A victory against the globalist agenda in Australia!
Month: July 2021
Signs, Bad Numbers & Prophecies
This video is an eye-opener to many of the things that we are going through today. Clay Clark has a great testimony and has overcome in order to educate people for such a time as this.
Catching Senators catching cash
Just listen to this clip from Tucker Carlson, Fox News. This is how public servants become millionaires.
Free Speech a thing of the past?
In today’s cancel culture it is getting harder and harder to exercise your freedom of speech. It is the job of the government to protect our freedom of speech not to censor us and make businesses censor us. Yet today that is the very thing that is being done from the White House.
They are deciding what is misinformation and censoring it but then months later we find out the very people who were censored were actually right. The current administration is in violation of the 1st amendment through this pandemic.
First Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-1/
We the People need to organize and hold the White House accountable for their actions. They need to uphold the constitution or resign.
China is set to overtake America by 2027
This is an interesting speech. They are discussing how America will be into the hands of China by 2027 give or take a year or two but it is set in motion.
It does appear that several of our politicians have their hands in the pockets of China and they have shown their allegiance is not for the American People. This is a serious problem that needs to be addressed aggressively.
Coming to America or already here?
We must pay attention to what is happening around the world. The globalist are using the same tactics everywhere. They create the problem so they can come in to be our “saviors” as they remove freedoms in the process.
We must remember to do NO harm to our neighbors through the unrest that is coming to America. The true enemy is the ones who are orchestrating this. They need to have a trial for crimes against humanity. Yet they have layered themselves so deep that they seem to be untouchable. They are not.
The current unrest in South Africa is due to the imprisonment of a president. In the light of the 2020 election audit those of us who have been following it understand that there is a great possibility that political figures may be removed from office or even imprisoned. It could very well be that the future of America could have similar responses to events. We must learn from other countries so as not to allow America to fall prey to the same global tactics.
The story below is tragic. The neighboring cities have begun to organize and prepare for the worst. They are asking any able-bodied person over the age of 14 to plan on what they can do to defend their cities. Now for the story…
Nichole Sweeten has written the following on FB.
KZN is burning. Will the rest of South Africa?
KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) is a province on the Eastern coast of South Africa. It is 94,361 km2 (36,433 sq mi), just a bit bigger than Maryland. The population is around 11.5 million people. 86.8% black. 7.4% Indian. 4.2% white. The main language is Zulu, spoken by 77.8% of the population, English is 13.2%. Source: Wikipedia. Unemployment in KZN is 47.5%, compared to 43.1% nationally. Half the population is unemployed! (https://businesstech.co.za/…/almost-half-of-all…/amp/)
KZN has 2 ports: Durban and Richard’s Bay. They are the entry points that most of the imports for Gauteng, the most populated province, come from. Durban is the largest and busiest port in Africa. Things took a turn for the worse in KZN when protests over the imprisonment of former president Jacob Zuma resulted in the burning of at least 25 trucks on Friday 9 July (https://www.iol.co.za/…/free-jacob-zuma-protests-take…).
On Monday 12 July grocery stores and malls across the province were attacked and looted. See my Facebook page for some examples or just type the name of any KZN town into Facebook and you will see the destruction. Looters emptied shelves of everything from food to clothes to appliances to bicycles and mattresses, and then burned what was left in many cases. Car dealerships were also torched. Since Monday the looting has continued amongst what was left of the shops and then turned to target warehouses and the port. Farms have also been burned and looted (we watched this ourselves as we sat in our cars on Tuesday evening in case we had to run).
All shops from groceries to pharmacies have been closed since Monday. That is 11.5 million people with extremely limited/zero access to food, medical or any other supplies for 4 days now with no end in sight. A few places have managed to open but queues are miles long and most people wait for hours to be turned away when the shop closes again due to a peak in violence. The most heartbreaking pleas are coming from moms desperate for formula and nappies. Homemade formula recipes are circulating on social media but people don’t even have access to the ingredients. Sapref refinery in Durban, which supplies a third South Africa’s fuel, was forced to close on Tuesday (http://www.dailymaverick.co.za/…/2021-07-13-sapref…/amp/).
The N3, the major and only significant trade route from Durban harbor and KZN farms to Gauteng, is still closed (see tweet below) due to violence towards trucks. Even if it opens, trucking companies will probably be too fearful to send trucks. There is already a shortage of truck tires so soon they won’t be able to. Dairy farmers are dumping out their milk (http://www.farmersweekly.co.za/…/kzn-farmers-dump…/amp/).
The only shops left untouched are because locals have banded together to defend them. It is exceptionally difficult to get a firearm license in South Africa so most defenders are armed with garden implements or golf clubs.
The police on the whole have tried to help their communities, but they are overwhelmingly outnumbered. The government supposedly deployed the army by the number of troops have been insignificant. I am not sure what is more scary, that government is unable to contain the situation or that they are unwilling to. I fear it’s actually both. The ruling party is divided among supporters of the former and current president and many of the former president’s supporters are in this province. There has been some looting in the most populated province of Gauteng, but not nearly as extensive as here. From what I’ve heard in the rest of the country people of all races are banding together to defend their malls. I pray that this continues.
What will happen next in South Africa? Even if the looting stops now it will take ages to get supplies back to the province as even the warehouses are destroyed. Soon the people who looted will be starving and then what will they do? I am thankful most areas still have electricity and water. I am thankful the rest of the country is standing up against looters. I am thankful locals have been able to defend their neighborhoods in many areas. I am thankful for those who have begun to tidy up the mess in some areas. I am thankful that our family is safe and we have food. We stay on a farm so the farmers have been sending food before the looters can get to it. It is a difficult time though as we have our cars loaded to run at a moment’s notice. It is scary for our 3 daughters and I’m just praying that none of us need medical assistance.
Thank you to everyone who has been praying and sharing the message about what is going on over here. I hope this helps to put it in context. I tried to use legitimate news sources for everything, please comment if anything is incorrect or add your story of what’s happening in your area and how this is affecting your family.
We were going to share a video but Facebook wouldn’t allow us to embed it to share with you. So here is the link with more of the devastation in SA. https://www.facebook.com/riseagainsouthafrica/posts/108980751463023
Since looting and burning is a signature destruction move of the Black Lives Matter movement. Have they gone international? Is Black Lives Matter the UN’s Hit Force? Is this terrorist organization involved in the South African conflict? These are questions not because of race because the city destroyed and looted in South Africa was predominantly a population of the black skin color. As we know from our experience with Black Lives Matter they loot and burn their own neighborhoods. They are not concerned with black-on-black crimes and they love to bring civil unrest. Perhaps the organization and its organizers should be included within the trial for crimes along with the global elites.
Perhaps nature is in agreement.

History Debunks the Left’s talking points
We always enjoy the great teacher Glen Beck. He has such a way of making history come alive and shows us truths to help us to combat many of the liberal talking points. This is very much worth watching.
Just listen.
The War on Consciousness has many different layers, with Transhumanism being a major component of it.
Elon Musk and others will try to sell this to people by claiming it will make them “super-human” when in reality it would make them ‘sub-human’ and inhuman.
The human mind and human body is naturally, organically capable of achieving what we call “superhuman” abilities.
Due to the disconnection to nature because of modern society, humanity’s true potential has been severely inhibited.
Cities and towns that are seas of Electromagnetic Frequencies, Glyphosate, Atrazine and other toxic chemicals in the food/water supply, pHARMaceuticals, hormone disruptors in plastics, fluoride in tap water and toothpaste, heavy metals sprayed in the sky, etc are all attacks on Humanity and human Consciousness.
If you have never taken action against these attacks on your body, mind, and soul, you will never understand that they are in fact inhibiting you in ways you could never even imagine without direct experience.
Wanna Kill more babies than Planned Parenthood?

Out of 827 women
700 received the vaccine in their 3rd trimester
127 received it in their first or second trimester.
Of that 127 women, there were 104 spontaneous abortions (fetal death before 20 weeks)!!!
82% of babies whose mothers received the vaccine in the 1st or 2nd trimester DIED, according to this research.
Food Shortages Projected for October
The powers that be do have the agenda to adhere to by 2030 and it seems they are on track. Prepare now for the food shortages coming your way in the fall.