elected you and we can un-elect you!
Join Us Today!