Indisputable Deadly Documentation

It is unconscionable that they have continued to push a vaccine that has already killed thousands.

Perhaps the information in this video can shed light on why people are dying.

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Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, came forward with indisputable documentation regarding the vaccine.

Any other experimental vaccine when it kills just a few people, that vaccine is immediately shut down. However, with this COVID vaccine, they continue to push this vaccine which appears to be an agent of intentional genocide.

They are pushing the vaccine onto the American people knowing full well what they are doing yet at the same time allowing unvaccinated people to come over our border in an invasion. It leads to questioning, are the invaders the ones committing the genocide or are they working with those committing the genocide? Either way, the American, UK, Canada, Italy, Spain, and the goes on of the targeted group.

What is really going on? We know our elected officials and private entities posing as government agencies are working with the enemy of We the People and their intent is not for our positive health and wellness.

Here is a message that every community should hear.