Humble Beginnings

When we set out on this quest to share the Constitution with as many people as possible it came at a time when the pandemic was taking away our freedoms left and right. We couldn’t believe how quickly everyone just took their crown of freedom and laid it at the feet of eager power-hungry politicians.

We at Rolling Promos, LLC felt that the problem resided in the fact that so many people do not know what America stands for anymore. With the huge influx of foreigners not assimilating and the colleges not teaching American history properly we felt the issue we could help with was education.

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We set out to contact the college we knew loved the Constitution and taught it for free. Hillsdale College was quick to assist us in our quest. They put their printing press on the task right away and The Constitution Mobile project was launched.

We have already begun passing out the booklets throughout Arizona. Our goal is to go to one of the few 4th of July events open to Americans in Arizona to pass out pocket-sized books containing the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights to those in attendance.

We will be traveling the country passing out copies to as many Americans as possible to remind them of our duty as Americans to keep the politicians on the task to protect the Constitution.

Join us in this quest by sending in a gift or by volunteering. Contact us at for more information.

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