Science has proven that the universe is energy and it operates on vibration. America as a country was vibrating at the speed of freedom for many years. We started out as a group of individuals escaping an oppressive king. We had much drive and momentum to vibrate freedom and keep it that way. Many people lost their lives fighting to set us free.
Through the years America has provided a fabulous opportunity for many to come out of oppression and rise above through capitalism and those brave enough to walk the path with faith as an entrepreneur.
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Those attempting to build a country through capitalism as with those walking the path of an entrepreneur are risk-takers. Life is a risk. Ask any insurance company. In the game of baseball to be in the Hall of Fame, you need a 300 batting average that’s 3 out of 10 times in the batter’s box, and you are considered great. That also means you struck out 7 times. Vince Lombardi, Hall of Fame Green Bay Packers coach said,

Not everyone has that kind of drive and persistence to be qualified as a Hall of Famer or an entrepreneur. It’s rough.
For those people, there are other ways that fit their personalities to become successful in their own right. To be the best car detailer, to be the best teacher, to be the best police officer, to be the best mother and or father. We all have our gifts. We need to do so many different things to be the best at whatever moves our spirit in a positive God-filled Constitutional fashion.
Those people who have embraced the American dream to use freedom to their advantage have vibrated at a higher vibration. However not everyone in America gets to experience this high vibration because they have been taught to run at a low vibration.
Over the course of the years, we have made large strides to correct our wrongs and improve the quality of life for as many as we could. Regardless of our efforts, our country has been an illusion of freedom. Since the beginning, it has meant freedom for some but not all. America’s freedom was infected with a sickness that affected equality for the minority.
America has been on a very long trip toward freedom with the illusion that we already had it. A paradigm shift has brought to surface many of the infections within our society; poor healthcare, race, gender, poverty, corruption, etc.
A woman who worked for over 40 years at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota was asked what’s the one thing she’s noticed by being at the Mayo Clinic for over 40 years. Her reply was, ” People spend their health to get wealth. Then they spend their wealth to get health.” The vibrations that we live in and with vary over one’s lifetime. Remember as Vince Lombardi says,
“It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.”
Vince Lombardi, Hall of Fame Green Bay Packers Coach
The victor runs at a high vibration. The victim runs at a low vibration. People can learn to run at a high vibration. However, if they stay at a low vibration it negatively affects a person’s immune system and overall quality of life.
The article “Frequency Vibrations to Combat CORONAVIRUS” By Swaagatika Sahoo Posted on March 30, 2020 said, ” We all know that we vibrate energetically at a particular frequency. The lower the frequency, the denser your energy, and the heavier your problems seem.”
Some of America was not vibrating at the high vibration of freedom. The lower vibrational frequencies of some in America made America vulnerable then along comes a virus. The Coronavirus that restricts the airflow and the blood flow of a victim.
This virus has not only restricted our health but also our freedom. True liberty, freedom, requires us to believe in freedom during a crisis and not drop our vibrational frequencies by ill thinking.
This virus stopped America in its tracks, altered the citizen’s lifestyles, and put all of us on the same playing field some with high vibrational output versus those with a low vibrational frequency. Like a coach who pulls the players in together to encourage us to up our game which really means play at a higher vibrational frequency, the article mentions mentioned those who have low vibrations have a higher chance of getting affected by the virus. Your body will be vibrating in low vibrations in the following situations pain, fear, resentment, irritation, fury, anger, pride, abandonment, superiority all lower the vibrational level of your life. They all restrict your freedoms and your immune system.
It is best to get yourself into higher vibrational frequencies in order to avoid the virus known as COVID. When your energy is at this higher level you will feel lighter “in your physical, emotional, and mental bodies. You can experience greater personal power, clarity, peace, love, joy, etc. You feel little discomfort or pain in your physical body where your emotions can be easily dealt with. Your energy is literally full of light. Your life flows with synchronicity. Ultimately, you manifest what you desire with ease and your life takes on a positive quality.”
This higher vibration is exactly what freedom feels like. We know what this freedom feels like in America, but not all Americans feel this vibration. It is time to raise the vibration of all Americans to this higher level of vibration so the virus that is attacking America can be destroyed.
We will either deal with this virus in our country and correct it or we will lose the life we once had. The vibrational energy of the illusion of freedom is a low vibration. The vibrational energy of true freedom is a higher vibration. It will take an effort of those in America to rise above the illusion and form the more perfect union the forefathers dreamed about.
Vibrationally love with your higher heart, live in your higher mind. We all need to learn to find our own Hall of Fame.
The king of vibration is near
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