We at the Constitution Mobile need your help. We are not a non-profit organization. We had to get on it. The time it takes to do a non-profit status is far beyond the call of duty we have in helping you, your family, your community, and America not get swallowed up by the evil ones who want to take away Constitutional America by any means.
We are not gazillionaires. We are regular folks like most of America. We are trying to bring you an awakening. We go deep into the rabbit holes every day in order to find out the things you just read in today’s blog.
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The base line of the Constitution Mobile is driving around in the Constitution Mobile giving away pocket sized books of the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Little did we know that book just scratches the surface of what is going on today in America. America is under siege. Politicians have kept you in the dark. You are their mushroom of choice and the fertilizer is not meant to help you grow. The fertilizer is meant to keep you down. They dupe you, lie to you, commit felony criminal actions to steal your life here in America.
If you actually believe they care and love you for your race, your beauty, your mind, or your goodness as fellow American throw some water on your face and get over it. They don’t care one iota.
The love they have for you ends without you knowing you mean nothing to them. We at theconstitutionmobile.com are not paid by any political group. We are on a quest for the truth just like you.
Please help make our work mean something to all Americans. We need help with your gifts to make our tour across America which ends in 2021 after the State of the Union address. We take no government funding whatsoever.
It’s a fact, you can not write off the gifts you bless us with. We must pay taxes like everyone else even if they are sending our tax dollars to the UN or other countries outside of America. The same people who fund Planned Parenthood definitely will not fund us, nor do we want their dirty money.
We do need your help and are thankful when you gift us.
If you’d buy a friend a drink , pay for a round of golf, or buy breakfast, lunch or dinner for someone you know, you can’t write that off your taxes; just like not being able to write off the gifts we hope you would bless us with.
Click here to help our cause.

Some call it paying it forward. Some call it a thank you.
Please know we are very thankful for the gifts you would bestow upon us at the Constitution Mobile. Why support PBS who also gets money from those varmints in Washington and well-meaning people like yourself to deliver you propaganda supporting the overthrow of America?
The Constitution Mobile is here to bring you light on subjects that we have run into deep in the rabbit holes we dare explore.
Please gift us today.

From all of us at theconstitutionmobile.com our warm hearted thank yous.