Who cares about your rights, your Constitutional Rights?
Long shot photograph of an Old Guard soldier placing American flags on headstones during the annual Flags In memorial ceremony, Section 38, Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia, May 24, 2018. Image courtesy Elizabeth Fraser/Arlington National Cemetery. (Photo by Smith Collection/Gado/Getty Images) picture retrieved from https://cdn.aarp.net/content/dam/aarp/politics/government-and-elections/2020/06/1140-arlington-cemetery.imgcache.rev07aad31284b93b2a9ef849e7e893e637.jpg
All these graves are people who cared about your Constitutional Rights. Now ask yourself do you have it in yourself to stand up for America’s Constitution?
Do you have it within yourself to speak up, to stand up, get noisy in order to protect your own Bill of Rights. You don’t have to die like those in the picture to stand up for Constitutional America.
After November 3rd 2020, the rhetoric from those who want to eliminate the Constitution and your Bill of Rights coupled with what many consider illegal voting activities along with their outcomes in various states blew us away. After spending every day from July 1st into December 2020 hoping to awaken and encourage Americans to stand up to those who want to take We the People’s Constitutional Rights away getting into office. We needed a vacation. Our vacations included having a heart attack and hanging out in a hospital for 30 days. Another member of the Constitution Mobile ended up having a vacation in a hotel while the other one was in the hospital. We were just worn out and needed some time away from the lunicy in our current government.
We now have a president who has fenced himself inside his ruling domain to protect him and his cronies from an incredible number of people who know America was ripped off November 3rd.
Picture retrieved from https://drrichswier.com/wp-content/uploads/FENCE-AROUND-CAPITAL.jpg
They put a fence up, added large numbers of armed National Guard Members to protect all the politicos who want to over throw Constitutional America; yet they are allowing thousands upon thousands of illegal aliens to cross into America’s boarders.
picture retrieved from https://www.wnd.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/migrants-children-border-pens-cages-illegal-aliens-immigrants-immigration-DHS-photo-Jaime-Rodriguez.jpg
We the People of America have been prohibited from crossing many state lines due to COVID. We the People have been arrested for exercising our Constitutional Rights not to wear a mask, not to stand 6 feet away from somebody who is with us, or anyone else for that matter.
These same politicians with their armed military force want to take the 2A away from us while they let illegal aliens of which approximately 25 percent tested positive for COVID stay in our country. Who do we believe John Hopkins Hospital who stated on March 16th, 2021
According to testing data from Johns Hopkins University, the percent positivity of COVID-19 tests in the border states Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas on March 16th were respectively 2.7%, 1.9%, 2.1% and 7.2%.
One percent crossing a state border made states refuse people from other states to enter their state. But 2.7%, 1.9%, 2.1% and 7.2%. crossing America’s border is ok because they fit a purpose of the anti-constitutionalist who have taken over government positions throughout America.
These same anti-constitutional politicians take away your inalienable rights found in the Constitution to be moved to the wayside while they are letting illegals into our country.
America is under siege due to the policies of leftist, Marxist, criminals called politicians in Washington take over America; We the People are not meant to be owned by our government but rather they work for us, WE THE PEOPLE.
They want you to be scared of the American government. They want to own you, your family, and your friends who make up We the People.
Stand up. Call it out. Be noisy.
To use Hillary Clinton’s leftist regime’s slogan “Resist”. They thought they were the Resistance. We the People, the Constitutional Americans need to remember those politicos in Washington, those in your state government, and local governments work for YOU.
Picture retrieved from https://www.greenpeace.org/usa/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/RESIST_digital_1200x1200_1.png
If it isn’t within the Constitution RESIST. This is about Constitutional America, the Republic for which it stands. So STAND UP. Get loud.
If you need a copy of the Constitution, let us know email us at info@theconstitutionmobile.com.