Schools are Getting Money

In this video, this woman breaks it down. The school board is pocketing money to uphold all of these COVID mandates. She shows how to talk to them. The next step should be to file a complaint with your county sheriff to start an investigation so that these people can be held accountable.

Here is the form to put them on notice

This Mayor Means Business

This was such refreshing news to receive. Finally, someone in political office is going to hold these perverts accountable.

Here is the video of the Hudson Ohio Mayor’s actions at a school board meeting.

The Christian Post wrote an article on this.

The subtitle of the article mentions what caused the Mayor to make this decision.

Course materials ask students to write about orgasms, ‘X-rated Disney scenario’

The course material that raised concerns for Shubert and many parents and students who attended the school board meeting is called, 642 Things to Write About, one of several required texts for composition in the liberal arts II, a college-level English course offered at Hudson High School in conjunction with Hiram College.

Before Shubert spoke, a local resident shared his concerns about the book with the board. “Do not sexualize our kids,” he demanded. “The raw filth that snuck past the gatekeeping functions of this board of ed of 642 Reasons was disgusting.” 

The man listed one of the prompts students were asked to write about, including “explain a time when you wanted to orgasm but couldn’t.” He alleged that “students were told not to take the book home” so that their parents would not be aware of the material their children were exposed to at school.

It goes on to state the kids were told not to tell their parents about this book, or the assignments. Here are some of the topics they were told to write about.

According to Havens, 642 Things to Write About also asks students to “describe your favorite part of a man’s body using only verbs,” “write a sermon for a beloved preacher who has been caught in a sex scandal,” “write an X-rated Disney scenario,” “drink a beer” and “write about the taste,” discuss “the first time you had sex” and “write a scene that begins ‘It was the first time I killed a man.’” 

“I hope each and every one of you is as uncomfortable as I am after reading that,” she remarked. “Now, imagine you are 17 and in a room full of peers with an adult teacher. How do you feel now?” 

The article goes on to mention the school had been using this curriculum for six years.

The school board’s calloused response tells you they feel no remorse for their actions or they feel they have an agenda to get this into the courts because they have the backing of the current administration to twist the courts in their favor.

You can go on to read the article here.

Whatever their reason to not resign just goes to show the “good guys” have been silent for way too long. It’s time to get noisy and start holding these people accountable. Bring to light everything that is in the shadows. Now is the time to play hardball folks. Our country, our children, future generations, and the world are counting on us to do the brave thing.