The people who are out to kill you. Normally we might wanna introduce a subject in depth. If you don’t listen to this and take it seriously, your entire family should divorce you, God should strike you with a bolt of lightning, and you should undergo enhanced interrogation techniques. Done talking. Start listening. Pass this to everyone you know.
Category: Say What?
History of Illuminati & America
This audio is from Circa 1960 or sometime in the 60s after JFK got bumped off. If you want to hear the roll of Illuminati and the names of those involved in the Illuminati, NWO (New World Order) game plan for world dominance going back forever and a day. Then being brought through time that will make you think it’s talking about today. It’s actually only through some time in the 60s.
Some of the names but not limited to these names include Adam Schiff’s granddaddy Jacob Schiff of Manhattan a total Illuminati and member of the NWO agenda; guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. We are talking about you, isn’t that right Adam Schifty Schiff?
When we at were listening to this audio we were totally blown away. It was hard to take in, but once you get done listening to the whole thing in its entirety you will have total clarity. You will think this is talking about today. You will also most likely say WTF repeatedly. If you don’t understand what is said, then play it again and get all distractions away from you cause this is way serious intel.
You wanna know what happened? We hope you have total clarity as to what happened. Take this seriously. In the name of you, your family, America, and our Father who art in heaven. Truly God Bless America. And you too John Boy… didn’t mean to leave Tiny Tim out. His life has been affected by the same group that has been affecting the lives of all of us.
Give me a God Bless America.
We couldn’t embed this video but you can find it here.
Who are you? WHO WHO WHO
Americans who do you want to decide how you will live and yes, how you will die? This is very enlightening when it comes to the WHO and for those that are still out to lunch that is World Health Organization.
If you are not up on the current intel, this will bring you up to speed. Who is running the WHO? How the WHO, China, and the friends of China are working with the UN to assist the NWO (New World Order) in taking over not just your life, not just your land, but what they are going to do with both when they seize control of America.
We at spend hours upon hours digging into the rabbit hole researching what we find and then what sorts out we post for you, your family and America.
Give your brain some more oxygen if you wear a mask.
Stop being afraid.
Get some oxygen into your system so you can think clearly. If you have been scared enough to wear a mask then this information outta scare the crap out of ya. If you are scared this will be a good exercise on how to stop being a pansy.
Remember we are supposed to be in the home of the free and the land of the brave.
I guess it’s time for you to look into the mirror and ask the person you see in the mirror who are you?
The Fleecing of America
137 municipalities received grants from Congress (using taxpayer money) to entice local politicians to sign a treaty with the UN. The cities must pay the UN money (taxpayer money) annually for 15 years. You will see the list of cities below. Additionally, as you read the whole scoop what it means including the surrender of community rights and constitutional rights.
They did this by having cities join a group called ICLEI. Now this group is a global network for Sustainability. If you know anything about Agenda 21 you know very well what Sustainability is and what that means. If you haven’t read agenda 21 you can download it here.
This includes but not limited to energy grids. Notice toward the end of the article the same group that is supposed to influence sustainability is now influencing what is considered a “public health crisis”. We hope this pisses you off.

STAND UP those of you who consider yourself to be Americans. Please, please read the information on this blog. If you don’t like to read have someone give you a knuckle sandwich. Don’t be a slacker, read this whole thing. Then start screaming at your Congress people… by the way, the FBI was involved in this debauchery. They rammed this through without any president’s knowledge. This was a total back door deal. Question, how is your back door feeling now? you have a right to feel abused.
Congress paid 137 cities to join UN post
These cities have separated themselves from the U.S.
By treaty.
NATO signed a treaty Tuesday binding the U.S. for 15 years
Matthew Warren signed a treaty Tuesday on behalf of the U.S. without consent of the President or U.S. Senate.
Through a United Nations (UN) organization called:
Local Governments for Sustainability.
Whatever that is.
Sustained with tax dollars spent by Congress.
Paid out through grants from these federal departments:
- Homeland Security
- State
- Justice
- Commerce
- Justice
- Executive Branch
- Defense (Pentagon)
- Health & Human Services (HHS)
Please enter these search words in your favorite internet search engine:
ICLEI and UN United Nations
One search resulted in this:
Cities now part of the UN are:
- Alameda, CA
- American Canyon, CA
- Antioch, CA
- Ashland, OR
- Atlanta, GA
- Auburn, WA
- Baltimore, MD
- Beacon, NY
- Bellingham, WA
- Benicia, CA
- Binghamton, NY
- Birmingham, AL
- Boise, ID
- Boulder, CO
- Brentwood, MO
- Broward County, FL
- Cambridge, MA
- Cazenovia, NY
- Cincinnati, OH
- College Park, MD
- Columbia, MO
- Columbus, IN
- Creve Coeur, MO
- Davis, CO
- De Moines, IO
- DeKalb, IL
- Delray Beach, FL
- Denton, TX
- Denver, CO
- Dewitt, NY
- District of Columbia
- Dover, NY
- Dublin, CA
- Dunedin, FL
- Durango, CO
- Eagle County, CO
- Eau Claire, WI
- Edgewater, CO
- Edinburg, TX
- Edmonds, WA
- Emeryville, CA
- Encinitas, CA
- Everett, WA
- Flagstaff, AZ
- Fort Collins, CO
- Ft. Lauderdale, FL
- Fremont, CA
- Glen Rock, NJ
- Grand Rapids, MI
- Greenville, SC
- Hattiesburg, MS
- Haverstraw, NY
- Hawaii County, HI
- Hayward, CA
- Holland, MI
- Humboldt County, CA
- Jefferson County, WA
- Jersey City, NJ
- Johnson County, IA
- Keene, NH
- Kennebunk, ME
- Kennebunkport, ME
- Kent, OH
- Key West, FL
- Kirkwood, MO
- La Grange Park, IL
- Lancaster, NY
- Lakewood, CO
- Larchmont, NY
- Lawrence, KS
- Leon Valley, TX
- Los Angeles County, CA
- Los Gatos, CA
- Martinez, CA
- Maui County, HI
- Metropolitan King County, WA
- Millbrae, CA
- Minneapolis, MN
- Monterey, CA
- Montgomery County, MD
- Montpelier, VT
- Nashville, TN
- Natick, MA
- New Castle, NY
- New Haven, CT
- New Orleans, LA
- New Paltz, NY
- New Rochelle, NY
- New York, NY
- Newburyport, MA
- Northfield, MN
- Oakland Park, FL
- Oberlin, OH
- Olympia, WA
- Orlando, FL
- Oshkosh, WI
- Oxford, OH
- Palo Alto, CA
- Park Forest, IL
- Phillipstown, NY
- Piedmont, CA
- Philadelphia, PA
- Pleasantville, NY
- Portsmouth, NH
- Princeton, NJ
- Riverside, CA
- Roanoke, VA
- Rockville, MD
- San Anselmo, CA
- Santa Ana, CA
- Santa Clara, CA
- Santa Cruz, CA
- Santa Fe County, NM
- Savannah, GA
- Santa Monica, CA
- Sedona, AZ
- Solana Beach, CA
- Solano County, CA
- South Bend, IN
- South Miami, FL
- South Portland, ME
- Summit County, UT
- Surfside, FL
- Tacoma, WA
- Thousand Oaks, CA
- Travis County, TX
- Union City, CA
- Ventura County, CA
- Washington, D.C.
- Waterloo, NY
- Wellesley, MA
- West Palm Beach, FL
- Whitefish, MT
- Wilton Manors, FL
- Windsor, CA
- Woodstock, GA
- Yountville, CA

On June 23rd, racism was proclaimed a “Public Health Crisis” by ICLEI. Climate change is also considered a permanent “Public Health Crisis”.

Ohio’s largest city, Columbus, is in Franklin County.

Fifty Billion Dollar Reward Offered
Anna von Reitz
Remember I told you –months ago– about two very important and truly scientific bits of information?
First, that atmospheric oxygen is being denatured by microwave transmissions and that the amount of atmospheric oxygen has been depleted from 21% in 1950 to 16% now?
That’s 5% in 50 years, versus 8% total since 250,000 BC? Ya think we have a problem here, Houston?
You are starving for oxygen on a daily basis, and now you are putting on masks and further depleting your ability to breathe. Brilliant.
Second, the idiots in charge of the military created a monster vaccine and deployed it through the military during the second Iraq War. It was a vaccination that has caused the victims to develop “super coagulation syndrome” Also known as “thick blood disease”.
A whole generation of second-round Iraqi Vets are battling this disease and being forced to take Warfarin — rat poison — to thin their blood enough to survive.
And there’s something even more troubling bubbling to the surface: their families are developing the same symptoms.
Well, here you go, an official explanation of Coagulation Disease by a doctor. If you won’t believe me, believe him:
“Doctor Reveals the Corona Effect — Claims COVID is Blood Coagulation” — published July 16, 2020, on the Freedom Articles, by Makia Freeman.
Remember that the US Surgeon General doesn’t condone the use of masks?
There’s a reason for that. He knows they don’t work. Masks only make things worse.
So, let’s cut to the chase. There is a real problem — reduced atmospheric oxygen. That’s a problem for all life on Earth.
That problem is being made worse– quickly — by pollution of the oceans, deforestation, and broadcast microwave technology.
And there is also Coagulation Disease, brought to you by the Frankensteins being allowed to experiment on our military personnel.
But there is no distinctive “Covid 19” virus in evidence and no proof of any viral “Covid 19 Disease”, either. None.
This is all bushwah based on nothing but the Common Cold Virus we’ve all lived with for centuries.
We are so confident of that, that The United States of America is offering a fifty billion dollar reward to anyone who can prove otherwise.
What we have going on here is a “live exercise” being foisted off on all of us by the out-of-control WHO and UN organizations who have no granted authority from our government whatsoever.
Listen and weep and then get up off your rumps and kick some:
Quote: “Major documentary confirmation of something many of us have come to know for certain in recent times: the entire COVID-19 world-shutdown is part of a live training and simulation exercise run by the unscrupulous WHO and United Nations, as documented in their Global Preparedness Monitoring Board’s annual 2019 report and their International Health Regulations treaty of 2005—which 194/or 196 countries signed off on—which pretty much establishes a Global Government (of the WHO & United Nations, & the high-level international GMPB) along with their sponsors, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, & other unnamed donors.”
Send this little blurb to “your” Governor and tell him that if he wants the Big Money Reward, all he has to do is prove that: (1) a distinct “Covid 19 Virus” exists, has been identified, and is in evidence in the general population; and (2) the aforementioned “Covid 19 Virus” causes a definable and unique disease apart from the Common Cold caused by other corona virus strains.
And otherwise, failing that test, he needs to shut up and get his State of State back to normal ASAP. No mask mandates. No nonsense. Either that, or face criminal charges for promoting a Public Hoax costing Americans millions of jobs and hundreds of billions of dollars.
Send it to “your” Congressmen and the news media and the members of all the Bar Associations and the United Nations Secretary-General and the Pope and all “Municipal Government Contractors” and all the other Guilty Parties responsible.
Make it go “viral” for real.
Scottland Scams USA
Do you like Scotch? If you do pour a drink before you read this one. The information comes from Judge Anna Von Reitz.
Anna mentions in this Facebook post that a Scottish Commercial Corporation called itself “The United States of America, Incorporated” and started impersonating us. Check it out.

Does this make it apparent that we need to stand up, be involved to protect our true constitution and America. has read many of Anna Von Reitz opinions. She has a very interesting delivery of what appears to be great research. We have not met her nor spoke with her. There are those who say Anna Von Reitz was never a judge but rather involved with the CIA. We just don’t know.
What we do know is she brings an interesting bailiwick of information. We hope what we post on stimulates and motivates you all to look into the information shared.
We are very serious about this. We all must grow.
Think for yourself. Stand up and don’t let America’s Declaration of Independence, Constitution or Bill of Rights be taken lightly. We all need to stand up for the Constitution, ourselves, our families, include your kids and your parents because we Constitutional Americans have a very strong burning desire deep inside us to have all God’s blessings in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as well as the Declaration of Independence.
What great stuff to explore through with your entire family. Kids too. It’s better than any mystery novel. Embrace your Declaration of Independence, your Constitution, and your Bill of Rights.
Just ask yourself if you don’t like your mother and father telling you what to do, do you want the government and the NWO telling you what to do?
God Bless America
Who’s Your Daddy?
Does P stand for Poppa?
Has wearing a mask turned your brain to mush? Is your brain foggy? Are you on the verge of being brain dead? Stand up America. Letters in the alphabet have new meaning. Take the alphabet people for instance. By now most of you know what LGBTQ stands for. But what they are slowly leaking out is that they have added a new letter to the lineup… P. Now it’s LGBTQP. The P stands for pedophile. Yep that’s right. So if you think about all the hyper sensitivity toward so many thing like Black Lives Matter, Xenophobe, Homophobe well wake up.
Not talking woke up. Wake up and stand up.!! Homophobe? If a couple of guys want to jump on each other cause they think it’s a salad bar hopefully it is between two consenting adults. If two girls wanna be scissor sisters and they are consenting adults well, let’s move on and get back to this homophobe alphabet person thing. They are making a move on your children by introducing the letter P to their alphabet symbolic nature. LGBTQ and P pedophile.
At a recent Ted Talks, they come out of the closet about the P word. Be careful if they want you to leave your kids alone at school without you, volunteers, or the police being allowed in the school.
Take your mask/face covering off and get some oxygen. There is a P word floating around and you better pay attention. Hopefully, you won’t be someone who says, “Who’s your daddy?”
Could this be one of the reasons to defund the police department?
Stand up America your kid’s ass is on the line.
L G B T Q & P
Stand up America.
Ted Talks is not your friend.
Do You Really Want To Be Tested?
If you read and watched the blog post 07/12/2020 of Ted the Terrible Turner you now know the Cabal’s/NWO’s plan to reduce the world’s population by 95%. Could the COVID, the testing for, and the vaccine’s for the COVID virus be part of the plan to reduce pop by 95%? This blog seems to indicate exactly the elimination of many people. After reading this blog ask yourself if you took the test or know of others who have taken the test if they experienced anything similar during and after their COVID virus test.
There is something very fishy about all relating to the supposed COVID virus, the testing for, and the vaccine of and for the COVID virus. When Hydroxychloroquine has been proven to be safe and effective but those involved in the anti-constitutional American movement want unknown not sufficiently tested vaccines to be used, you must ask yourself WTF is up. We hope you speak up with your thoughts/feelings pertaining to all we are bringing up; please leave your contributions to the Constitution Mobile by sending it to
We are serious. This is serious. We hope you are too.

Ted the Terrible Turner
Why i s Ted Turner so terrible, you ask?
Ted Turner has been heard saying “95% of you are going to have to die”.
He is involved in a group of global elites that have a strong belief that there are too many of us here and in order for maintain proper balance with the earth then we need to reduce our population drastically.
Here is a video of the testimony of an eye witness of Ted’s shocking statement.
According to Wikipedia “In June 1979, a man using the pseudonym Robert C. Christian approached the Elberton Granite Finishing Company on behalf of “a small group of loyal Americans”, and commissioned the structure. Christian explained that the stones would function as a compass, calendar, and clock, and should be capable of withstanding catastrophic events. Joe Fendley of Elberton Granite assumed that Christian was “a nut” and attempted to discourage him by giving a quote several times higher than any project the company had taken, explaining that the Guidestones would require additional tools and consultants. Christian accepted the quote. When arranging payment, Christian explained that he represented a group which had been planning the Guidestones for 20 years, and which intended to remain anonymous”.
If the Georgia Guidestones are any indication of what the New World Order plans are for us, see what is inscribed.
The ten Guiding Thoughts are:
For the most part, it sounds good, but notice the very first commandment.

How many people are allowed on the earth? 500 Million.
How many people are on the earth right now? 7.8 Billion
That means 7.3 Billion people have to die.
Now who gets in this selection of elect that get to live?
How Constitutional is that? Is everyone allowed Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness or just a select few.
You may say, oh that’s just a conspiracy. Nobody is ever going to make the Georgia Guidestones a policy.
Listen to this:
Did you notice how easily he explains away the logic of the number of population? Think for yourself logically. Is he full of BS?
These are the plans they have for you.
And they have been working at their plan for years.