We just can’t stop it; This Sunday Musical adventure into America. We have things to do but don’t want to leave out more music for you. We have to include some legendary musicians whose hearts bled red, white, and blue. This will be one song after another. No lyrics this time. Just music. Better have some handkerchiefs around just in case these songs of America, yes some are patriotic, and the legends that sing them just may pull your heartstrings.
It’s time to stand up America. Don’t let the likes of the CDC, the WHO, and their cabal handlers tell you how to live your life, especially when they are stepping on the true Constitution and your Constitutional Rights.
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Take your masks off. Stand up when you hear the National Anthem. Show your kids what it is to be a free person. Get out of your safe room, save your teddy bear for the night time, pull your adult thumb out of your mouth and get some self-pride.
God Bless America.
Enjoy the music. Here is Johnny Cash Song of the Patriot.
Johnny Cash was blessed with a woman named June, June Carter Cash. Many times in America we are all blessed with a completely musical family. There is a place called the Grand Ole Opry on Saturday night in America American families would sit around the radio and listen to a true piece of Americana. Radio Opryland. Here is June Carter Cash the better half of Johnny Cash singing Ring of Fire, the song she wrote for him.
Yes it’s a family affair. Here is Johnny and June Carter Cash’s daughter Rosanne Carter Cash. She is going to share with you music. She is also going to talk with you as they did back in Opryland. She wants to share with you about something important in America; The American family. We are playing 2 songs back to back uninterrupted so Rosanne Carter Cash can speak her peace. Truly take the time to feel your heart and how fortunate you are to be a Constitutional American. Here is Rosanne.
How about Willie Nelson singing Living in the Promised Land.
Let’s hear it for Charlie Pride singing America the Great.
What is America without America’s sweetheart? Dolly Parton, the American Flag never looked so good on the female form as with Dolly Parton performing Color Me America. It’s ok, go ahead and say it, God Bless America.
If Dolly Parton didn’t move ya, let’s talk Loretta Lynn. This song is about her life growing up in America. The song emphasises the need for love to ring true no matter what your income level is in America. Let that family love flow to you. Here is Loretta Lynn singing Coal Miner’s Daughter.
The name Kris Kristofferson is synonymous with many of his friends like Willie Nelson, Merle Haggard, Waylon Jennings and the boys. One of those boys named Kris Kristofferson. Here is Kris Kristofferson singing Broken Freedom Song.
What about Merle Haggard? You know Willie, Kris, and Merle Haggard. America a beautiful place for the most part a God-filled country. Even so, we do have challenges. Let’s have Merle Haggard sing us a song that reminds us that we must all work together for better times in this Constitutional country called America is meant to be. Here is Merle singing Where did America Go.
We have to do it, we have to play Kris Kristofferson singing I am a Patriot.
Talking of patriotic songs. Here is Toby Keith singing Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue.
Let’s talk about the William’s family. Hank Williams, Jr. singing America Will Survive.
Hank Williams, Jr’s daddy the one, the only, the original Hank Williams. Daddy Hank had many hits. This is about a wooden Indian called Kaw-Liga. Guess what, Kaw-Liga actually exists. You can find him on Lake Martin in Alabama. This is true. Enjoy the tune Kaw-Liga.
American Blues is original as America. Imagine that. We could spend a whole Sunday dishing up American Blues. So we will just start with a country hall of fame song that’s pretty bluesy about the need for love. The need for someone to be true and how to be glad the river bed was dry. Cause God gives you another day to make your dreams happy in America. Daddy Hank is up one more time singing you his song called Long Gone Lonesome Blues.
Oh that Williams family. Daddy Hank had Hank Jr. Hank Jr had Hank the third. So here is Hank the third. That’s Hank Williams the third. The song Country Heroes.
Were you thinking where is George Strait? He is in the Heartland.
Talk about an American Legend; George Jones. Just as horse racing is a passion in America how could we leave an American legend on the backside of the track? George Jones The Race is On.
Attention fans of American Music and the performers who may have made you hold your musical device or sit around family radio to be entertained on a Saturday night. If we did not include a little Memphis in your Musical Sunday. If we did not take you to Graceland would we be theConstitutionMobile.com? Elvis Presley bringing you 2 songs to finish out our Sunday Blog of music. Here is Elvis Presley ( ahuh ahuh) doing the trilogy.
We thank you all for joining us at theConstitutionMobile.com. We spend a lot of time and a lot of money to move your American heart in the right direction. To move your heart in the direction of the True Constitution. You have rights here in America you will find them written out for you in the Constitution. It’s called the Bill of Rights. Stand up. Protect your rights. Protect the True Constitution of America. Let us not forget our Declaration of Independence. Help Save America by standing up. Take that mask off. Eliminate the fears being embedded into the hearts and souls of our children.
Try to remember the home of the free and land of the brave. Remember a few may want to take America away from you, your family, and your friends. Stand up. Take the mask off so when you say “I just don’t think so, not today; not ever.” they can hear you.
Here is Elvis reaching out to you, America.
We at theconstitutionmobile.com pray that you will help make our work a little easier. We hope your heart wants to help us continue in our journey to deliver you free pocket-sized books of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. The huge amount of time that we spend researching for you, the Constitutional Americans bringing you great insight, working to eliminate fake news is ever ongoing.
Please gift us now. Thank you. God Bless America.