Has wearing a mask turned your brain to mush? Is your brain foggy? Are you on the verge of being brain dead? Stand up America. Letters in the alphabet have new meaning. Take the alphabet people for instance. By now most of you know what LGBTQ stands for. But what they are slowly leaking out is that they have added a new letter to the lineup… P. Now it’s LGBTQP. The P stands for pedophile. Yep that’s right. So if you think about all the hyper sensitivity toward so many thing like Black Lives Matter, Xenophobe, Homophobe well wake up.
Not talking woke up. Wake up and stand up.!! Homophobe? If a couple of guys want to jump on each other cause they think it’s a salad bar hopefully it is between two consenting adults. If two girls wanna be scissor sisters and they are consenting adults well, let’s move on and get back to this homophobe alphabet person thing. They are making a move on your children by introducing the letter P to their alphabet symbolic nature. LGBTQ and P pedophile.
At a recent Ted Talks, they come out of the closet about the P word. Be careful if they want you to leave your kids alone at school without you, volunteers, or the police being allowed in the school.
Take your mask/face covering off and get some oxygen. There is a P word floating around and you better pay attention. Hopefully, you won’t be someone who says, “Who’s your daddy?”
Could this be one of the reasons to defund the police department?
If you read and watched the blog post 07/12/2020 of Ted the Terrible Turner you now know the Cabal’s/NWO’s plan to reduce the world’s population by 95%. Could the COVID, the testing for, and the vaccine’s for the COVID virus be part of the plan to reduce pop by 95%? This blog seems to indicate exactly the elimination of many people. After reading this blog ask yourself if you took the test or know of others who have taken the test if they experienced anything similar during and after their COVID virus test.
There is something very fishy about all relating to the supposed COVID virus, the testing for, and the vaccine of and for the COVID virus. When Hydroxychloroquine has been proven to be safe and effective but those involved in the anti-constitutional American movement want unknown not sufficiently tested vaccines to be used, you must ask yourself WTF is up. We hope you speak up with your thoughts/feelings pertaining to all we are bringing up; please leave your contributions to the Constitution Mobile by sending it to info@theconstitutionmobile.com.
We are serious. This is serious. We hope you are too.
Ted Turner has been heard saying “95% of you are going to have to die”.
He is involved in a group of global elites that have a strong belief that there are too many of us here and in order for maintain proper balance with the earth then we need to reduce our population drastically.
Here is a video of the testimony of an eye witness of Ted’s shocking statement.
According to Wikipedia “In June 1979, a man using the pseudonym Robert C. Christian approached the Elberton Granite Finishing Company on behalf of “a small group of loyal Americans”, and commissioned the structure. Christian explained that the stones would function as a compass, calendar, and clock, and should be capable of withstanding catastrophic events. Joe Fendley of Elberton Granite assumed that Christian was “a nut” and attempted to discourage him by giving a quote several times higher than any project the company had taken, explaining that the Guidestones would require additional tools and consultants. Christian accepted the quote. When arranging payment, Christian explained that he represented a group which had been planning the Guidestones for 20 years, and which intended to remain anonymous”.
If the Georgia Guidestones are any indication of what the New World Order plans are for us, see what is inscribed.
The ten Guiding Thoughts are:
For the most part, it sounds good, but notice the very first commandment.
How many people are allowed on the earth? 500 Million.
How many people are on the earth right now? 7.8 Billion
That means 7.3 Billion people have to die.
Now who gets in this selection of elect that get to live?
How Constitutional is that? Is everyone allowed Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness or just a select few.
You may say, oh that’s just a conspiracy. Nobody is ever going to make the Georgia Guidestones a policy.
Listen to this:
Did you notice how easily he explains away the logic of the number of population? Think for yourself logically. Is he full of BS?
These are the plans they have for you.
And they have been working at their plan for years.
Rioters who hate America are not an accident; they are the fruition of decades of ideological indoctrination at our universities. While Marxism was increasingly repudiated around the world by countries that had suffered and failed under communist rule, professors in Western universities enthusiastically took up the destructive system, breathing life into its rotting corpse.
Many professors arriving in universities in the 1970s and 1980s grew up in or inherited the counterculture of the 1960s. Those who got high, dropped out, and then failed at subsistence farming dropped back into academia and decided never to leave. But their revolutionary fervor would not be lost; rather, it would reshape academia into its own image. Two of my colleagues—yes, I could name names—in the small anthropology department in which I taught for fifty years declared proudly that they were communists. Two others preferred to call themselves Marxists. One colleague in political science was a rabid enthusiast for communist Albania, until it fell, and then became the champion of communist North Korea. Later, most social scientists and humanities teachers adopted “postcolonial theory,” a Marxist-Leninist view that all of the evil in the world, from the days of Adam and Eve up to today, was entirely the result of Western colonialism.
Marxists, communists, and their fellow travelers never could sell the bourgeois vs. proletariat class conflict to Americans or Canadians, all of whom preferred to think of themselves as middle-class. But when the socialists added identity politics to class conflict, they hit pay-dirt, pure gold! The conflict was no longer between economic classes, but between gender classes, racial classes, and sexuality classes. The Marxist class conflict model proved perfect for feminists, racial activists, and sexuality activists to claim victimhood status and to denounce their alleged opponents as ruthless oppressors. And so was born the “patriarchy” crushing innocent females, “white supremacists” murdering harmless people of color, and “heteronormal” dictators forcing gays, lesbians, and transgenders into locked closets.
These new identity Marxists were quickly indulged within departments of women’s studies and feminist & gender studies; departments of black studies, Hispanic studies, and ethnic studies; and departments of queer studies and transgender studies. The mandate of these departments was propaganda and indoctrination on behalf of the favored sex, race, or sexuality. Aided by nihilistic, postmodern epistemology, the belief in truth and the academic search for truth were thrown out and replaced with identity-based “knowledge,” because “each person has her own truth.” Alleged experience and emotion now trump research, evidence, and logic.
A series of identity Marxist lies became the center of teaching and publication in the social sciences and humanities. Let us begin with the fourth-wave feminist lie that North Americans live in a “rape culture.” Feminists in anthropology and other fields taught their students that they live in a rape culture, and the students absorbed it as if it were mother’s milk. You might have thought that anthropologists have some idea what a culture is, but apparently feministanthropologists, which means just about all anthropologists, seem to have fallen into ideologically induced amnesia. Let us remind ourselves what culture is: culture is a set of conventional beliefs, values, and practices. To say that we have a “rape culture” would mean that we believe rape to be a good thing, that we teach our children to rape, and we reward rape, just as we regard reading as a good thing, teach our children to read, and reward success at reading (or at least used to). But we do not regard rape as a good thing, do not teach our children to rape, and do not reward rape, but rather punish it. So this feminist assertion is an outright lie. This is not rocket science, but feminist professors ignored our cultural reality in order to scare impressionable young women, who were becoming lax now that most feminist goals had been achieved, back into the security of the feminist camp.
The black studies lie, publicized with great effect by Black Lives Matter, is that black men are murdered every day by police, and that no black boy on the way to school or black man driving to work is safe from being murdered. If one is even slightly interested in facts and evidence, then it is clear that there is no empirical basis to this statement. There are around forty million African Americans, of which around twenty million are male. There are around fifty million contacts between police annually. In 2019, 1,004 individuals were killed by police using lethal force. Of those killed, 158 were black. Of those 158, all but ten were armed, but of those ten, six attacked the police. But even if we count the unarmed counterfactually as non-threatening, the percentage of unarmed male blacks killed is .00005% of all black males.
Sadly, many blacks were murdered, but not by police: in 2018, 2,925 African Americans were murdered; 2,600, or 89%, were murdered by other African Americans. By comparison to deaths in encounters with police, in 2006, 2,704 blacks were killed in auto accidents. In 2018, 6,088 African Americans died of opioid overdoses. The facts could not be clearer: the miniscule risk of death that African Americans face from police was far exceeded by the much greater dangers of being murdered by other African Americans, by being killed in a car accident, or by drug overdose. This does not excuse any unjust police killing, and citizens of any race must be treated fairly by police. Any policeman who unjustly kills a citizen must be held accountable. But the racist exaggeration of the threat to African Americans by police is dishonest and destructive. In the latest survey about public safety, 67% of African Americans said that they were afraid that the criticism of police would lead to a shortage of law enforcement and reduce public safety in their community.
Just as feminists have claimed that gender has nothing to do with biology and everything to do with socialization to societal norms, so too LGB, and especially T (transgenders), claim that they are victims of oppressive, “heterosexist” norms, that they have a right to be whatever they say they are, and that other people must obey instructions about their identity. These folks might not like it, but biology is inherent to their lives, and they cannot escape it. Across all cultures, women’s brains, skills, and preferences are different from men’s. Males have been built with XY genes, and females with XX. While men can take on whatever identity they desire, and may demand chemical and surgical adjustments, they will always be XY and can never be women; women can dress and act like men, but they will always be XX and can never be men. It is a lie to claim that identity can trump biological reality. Much pressure has been put on the public, often by governments and other organizations, to validate the fantasies of individual identity, a highly coercive and counter-rational demand.
The upshot of these Marxist identity-conflict campaigns is the cancelation of academic values in favor of “social justice,” which is operationally defined as special preferences and benefits to preferred categories of people. The rationale for “social justice” is also counterfactual: it claims that any difference in outcome of members of various census categories is the result of discrimination. For example, if females are “underrepresented” in the sciences, it is alleged that they are victims of discrimination; if African Americans have weak College Board scores, it is alleged that they’ve suffered the same. The possibilities are endless.
The supposed discrimination is taken as proven by unequal outcomes, when in fact most of the differences in outcome are explained by other factors, such as choice, given that females in droves avoid “hard” sciences in favor of social sciences and humanities, and that family structure and culture, for example, one parent families, differs from group to group. So too with the alleged “income gap” between males and females, which is mostly explained by the fact that men work more hours, days, and years than women. A particularly ugly consequence of the discrimination assumption is that the prominence of East Asian Americans in medical professions and fields can then be attributed to (imaginary) discrimination in their favor, just as the Nobel Prizes for Jews can be discounted as (imaginary) discrimination on their behalf. The reality is that for decades there has been official systemic discrimination, called “affirmative action,” in favor of females, African Americans, Hispanics, and LGBTs, with alleged oppressors sidelined for belonging to the wrong categories.
But it goes far beyond this. America and the West generally are identified as collective oppressors of these gender, racial, and sexuality “victims,” and are thus vilified as evil and requiring complete destruction, to be replaced by LGBT, feminist, indigenous, Muslim governance, priorities, and rules, including literature, art, and science by members of victim categories. Our university professors teach, and our students learn, that America, Canada, and the West are hateful, with a hateful oppressive history, and only oppression as their legacy. What they teach and learn is that only a revolution that totally transforms America and the West can redeem them. And our university graduates have taken to the streets to riot in favor of this “social justice” revolution.
No one has done a survey yet of the educational attainment of street rioters during this spring of discontent. Perhaps the looters and burners were less ideological than college graduates, although the two who threw Molotov cocktails at police were law school graduates. But of those attacking police and pulling down every historical statue in America—the Confederates and the abolitionists, the generals and the presidents, the explorers, the feminists, and the soldiers—I would wager that a large majority are university graduates, doing what they have been taught to do. We can thank our universities for that.
We either believe in liberty in times of crisis, or we don’t believe in liberty at all.
To find a politician who is willing to stand up, be willing to speak up to the country regardless of the opposition, knowing full well it could be their political execution by a steamroller organization called the New World Order and their propagandist called fake news during an election year. We applaud US Senator KY Rand Paul for his valor under fire.
Our fellow Americans it’s time to stand up on behalf of you, your family, and Constitutional America!!
Why would anybody stand down when it comes to protecting their rights given to all of us by the Constitution?
If people do not like their mother and father telling them what to do, why would anyone want members of any branch of the US government, members of Congress, the New World Order, WHO, CDC, the UN, criminal politicians, even your neighbor telling you and your family how it’s gonna be, how you are gonna live, and how high you are gonna jump no matter where and when?
If somebody was hurting your family would you stand up to those who are responsible for hurting your family or would you rather be a coward?
It’s time to stand up regardless of the consequences. Do you disrespect yourself, your family, your kids, and America so much you would be a turncoat, sissy poo, slacker, and join in being one of those who commit treason against America? There is not enough alcohol, drugs, (prescription or no prescription) that will ever erase the guilt, shame, and disappointment of losing your soul because you did not stand up for God, family, and America. Capish?
How proud will you be knowing your kids at some point will tell you they are ashamed of you for not standing up for them and protecting them and America due to some “Karen” who made you turn your back on Liberty and freedom? Your kid’s Liberty and Freedom rests on your shoulders.
STAND UP, Capish?
Either choose liberty or choose tyranny. The choice is yours.
Picture retrieved from https://www.reddit.com/r/VoluntaristMemes/comments/g09sgu/quarantine_to_tyranny/
July 3rd 2020 Rand Paul Senator from Kentucky stood up instead of standing down during an election period. Kudos to Rand Paul. Read the article below.
Rand Paul’s exchange with Fauci was exactly what America needed
Between an economic recession and civil unrest in every corner of the country, perhaps it should come as no surprise to see heated exchanges between public officials on national television.
In a spirited parley on Wednesday with Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) delivered a much-needed condemnation of the political elite and the hubris Americans have grown so tired of hearing from Washington.
“It is a fatal conceit to believe any one person or group of people has the knowledge necessary to direct an economy or dictate public health behavior,” said Paul. “It’s important to realize that if society meekly submits to an expert, and that expert is wrong, a great deal of harm may occur.”
In the short time that has passed since, pundits and commentators have reacted in a multitude of ways. While many of the usual detractors pounced on what seemed like an opportunity to lambaste Paul, others proudly took to social media to defend him.
As refreshing as the senator’s input is, however, this sentiment is but an echo of what numerous scholars and thought leaders have been saying for decades: No one — not even the most brilliant “experts” in the world — holds the foresight or wisdom to make such far-reaching decisions over the daily lives of ordinary people.
In his Nobel Prize Lecture in December 1974, world-renowned economist Friedrich A. Hayek condemned the economic theories that had, for generations, dominated global commerce (namely, the Keynesian school). In an excoriation of what he called the “pretense of exact knowledge,” Hayek issued a timeless warning against the “scientistic” approach to economic policy, that is, the habit of applying the immovable axioms of the hard sciences to the spontaneous fluctuations of the market, which he argued “will hardly ever be fully known or measurable.”
And now, as the unholy alliance between scientism and economic policy marches toward reunification, the warnings from generations past are perhaps even more relevant today than they were then.
Even as COVID-19 deaths finally approach a long-desired decline, 20 states (including ruby red strongholds like Texas and Kansas) have implemented orders requiring residents to wear masks in public. Meanwhile, California’s Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom just issued yet another order requiring businesses in 19 counties to shut their doors. And after months of enforcing some of the country’s harshest stay-at-home orders, Michigan’s Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has once again ordered bars in lower Michigan to shut down (including those in the Detroit area).
Additionally, the city of Chicago just passed a public health order requiring travelers from a list of 15 states to quarantine upon arrival. Failure to do so is punishable by “fines of $100 to $500 per day.”
Of course it’s no secret just how out of touch the political class is from the headaches their policies inflict on the good, hardworking men and women of this country. But how much longer are we really prepared to tolerate their efforts to subdue our civil liberties and economic well-being? Will it really be (as they’ve promised us again and again) just a few more weeks when the virus is, according to their “expert” definition, “under control”?
The question Paul is ultimately trying to ask is this: Should solving society’s most pressing issues really be left to an unelected bureaucrat or entrusted to everyday people? One thing is for certain. We either believe in liberty in times of crisis, or we don’t believe in liberty at all.
That’s why I stand with Rand.
Cliff Maloney is the president of Young Americans for Liberty.
The New World Order is trying to make us all tired. Just hearing the word COVID makes people tired and cranky. Signs demanding we wear a mask to make us tired with its repetition all day and night long.
Turn on the Teli, the radio or just listen to some panic induced “Karen” tapping her foot with crossed arms making you very glad she has a mask on.
Wearing a mask makes you tired due to the minimum 19.5% oxygen level dropping quickly past 17% squeezing the dead brain cells out of your oxygen-depleted body and soul. sucking the humanity right out of you.
Each day picking out the pants you wear, the shoes you will wear that day, but what really makes you tired is trying to figure out your mask/face covering of the day.
People need to stand up now. Their goal is to break you down, make you a robot, just do as told regardless of forced face coverings being against your constitutional rights and totally illegal.
Some years ago if a man picked his date up, handed her a paper bag instructing her to put it over her face before they went out the door, she’d say, “no way, Jose, adeus a hole”.
Now instead of flowers, you give the gift of a face covering. If he says, now that’s better, you never looked so beautiful. Upon returning home from the short evening out because all the businesses are closed down, a goodnight kiss just isn’t gonna happen. Afterall, and N95 mask just doesn’t work well with a cloth mask made from underwear.
Who wants to share a mask full of sweat and bacteria? Is it a sign of true love when one of them says ” oh, just shut up and kiss me”?
Dump the face mask. Reclaim your life. Don’t be a robot. Your free spirit will re-energize you.
Enjoy the song from Mary Chapin Carpenter song Shut Up and Kiss Me
This story about 5 Guys restaurant in Daphne, AL. Its a shameful story. A story of disrespect and ignorance by 5 Guys minimum wage employees. What they really did was encourage would-be robbers to get their way and munch their burgers with cajun fries as they walk out the door counting the register money laughing.
There is a thin blue line between dead customers and employees and the evil shooters who love gun free zones and a lack of cops in the neighborhood.
Change the signs, try respect and love.
Daphne Police release statement on incident at Five Guys
DAPHNE, Ala. (WALA) — A law enforcement source confirmed to FOX10 News that Daphne police officers were refused service by several employees at the Five Guys restaurant at Jubilee Square shopping center late Tuesday night.
The officers said the employees turned their backs on them when they entered the restaurant.
The officers said one of the employees was overheard saying, “I’m not serving them.” The officers left and went to another restaurant. The officers claim six or seven employees acted together.
A sign on the door to the establishment states the restaurant is not open to dine-in service and that masks are required for entry. The sign states the establishment offers curbside, carryout and delivery service options.
Daphne Police released a statement about the alleged incident:
“The Daphne Police Department appreciates the outpouring of support from our community and from supporters of Law Enforcement across the country. We also want to thank Five Guys on a corporate and local level. We have been working through this situation and there has been total cooperation. The Daphne Police Department does not think that the actions of a few employees represents Five Guys as a whole. To clarify some misinformation that has been spread on social media, on July, 7th three officers of the Daphne Police Department entered the Five Guys restaurant in Daphne. The three officers became aware of the mask requirement. They returned to their vehicles to obtain masks. All three officers were wearing masks the entire time they were inside of the establishment. The events that occurred while the officers were in the restaurant were unfortunate. We will continue to work with Five Guys on this matter towards resolution once all the facts are known.”00:1402:33Daphne Police officers say fast food restaurant employees refused to serve them
A Five Guys corporate spokesperson released the follow statement:
“Five Guys and the Franchisee of the Daphne, AL location were made aware of reports that local Police Officers had been denied service by employees at that location.Five Guys and the franchisee are actively investigating the situation and are committed to getting to the bottom of it. However, no matter what the details are, we do not want these police officers, or any customer, to feel disrespected or slighted in anyway. We apologize to those officers and also want to make it clear that Five Guys and its franchisees are committed to fair, respectful, and equal treatment for all customers.” We will continue to investigate the matter.
Daphne Mayor Dane Haygood posted on Facebook Wednesday morning that his office is aware of the story reported by local media.
He wrote:
“We have … put the Daphne Police Department in touch with ownership of the establishment in order to understand what occurred and circumstances surrounding the event. We love our PD in the City of Daphne, Alabama – ‘The Jubilee City’ and certainly hope that our officers were not refused service. I am offering to buy these five officers their next meal. Who else wants to follow suit to show our support and appreciation for our men & women in blue?”
In 1970 a group called Five Man Electrical Band released an album called Good-byes and Butterflies featuring the song written by Les Emerson called “Signs”.
The chorus line
Sign, sign, everywhere a sign Blockin’ out the scenery, breakin’ my mind Do this, don’t do that, can’t you read the sign?
50 years later 2020 the most likely the most hated sign is everyone must wear a mask, everyone must be 6 feet apart.
Signs aren’t limited to the front door or the windows or stuck on a post. Now there are grafiti signs spray painted on the walls of the building, on a statue, on the road.
There are political signs on an NBA basketball court. Imagine that.
Directional signs on the floor of retail shops.
Everywhere a battle of oppressive signs.
Think about it. Hope you enjoy the music.
And the sign said “Long-haired freaky people need not apply” So I tucked my hair up under my hat and I went in to ask him why He said “You look like a fine upstanding young man, I think you’ll do” So I took off my hat, I said “Imagine that. Huh! Me workin’ for you!” Whoa-oh-oh
Sign, sign, everywhere a sign Blockin’ out the scenery, breakin’ my mind Do this, don’t do that, can’t you read the sign?
And the sign said anybody caught trespassin’ would be shot on sight So I jumped on the fence and-a yelled at the house “Hey! What gives you the right?” “To put up a fence to keep me out or to keep mother nature in” “If God was here he’d tell you to your face, man, you’re some kinda sinner”
Sign, sign, everywhere a sign Blockin’ out the scenery, breakin’ my mind Do this, don’t do that, can’t you read the sign?
Now, hey you, mister, can’t you read? You’ve got to have a shirt and tie to get a seat You can’t even watch, no you can’t eat You ain’t supposed to be here The sign said you got to have a membership card to get inside Ugh!
And the sign said, “Everybody welcome. Come in, kneel down and pray” But when they passed around the plate at the end of it all I didn’t have a penny to pay So I got me a pen and a paper and I made up my own little sign I said, “Thank you, Lord, for thinkin’ ’bout me. I’m alive and doin’ fine” Wooo!
Sign, sign, everywhere a sign Blockin’ out the scenery, breakin’ my mind Do this, don’t do that, can’t you read the sign?
This song “I’d Love To Change The World” written by Alvin Lee on the Album “Ten Years After” sung by Jetta released in 1971 has come full circle when listened to on July 4th 2020. The Chorus line is as follows:
“I’d love to save the world but I don’t know what to do, so I’ll leave it up to you.”
We can not leave it up to others. We must stand up for America’s Constitution as America is completely under attack by those of the dark side and the Deep State of the New World Order, the Cabal, and the Illuminati.
Yes, it is up to you.
Don’t be afraid.
Stand Up
God Bless America
Everywhere is freaks and hairies Dykes and fairies, tell me where is sanity
Tax the rich, feed the poor ‘Till there are no rich no more
I’d love to change the world But I don’t know what to do So I’ll leave it up to you
I’d love to change the world But I don’t know what to do So I’ll leave it up to you
But I don’t know what to do So I’ll leave it up to you