You DO NOT Have To Take the Needle

It is important that We the People remember the whole reason for the Constitution is that Americans Self Govern. If you are not self governing then you are giving your power over to someone else to govern it for you.

The UNITED STATES, Inc has decided if you don’t say and do anything to stop them then they have full reign to govern you even if they decided something against your will.

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Therefore you need to know your Constitutional Rights. Read your Constitution often to memorize your rights.

Below was is an email that we received from The Healthy American We thought it was worthy enough to share with you to remind you to self-govern.

You have authority over your own body
My in-box was flooded with messages from parents frantic over hearing that colleges and universities would be requiring the Covid vaccine in the fall.
Friends, why are you relying on the headlines?
The mainstream media is there to stir you up into a frenzy.
You need to dig deeper.
Or, watch the videos where I dig deeper.

Covid vaccines are not approved by the FDA.
Covid vaccines have an “emergency use authorization” (EUA).
That means the covid vaccines are medical experiments.
Masks and covid tests are also medical experiments.
No one can force you or your child to participate in a medical experiment.
You have the right to refuse consent.
Medical and religious exemptions to covid vaccines, masks, and tests must be accommodated by law.

WATCH the NEW VIDEO below to see why and how to be exempt from covid vaccines
The video: NO CONSENT TO THE NEEDLE or click this link: